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John from Riverside

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Everything posted by John from Riverside

  1. That was the first time I have literally called anyone a Q anon around the board first time ever And it was mostly in jest I don’t know him well enough to know whether or not he’s a QAnon just going by the words that he used
  2. And of course, you can show proof that that is actually happened Just because somebody has committed crimes does it mean that you just let them go because they’re on the opposite side of the aisle The fact of the matter is Donald Trump had a DOJ and FBI while he was president also they are the instruments to do investigations the President of the United States should not personally be getting involved in these just like Joe Biden has stayed out of what’s going on with Donald Trump. You don’t hear Joe Biden talking about this unless he’s directly asked a question.
  3. If you don’t understand or care to know, then, how the ***** do you know that I am wrong stay out of the conversation unless you have something to contribute
  4. Hey, that’s my line😎 You can help yourself to go on YouTube and go to any known QAnon’s and listen to them talk it’s almost those words verbatim
  5. I can’t believe this is even a discussion you do know that we have a DOJ that was that had leaders that were appointed by trump. They could be doing these investigations into Joe Biden that would make it like he was a ***** freak trying to dig up dirt on his political opponent by doing it himself In what world is it OK for the president of United States in the middle of a presidential election to get onto a phone and ask for dirt on his opponent worse yet not just ask for dirt, but hold up military aid for it
  6. Joe Biden was working with a coalition of countries. This was an America Acting on itself whenever it came to the Ukrainian prosecutor. And no whenever you’re in the middle of a political race and you’re trying to get a country to dig up dirt that doesn’t exist that’s not OK
  7. Trump was trying to disband NATO while he was president. He literally was doing Putin’s bidding. Putin has absolutely no fear of Donald Trump. He knows that he is a money hungry buffoon.
  8. That’s interesting. I seem to remember articles talking about how they were plenty of bomb threats that were being called in because of the age LGBTQ apparel. This was in addition to people actually going into the stores and trashing the place. Are you qanon or something? I can’t get over how many conspiracy theorist there are on this board
  9. That’s an interesting explanation of the history There was no evidence, then there is no evidence now of any wrongdoing by Joe Biden There is, however, a little bit of a problem with a phone call where Donald Trump tried to use military aid to try to coheres Ukraine and trying to find dirt on Joe Biden, which never existed All these things you like to believe they sound really nice if only for the fact that there is no proof, there is, however, an audio of a phone call that can’t be denied
  10. They are literally trying to put in place a narrative that says that slavery was good because it taight Black people skills I suggest that you do some reading
  11. I wonder if they might consider him as a practice squad stash especially if we plan on running more 12 personnel this year
  12. In the immortal words of Ric Flair To be the man, you gotta beat the man
  13. Excuse me i used the word patent whenever I should’ve use the word trademark It doesn’t change the fact that she used her security clearance that she didn’t deserve and her father’s influence in order to get those trademarks Does that make you feel better?
  14. This stuff is all scary as ***** to me. I’m at the point now in my life where I’m going to need that Social Security and VA healthcare.
  15. For the record, it was trumps daughter they got the China patents It’s still amazing to me that this is not been investigated. She was literally working in the White House with a security clearance that was initially denied to her and her dad forced the approval. Then she took Contacts that she made while working in the White House and came away with millions in patents from China. That sounds like something that needs to be investigated. If the dems take the house in the next elections, it will probably be on the ticket
  16. I find it humorous that somebody use the word cartel, whenever it comes to the Bidens Is Joe Biden an old senile can barely walk can’t remember his own name Or Is he an evil mastermind? Which is it?
  17. Ditch problem with the arguments that come out of trumps mouth is that they play well with his bass but they don’t work well in court. He is now hiring lawyers that just go on to Fox News and repeat what he says. These are not arguments that are going to work in court. Trump and his team tried so hard to push the documents case pass the election and that is not even going his way with a judge that he selected That trail is going to go on right in the middle of Trump trying to run for election and his base will come out for him and vote twice if they could but that’s not gonna work with the rest of the country Fast forward to 2023 and Trump will be complaining that he didn’t get a fair shot at being elected because of the trial
  18. Didn’t see info on people faking being gay so that they can go and make message to stores. Where is your proof on that? You are literally not doing that, so why would you ask others to do it? I saw the thing about the woman in the bike that was a singular event, and had nothing to do with cancel culture What you’re saying is not cancel culture absolutely is cancel culture how anyone could even not believe that is incredible
  19. Isn’t Josh Allen doing commercials for Gillette? Why would we be boycotting them? PS I don’t use them either but that’s because I’m growing my beard
  20. There is nothing that Trump could’ve done to mitigate the pandemic been saying that since the beginning this was a world thing, not a United States time Did he say some stupid things along the way you betcha but the pandemic was going to happen, no matter what Can’t blame Trump for that. I blame him for a lot of things but not that.
  21. You’re gonna have to come with better than that or just stay out of the conversation Candace Owens is the worlds biggest grifter and it’s not close
  22. So I appreciate the response, but it doesn’t really cope with reality We are not going to go across Russia’s borders because they have nuclear weapons. Period And you don’t want that you don’t know what that would look like, but I do unfortunately what this has shown is that Russia didn’t keep up we considered them to be a peer whenever it comes to military strength now it turns out that they’re not even a near pier except for the nukes Sounds about right But I failed to see how this is Biden’s fault. This would’ve happened no matter who was president. Unless you believe that Trump and Putin were in cahoots, and the only reason why he wasn’t invading Ukraine is because he thought the Trump would do the job for him breaking up NATO
  23. I would never want Biden in a room with Putin without some sharp minds there But Trump is absolutely Putin’s B word
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