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John from Riverside

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Everything posted by John from Riverside

  1. What exactly is wrong with cheap wine? I’m about to drink this box.
  2. Is this really a road that you want to go down? Florida is doing some crazy ***** right now.
  3. My thought of the night is I really think that Marley Taylor Greene did a disservice to the republican party by showing those dick pics on the house floor There’s absolutely nothing graceful about her, and it had absolutely nothing to do with what they were doing, other than to embarrass someone and Hunter Biden should sue her I am no Hunter Biden fan. I am fully in the camp that if he actually did anything wrong, he should go to jail. He’s a drug abuser. He’s leached stuff his father‘s name. He’s a mess, but come on. We are humans here.
  4. Let me preface this by saying that I actually like aggressive defenses more I love the wide nine that we ran, and I loved Wade Phillips defenses However Aggressive teams also get gashed if McDermott employees a far more aggressive scheme be prepared for that every once in a while, they’re going to convert And Leslie Frazier’s defense a third and forever is all about playing the percentages so he may not have been wrong there sucks because you want your defense to dominate everyone does
  5. Is it really a surprise that masks were being used during a pandemic Let’s keep in mind that Covid was a new thing. It’s not like we’ve had an outbreak of it. In the past we were learning as we went. By the way, I commend you for being a teacher. It is an honorable job, and could not have been easy during the pandemic We’re you teaching in Florida? That’s exactly what they should’ve been doing holding an outdoor service was a perfect solution
  6. Yes, during a presidential race, it’s called weaponization the same thing that the Republicans are complaining about now the differences is a Donald Trump was directly involved whenever he was trying to dig up dirt on Joe Biden, which he never found
  7. Jesus Let’s just for a moment roll over the fact that there is literally no proof of this Donald Trump was not impeached for anything that Joe Biden did anything has happened to Donald Trump. He is brought on himself at this point.
  8. It’s going to do well because it’s got a following Little girls are gonna want to go to see this. Their parents are going to take them.
  9. I was not aware that the moms for liberty were being prosecuted
  10. To be clear, I am not a fan of anyone handling classified documents outside of a skiff That’s how I had to do it
  11. In the end, if it bring some good things to the actors who are out there, ham and egg in it for years, I’m all for it Whenever you’re starting out in that business, you literally make no money. You can be a working actor and not have enough money to be able to pay your rent. Whenever my daughter was doing this, I actually took up an extra job just to cover all the expenses of keeping it going, and she was actually getting gigs
  12. How about we pull up how many executive orders Donald Trump put forth while he was in office This guy was literally pulling funding from VA hospitals to build his wall
  13. The ***** it is They’ve already been labeled a far right extremist group
  14. There are literally audio video and actual classified evidence of trumps crimes. It’s not equal you can’t do. What about it I’m here. I think that January 6 was a riot. I think that there were a lot of people that went to the Capitol planning on protesting, and it turned into something else there were people that did not intend for violence to happen they were in the crowd they were people in that crowd that it at every intention of committing violence, it was a riot. I am not comfortable with calling it an insurrection. The documents case, however, is entirely different to me, because I spent so many years of my life dealing with it everything that Trump is saying about the documents is false if anyone other than him tried to do what he did, it’s Leavenworth baby your average Air Force sergeant making a mistake that’s anywhere close to that can just kiss his ass. Goodbye. To me that is the worst thing he has done. Donald Trump is like a kid that has been given the keys to the Candy store and can’t help himself.
  15. I just heard someone put down moms of liberty as if that is a good thing
  16. No president has ever been arrested. Whenever there been an office that was about impeachment and it was valid every time that they did it. The Russian collusion thing I am not a conspiracy theorist, and the Mueller report says that there was no collusion. Therefore it is what it is. How about this if Trump would just stop doing dirty ***** maybe they would stop going after him for it Trump is the problem they’re not people that are trying to hold him accountable
  17. I judge people on their words and their actions You got to understand I’m not a leftist. I am an independent, and I watch people individually. Not Every Republican is a racist Nazi or cultist I think that it’s a broad, stroke, a little too broad
  18. I will say this, and are Republicans friends here will get a chuckle out of this When I first saw Jack Smith, the first thing I thought was this guy reminds me of back in the days whenever they were hunting, witches and he is one of those old-school Puritan inquisitors or something no nonsense doesn’t know how to crack a smile actually kind of scary as ***** whenever it comes to legal stuff Just thought that was kind of funny since the term witchhunt comes out of Donald Trump’s mouth about every three seconds
  19. Not liking the Democratic agenda makes you a republican and quite honestly there’s nothing wrong with that The republican party is not Maga Maga is the far right extremist associated with the republican party for power purposes But the republican party also has a problem. Trumps cult is very real and they eat their own. If you’re a Republican falls out of line even a little bit you will hear about it very quickly. That’s why they’re all scared to speak out against Trump, even though they know that he has committed crimes He wouldn’t piss on them if they were on fire
  20. I don’t see how you can say that it’s not cancel culture What’s the Republicans are doing is literally the definition of it You don’t have to buy it thats your right with your money But whenever you’re going in the stores harassing employees that basically are just earning minimum level paychecks and making messes that they really don’t wanna clean up forcing them to take it off of the shelves because they don’t want the drama. You are doing cancel culture how it could be looked at as any other way than that is bizarre.
  21. Do you have an extremely short memory? I am not a Hunter Biden fan I have repeatedly said on here that he is a hot mess Now, let’s say this a little slower, you absolutely can lie on an application if you have used drugs before, and nothing will happen to you if you do not have a prior record
  22. With the way, the Republicans are handling the LGBTQ I don’t wanna hear anybody complaining about cancel culture ever again Jason will make a ton of money off of that song he’s not being canceled at all if anything the drama is going to make him more money
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