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John from Riverside

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Everything posted by John from Riverside

  1. Whenever you represent Donald Trump, you are forever stained that’s just the way it is Lol
  2. I know a little bit about this one because one of my duty stations was Otis air National Guard base, which is right next to Martha’s Vineyard The migrants were moved into military housing on Otis air, National Guard base from Martha’s Vineyard. They were well taken care of. They were allowed to stay there for as long as they needed.
  3. When there’s actually something to report, then they will Right now there’s no evidence. Why should they talk about it?
  4. Sounds like his back tightened up and then they stretched them out and it was OK That might be a simplistic way of looking at it I guess we’ll see Not uncommon for the back to tighten up on an athlete
  5. I just don’t get Lindsey Graham after the January 6 thing he had this moment of clarity where you really thought that he might actually see Trump for what he is and then he fell back under the spill He’s weak
  6. This has already been explained you gerbil there’s a difference between going in front of a committee and going under oath where you could literally go to jail and going on the Sean Hannity show and saying something different where you don’t get held to any account there have been Republicans that I’ve laughed about the fact that they went on TV and lied so forgive me if I don’t take anything that goes on the Sean Hannity show and give two ***** about it
  7. Not a fan of the Clintons But hasn’t the Bill Clinton thing I’ll bet been exhausted. The tapes that he kept in his sock drawer we’re not classified documents they were his own personal ones presidents are allowed to keep their personal documents.
  8. Agreed and all of the backtracking and things that he is saying about Trump now do not change the fact that he did what he did regarding the Mueller report. I will never forgive him for that. That is the definition of a useful idiot
  9. I think the other thing that’s going on here as we have some bias, even though it’s unintentional We are used to seeing Tremaine Edmunds out there at the middle linebacker position. The guy is freakishly large. This year we’re running with smaller linebackers, and it shows but the only thing that really matters is the production on the field
  10. Whenever DeSantis pulled that stunt of kidnapping migrants and send them down to Cape Cod the first thing that they did was find housing for them and fed them
  11. The only thing that matters of what archer said is what he said Under oath He literally could’ve said to Tucker Carlson, anything that he wanted to here and it wouldn’t make an ounce of difference Just explain how any of this has anything with you with any business dealing directed with Joe Biden It’s simply does not exist What exactly is Bidens bad news?
  12. Fox knows that they have to be very careful $800 million doesn’t grow on trees
  13. Redstate.com lol Because they’re children’s books?
  14. https://nypost.com/2022/07/27/trump-did-not-order-troops-before-capitol-riot-christoper-miller/amp/
  15. Based on what? Donald Trump did not move to have National Guard troops at the capital for January 6 that did not happen You really believe that he’s sitting there, losing his ***** because he’s about ready to get kicked out of office and you think that he’s gonna go through the extra step of protecting the institution of voting Come on man
  16. Wait a minute are you going to say that Donald Trump requested to have the National Guard at the capital for January 6? Is that what you’re going with this is gonna be fun
  17. This is just so sad Men dressing up as women has been around for how many years how many decades? It’s just a talking point for the right right now because they’re not doing much in terms of governing. Why do they wanna tell stories for children? Maybe they like children are you of the assumption that people that dress up and drag don’t like kids And what makes you think that lesbians don’t like kids, lesbians adopt children all the time and make loving parents I think the real problem here is, you’re just stuck in the past and don’t wanna move on from it like most conservatives
  18. So education consists of getting online and reading this ***** that confirms your confirmation bias and all of a sudden you’re an expert Got it
  19. Define normal I suggest you learn how to adapt as the world adapts. Oh, you’re just gonna get left behind. There is absolutely brutal thing wrong with a man dressed in a dress reading your kid a story he is not hurting that child in anyway
  20. Just explain to me, how a man in a dress reading a story to your kid is hurting them
  21. Pot meet kettle Sure Just show me how the LGBTQ community is, announcing their intentions to hurt children
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