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John from Riverside

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Everything posted by John from Riverside

  1. As I said earlier, you probably missed it. There are some things that I didn’t agree with in the handling of the Covid pandemic. Putting masks on kids was one of them but I say again the issue is not the health of the kids who seem to have been able to fight Covid off pretty well. The issue is for the teachers and they have the right to a safe work environment.
  2. I tend to agree. It’s just that the loudest people are seen the most. Whenever you have some mega idiot, running around with 32 flags on his truck those stupid looking balls falling out the bed and Trump signs. It’s over so much of the vehicle that you wonder how he even sees the road. It’s a little bit hard to dismiss that from your memory. By the way, these ***** idiots are always speeding
  3. So is there a big I’m on drugs sign that gets on your forehead when you start using them or something Exactly. How do you police that? Unless you have a prior record and even now they’re looking for records of people that have been violent.
  4. I don’t see anything manly about slow roasting your balls
  5. Actually, like Jason Aldean’s music It’s a free country I think it was his comments afterwards that bothered me whenever people question him about it which is their freedom to do he called that dangerous rhetoric I mean what exactly does that mean because that sounds like something Trump would say Continue making your music Jason get your bag. I say that to everybody get your bag whenever you can get it just know that this was not patriotic. It was simply a product.
  6. If you’re asking me who the specific people are that actually have the data the answer to that question is, I don’t know, but it was easily enough accessible. That green was able to extract from it and use it on the house floor even though it had nothing to do with hearing that was being held. We know that the store owner downloaded the contacts who it was disseminated to after that I honestly couldn’t tell you only how it’s being used
  7. I have my own certain feelings about Covid vaccines and all of that but what does lady said is completely untrue No one was told they couldn’t go out of their houses we don’t live in China The beaches were closed because you couldn’t rely on people to follow the rules, and there Hass to be rules during a pandemic Nobody told children that their breath was toxic. Children were greatly affected by all of this, because they probably didn’t understand what was going on, but don’t you think that it’s fair that our teachers should also have the ability to work safely?
  8. You’re not answering my questions either I asked you what is the purpose of putting dick pics on the Congress floor of Hunter Biden? What purpose does that serve the people? OK Let’s slow roll this How do they have the ability to come up with things that are on Hunter Biden’s hard drive? There obviously Has to be some kind of way that they took those pictures and the other thing is that they’re trying to allude to as proof in America. Someone that calls herself a congresswoman I literally just showed pictures from it on the house floor Yes, obviously Republicans have access to that information in someway unless you’re suggesting that they doctored it? I think that that would be a stretch myself.
  9. I don’t watch CNN So why hold the hearings? What purpose does that serve the American people? Can’t dispute anything I say though, right Conspiracy theories are fun they don’t require a shred of proof
  10. Just show it to me show me some thing that specifically links Joe Biden to some credit card receipt I’m telling you you don’t have it
  11. What I said, was simple and doesn’t really need defending as of yet. Congress has not provided any proof that Joe Biden has done anything illegal in any way. How do I know this because impeachment proceedings would already be starting in the house instead of just Marley Taylor greens token putting forth impeachment votes every day of her life only to have them rejected by a republican house If they had any concrete evidence at all that they could take to the people instead of just saying that they’re continuing to investigate, they would be doing it you best believe that Just show me how the credit card receipts are linked to Joe Biden Once again, if that was real proof, impeachment proceedings would already have started. You’re not thinking here. The Republicans would take any opportunity that they had to smear Joe Biden. They want to impeach him so bad, but they have to have more than this right now they don’t have anything.
  12. I am curious why you think they show the dick pics on the Congress for what was the reason for that?
  13. No, it was just to embarrass Joe Biden son who already does a good job of that by himself My question is why was that shown on the house floor Hunter Biden is not a politician Hunter Biden is a known idiot and drug abuser. They’re not telling anybody anything knew there. So why do it? And of course you have proof of that You need to stop thinking in terms of the laptop. If you have the contents of the laptops hard drive, you don’t need the laptop the store owner download it the contents of the hard drive that’s how they got the dick pics. Everyone knows that the FBI came in and picked up the laptop but that doesn’t matter because the MAGA store owner download a copy
  14. I don’t have to defend some thing that the Republicans can’t produce it’s up to them to make their case they’re not making it
  15. I don’t believe in conspiracy theories not from anyone Unless you have actual factual evidence, this whole thing is a non-starter. The Republicans are trying so hard to link Hunter Biden to Joe Biden, but you can’t if it doesn’t exist and it does it.
  16. Stop thinking in terms of laptop The hard drive is what the question is here The Trump lover, who made a copy in the store should have more than enough information to implicate Joe Biden If there is any information to begin with, that is the problem for the Republicans, you cannot bring up proof that doesn’t exist Proof of what the Republicans are trying to say happened I say, if you have the proof show it this is really simple Hunter Biden is an idiot The Republicans have absolutely no proof that Joe Biden has done anything wrong
  17. In the same way that they were able to download the dick pics they are also able to get other information off the drive You cannot present information that doesn’t exist unless you make it up The dick pics were shown, because there was a classless congresswoman who is making a mockery of her position Credit card receipts are not proof
  18. Sorry man you were in the conversation
  19. And? If the Republicans actually had anything from that laptop, they would’ve presented it already instead of presenting dick picks on the Congress floor
  20. I never said that it was to begin with only what the continents were on it There is nothing there, implicating Joe Biden, nothing
  21. Given this I wonder if they regret letting the guard that we signed go
  22. I think that people tend to gloss over the fact of how just I’ll beat up. This team was well still going 13 and three. The main addition to our defense that was supposed to be a game changer was Von Miller and we didn’t even have him for the whole season. We lost both Poyer and Hyde. We lost important players here and they’re over the course of the season constantly. That’s why, whenever people say that we made no additions to our team this year to get better I laugh the addition is we’re getting back our prime players
  23. A huge upgrade over Harris? The only thing that’s wrong with Damien Harris is he can’t stay healthy whenever he’s healthy he is very very good Once they are drafted, it makes no difference, but I think that you’re right that just by default hill showed more than cook. It took a little while for cooki to get going this last year.
  24. I opinion is that is a pretty damn good QB on a stacked team
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