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John from Riverside

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Everything posted by John from Riverside

  1. I really don’t understand why it’s even a thing, so Joe Biden fall off his bicycle. When was the last time Donald Trump ever got his fat ass on a bicycle to do anything? The only mistake to Joe does is not know his limitations. He tries to do things like a younger man would not given two *****, who is around to see it. Where is Donald Trump would never put himself into a situation where he had to strain himself. which is worse? Would this be opposed to making his own reality like Donald Trump does Biden probably does have dementia. He is old and slow and anybody can see it. But at least he’s not Donald Trump
  2. Don’t knock government cheese I lived on that as a kid makes pretty good grilled cheese sandwiches
  3. Yeah, I am not a far leftist. I know that that’s not a thing.
  4. Ron DeSantis is perfect for where he’s at He would be a completely ineffective president, even though I would take him over Trump, because none of his policies would get approved Slavery was good because it taught them skills. That’s the effective saying a monkey could do your job.
  5. I plan on watching the movie But I’m in a different camp than people are about movies. Nowadays, I take movies for what they are entertainment. The sound of freedom is not some cold to arms against the Democrats only people that are ***** in the head take movies as a sounding call. It’s an entertaining script. I actually like the lead actor and like the work he has done in the past but once again, I keep his politics separate from his job. Child trafficking is a real thing and it’s bad. It happens more than people know, but they’re not doing it so that they can take their blood. It’s mostly for sexual work and labor. Which is horrible.
  6. OK let me slow this down for you You are whatever you want that is your right Mulvaney is allowed to ***** anybody she wants to matter how she prescribes herself Because women can’t get abortions in several states now they run the risk of getting pregnant by default. They can’t have as much sex as they want because there is a risk of them getting pregnant. Do you see how that works? Meanwhile, man can ***** anything they want because there’s no chance they could get pregnant
  7. Ha ha You do realize that this court date is going to be right in the middle of the primary presidential campaign You’re going to have a president who is trying to be elected while he is on trial and evidence is being presented on the fact that he can’t be trusted as president Except for right this very second, they could not have found a better date for this I was wondering that myself fake electors are not legal. In fact, there are people about to go to jail for this.
  8. What does her wanting to be a lesbian have to do with your freedom of choice You are aware that there are human beings that go both ways, right As of yet we have not taken away sexual freedom, except from women, of course
  9. It’s her choice You guys are all about freedom, right?
  10. James Cook towards the end of the season, look really good people seem to forget
  11. Does anybody know how Supercade is doing?
  12. Only three drafts ago That’s three years you’re making it sound like it was last draft lol
  13. Funniest guy on here Has to go to teef
  14. Greg who? there was a greg turned into deranged rhino that I’ve been trying to track down to make sure that he’s OK during this writers strike Lol
  15. Whenever they send Marley Taylor, Greene, they are not sending their best that is for sure
  16. There was a time whenever. I really wanted this player to be a bill.
  17. As long as Teri is not making decisions on the football side, we’re good
  18. The most that you asked for from a back up QB is 3 out of five games, not including playoffs I think Kyle Allen can do that
  19. I don’t play video games, but if I saw this in real life, I think I would literally have a heart attack
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