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John from Riverside

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Everything posted by John from Riverside

  1. If they had some thing, they would be putting it out there because they have been flailing and look horrible They got nothing Is it free-speech wonderful these people are allowed to say things that are not true with no recourse Yay, freedom
  2. To recap on this I thought I saw a piece on YouTube about a church in the Midwest that had a Nazi flag inside the church whenever I went back to find it I couldn’t. Therefore I came back here and said that I was wrong and it doesn’t exist. For some reason, JD keeps bringing this up in every conversation People that are propaganda pilled don’t have the ability to admit when they’re wrong
  3. You take every piece of right wing propaganda and you posted on this site like it’s some kind of fact You’re a gerbil
  4. You have one of the best wide receivers in the league Then you have a second receiver. They give you 800 yards in a down year. The third options on the team are plenty If you wanna call Dalton an unknown, that’s fine
  5. Seriously is this all you got? Bringing up past emails of people you don’t have anything original?
  6. You can be assured that there are about 10 people on here that will come up with a conspiracy theory for everything It’s insane but entertaining
  7. Why do I get the feeling that you have Breitbart playing whenever you try to go to sleep at night?
  8. You really do bite on every piece of propaganda that’s given you don’t you What it must be like to live in your world
  9. Sir That’s just Brandon been doing his due diligence does it every year We are pretty deep at wide receiver, especially if you count Kincaid as a wide receiver
  10. I’ve been saying, since last year that Billy checks days are numbered He’s a good coach he simply does not have the groceries
  11. I mean it did cause irreparable wife harm to him went from being in NFL draft pick two now he’s not even on an NFL team?
  12. I’m waiting for the pads to come on, but I expect for Torrance to be just as good when that happens
  13. I think he gets assigned to an extension and people will be upset about it
  14. Looks like we’re gonna have to wait a while to see Dorian Williams if he’s going to be behind Matt Milano
  15. ***** I was just on my way down. Do you mean you’re joking??
  16. During the trump administration, all we heard about was the stock market whenever Trump took the stage all day every day If inflation is going down, why shouldn’t Biden tout it?
  17. I think I would rather let the former all pro punt, returner return pants
  18. We as parents love our children unfortunately, they are not always the angels that we want them to be
  19. Personally, I would like to see us look into nuclear options for power We need alternative forms of energy I tried out an electric car a while back. You do not want one of those going in the caterpillar mode.
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