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John from Riverside

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Everything posted by John from Riverside

  1. You do realize that this doesn’t make any sense at all, right
  2. I just can’t wait to see how having him on the field is going to open things up for other players. This should be fun.
  3. I haven’t been interested in them since my daughter was no longer in the business. Don’t watch them at all.
  4. If I remember correctly, the exact verbiage that the GOP was using in the last Trump impeachment was that it didn’t make any sense to impeach an outgoing president could’ve swore. I heard that somewhere.
  5. I think she was incorrect with her words if she would’ve said something to the effect of people are living paycheck to paycheck and her $400 away from being in extreme financial difficulty. I think that would’ve been more accurate. Kamala Harris is not a great vice president
  6. I failed to see how this postponement is political. It only makes sense that they would post pone it due to the strikes This is not the same as comer has evidence on Joe Biden that he hasn’t presented yet that’s a political statement
  7. Are there any links that you won’t go to to defend Trump? You’re tripping over yourself, defending him, whenever there is a multitude of actual evidence against him
  8. I wasn’t aware that someone’s fitness was political
  9. Are they really? You take a look at nearly every beer company and I’m not talking about Bud Light and they are supporting woke ism in someway or another. They are not losing money because of it. How my favorite beer of choice Corona has been walk for a while they’re not losing money
  10. Are the Emmys political this isn’t hard, Orlando
  11. Well, now that would be an example of evidence Not somebody saying they have it, but actually having it
  12. All I’m saying is conspiracy theories on here, while defending someone that has actual evidence against him it’s bizarre I mean, is this gonna be like every other time and people are just gonna cry conspiracy. whenever nothing comes of it You know damn well there is nothing going on the Joe Biden can be attached to and going after Hunter Biden all day isn’t going to change that
  13. You’re seeking confirmation bias it’s nothing more than that. If you can’t find some thing from a neutral new station to post on here and continue to post right wing propaganda, no one is going to take you seriously except for other right wing propagandists sit in your echo chamber if you like
  14. When you post something political from a site called red state.com come on man
  15. And taking things in for your confirmation bias is also hilarious
  16. Perhaps if Trump was directly involved in the crimes that he commits I’m talking about evidence that can be used in an actual trial to convict. It’s not there for Joe Biden. Did he take a bribe? No one really knows no one’s ever going to know because there is no evidence of it however, in a trial, you were presumed innocent until proven guilty
  17. Do we have proof that Donald Trump son is a drug abuser like Hunter Biden is I mean they don’t have any receipts so this investigation is going nowhere. I just wanna make sure that we’re keeping everything on the up and up.
  18. Totally true But those same people would never come back and say that they were wrong
  19. I don’t understand why this is even open to interpretation the leading money getter for the GOP Marley Taylor Greene has basically said that she is a white Christian nationalist and where is it like a badge of courage The runner up in stupid for the GOP. Lauren Boebert has said that the church should be in charge of the state
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