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John from Riverside

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Everything posted by John from Riverside

  1. This stuff all works in the world a political opinion it’s not gonna work in court Trump is guilty. He did everything that they said that he did.
  2. The thing in Texas is ongoing. That is the state that I’m referring to.
  3. In certain situations, I am absolutely for the death penalty This situation would be one of them Nobody is trying to make guns illegal. That is the problem with these kinds of memes Responsible gun control that’s all we want Are you a criminal? Do you have a mental health condition? Are you responsible going owner If you cross the hurdles, enjoy your weapon
  4. There are literally states that are forcing the 10 Commandments into the classroom Yeah, I don’t agree with that. They don’t need their phones in the classroom.
  5. See it’s post like this that offer. Nothing but an insult that are really not needed. Goose asked for a specific alligation you provided none
  6. That’s fair enough I am totally guessing so don’t take this wrong, but are you more of a Tim Scott guy The right takes that free speech thing, and wears is it like a cloak of protection?
  7. Now you’re quoting a satire rag You really do have no shame
  8. It would make sense that Florida would do better during the pandemic at academics nothing replaces in person, teaching, and Florida didn’t handle the pandemic, the same as other states did As a whole whenever you don’t include the once in a lifetime world virus, Florida does not do as well as these other states
  9. And another example of no matter who codes onto this board and tries to talk to you if they say anything that you don’t agree with their automatically accused of being leftists Trumpism truly is a cult
  10. That’s interesting because men of the cloth I’ve been coming for your children all day every day for decades they don’t just get one month
  11. Why are you so triggered all the time you seem constantly upset That was a total cover your ass tweet The real question is if he backed the January 6 policeman, why was the national guard not sent out immediately? Trying to make it look like the military is incompetent and can’t spin up support for the capital on a moments notice just makes him look stupid. We can get anywhere anytime and all it would’ve taken is a smole Group armed and we could’ve dispersed that thing before it got out of hand. Who?
  12. No one seems to be mentioning it, but there is literally a copier right in the room You’re absolutely missing the point on this I don’t believe in conspiracy theories, so I’m not gonna sit here and say that Donald Trump sold secrets However The sheer fact that he had those documents in an unsecured area, and then refused to give them back, is more than enough to convict him You’ve got to understand he’s already been given special treatment. If anybody else would have done this, they would already be in jail without bond.
  13. No, that’s not what I’m saying He absolutely should be indicted. He’s guilty of all of it, but the person that is presiding over the case should be impartial and just look at the facts whenever she makes statements like that it sounds like she’s already pre-judged him unless this is not the judge that would preside over the case? I am hoping that part of the prosecution case also shows just how long it took to get them to leave and how long before the national guard was actually brought in. There were several hours of this going on before Trump took any action
  14. It must really chop some ass is around here that the star witness that you thought was going to break things down on Joe Biden basically said that there was no business discussed on any of those phone calls What did the Republicans do know they don’t have anything except on Hunter Biden
  15. I really wish that people would understand the way that this the sale of oil works within the United States Those companies that drill for oil in the US do not sell within the US they take their product and they dump it on the open market That picture is unbelievably stupid First, that child can’t even understand what she’s saying Second Moms are not out there, showing their children they can comprehend what they’re saying pictures of abortion that’s only going on in your ***** up head
  16. I would, rather that she did not say that she’s giving fuel the trumps lawyers that she cannot be impartial I mean, you can take a look at this board for a snapshot of how some people think I read just yesterday that the political opponents of Donald Trump should be executed Someone actually said that
  17. He was told he didn’t win If he chose to ignore it, that’s on his dumbass
  18. I would assume that everybody on this board does vote because they are passionate about it I don’t know why you would think that a poster doesn’t vote
  19. We’ll see how think it is whenever he shows up on Thursday. Personally, I hope he doesn’t show just add to the charges.
  20. Let me guess you’re one of those he could shoot someone on fifth Avenue guys that would make an excuse as to why he pulled the trigger I mean, I’m not surprised Trump loves the idiots
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