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John from Riverside

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Everything posted by John from Riverside

  1. That’s just weird The whole thing with that sub blows my mind you would never get me in it because I’m so claustrophobic, but if anybody I knew that I cared about was gonna go in it, I would want the very best people working on that project Super bad optics there to A room full of white people talking about how there’s no racism It almost looks like a dog whistle
  2. Also not included in this is the fact that Joe Biden was in a coalition of countries. The United States was an acting separately whenever it came to pressuring, for the firing of the Burisma prosecutor It wasn’t Joe Biden acting on his own
  3. I failed to see how this is. The doctors fault. At 18 years old, you’re allowed to make your own decisions and you live with the decisions you make It’s not for everybody For me, it’s saved my life for reasons that I won’t go into hear I got to meet a lot of different people I got to see a lot of the world I got to see how other people live and I have a lot of memories and stories Some people just aren’t built for it and that’s OK
  4. On his face, I think that that would not be true. There are a lot of right wingers that are moving to Florida because they love the policies. They still have nowhere close to the population of California, which in essence is it’s own country.
  5. It really is an interesting topic because if you’re gonna go after Hunter, Biden with such fervor then why are trumps kids who were actually put in the White House with security clearances that they did not deserve, and made millions of dollars off of them not being sought after I actually do wonder why this isn’t more of a thing with Democrats it’s right out there
  6. I don’t think that any surgery should happen until people become adults Gender, affirming care is different than surgery Until they are adults, I think the parent should always be consulted and approve It should never just happened. It should only be done after a lengthy process of meeting with a psychologist. I wonder how many situations we really have of actual surgeries happening to children I’ll bet that that number is very low. I personally think it should be zero but once they become adults, they are free to do whatever they want. If true prosecute
  7. Do you think that military people don’t have mental illness? And I’m not saying that this person does have mental illness, but there are plenty in the military that do and yes, they are heroes That person is out there, protecting your freedoms
  8. They going after Hunter Biden is such a week argument he is literally not in any political situation whatsoever other than being the son of the president Everyone knows that he’s an idiot. Everyone knows that he’s a drug abuser no one is defending it. There’s also no proof that Joe Biden is anything other than a concerned parent of his son, even the text between him and Hunter relay that out he cares about his kid, making him human Meanwhile, you have Trump…….
  9. That is an armed forces member Should be a hero to all of us, even if you don’t agree with some of the things that are said I actually have no problem with this ruling Until they are adults, the parents should have some knowledge of what’s going on
  10. I just thought it was interesting how Marley Taylor green just showed us all what a hideous person that she is by showing off those photos on the Congress floor She probably thought that made her look good. She is such an embarrassment to the GOP party. I don’t really see a distinction between hard drive and computer. Basically the hard drive is the computer.
  11. What what would your solution be? Do you think Russia should just take Ukraine? Because that really is the only option other than supporting them without our support, they wouldn’t last for as long as they have
  12. Here’s a way to keep from getting brought in a court Stop doing crimes DeSantis has done some things that are unethical but not illegal they’re not going to go after him for that
  13. OK let’s recap a little bit here Ukrainians did not invade Russia Russia invaded Ukraine The soldiers that are getting killed are Ukrainians. It’s sucks and war sucks but I would much rather be someone else than our troops. If it Hass to be someone I would rather not be anyone. It’s interesting, because I didn’t hold these beliefs whenever I was an active military member, but as a grow much older, I’m starting to have much more appreciation for life and especially a much further appreciation for our troops lives, because they don’t get a say in whether or not, they get put in a dangerous situation they just have to go No more foreign wars
  14. But we’re not fighting it Therefore have only so much control of it I really don’t want another Afghanistan, which is what you get whenever you fight wars on foreign soil
  15. Maybe? as someone who has participated in it, I think wars are bad I think part of the agreement to send aid should also be legitimate attempts at peace talks although I don’t know if Putin is really into that
  16. Whenever we drafted, James Cook the thing that I was worried about was that he was going to be one of those run up the middle not be able to bring atackle back that just couldn’t get anything going in the short yardage I was pleasantly surprised towards the end of the year that even though he’s not the biggest back in the world, he did gain tough yards I think in order to continue his progress James Cook is gonna have to put on maybe 10 pounds? And I wonder what that will do to his speed going forward
  17. Yeah, I don’t really look at it that way I have friends that are in the LGBTQ community. I treat them the same as I do everyone else and they appreciate that. You have far left and far right factions that are taking things a little too far
  18. Anyone but Trump I actually think that this is fair I don’t really take much stock in the lyrics that musicians write. I don’t take them as a call to arms, even though we know that some do. Both of these songs are popular with bad lyrics
  19. I’ve gone on record that I’m not a big fan of Kamala Harris. She was brought on to get the black vote and really hasn’t done much in her position would definitely not like to see her as president. But Let’s not act like Trump didn’t do the exact same thing with Mike Pence Mike Pence was brought on to get the Christian vote now I will say that if I had to vet all of them, Mike Pence is the guy that I would be the most comfortable being president in an unfortunate event, but it doesn’t change the fact that the vice president see is all about the voters that they can attract Yes, because in the history of politics, no one has ever done that right?
  20. If only excessive golfing was the only thing that Donald Trump did I could live with that whatever he says that he wasn’t going to do as much golf as Obama. It didn’t really bother me that he spent so much time doing it after that that to me is a little white lie. But it just gets worse from there And worse And worse And worse
  21. Wars generally take a little while, especially whenever they are Dug in and as much as they are even whenever this started the people in the know, said that if it didn’t end right away, it was going to take years meaning if Russia didn’t overwhelm them in the beginning, it was gonna be protracted war I have no problem with funding them as long as We don’t put our own troops on the ground I’m not talking about people to train them how to use weapons I’m talking about actual troops And We keep giving them aid, but having accountability of how that aid is being spent, and where it’s going The military contractors are getting fat and rich off of this
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