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John from Riverside

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Everything posted by John from Riverside

  1. Cooki knows what his game is you’re not gonna see him busting through the middle of line dragging defenders with him for first downs They need to keep him clean and let him work We bought other running backs for that
  2. It was long, my biggest complaint with how they handled Josh Allen that he wasn’t getting bigger commercials. I was pissed that he didn’t get in on the whole insurance commercial thing with Mahomes and Rogers. But he’s coming around
  3. I don’t want either one of them Get somebody in their younger for chrissake
  4. It’s only a middle linebacker But we’re going to see this year just how much it’s actually going to hurt for all we know the bills coaches have a plan and I’ve already skimmed it up so that it’s not a distraction
  5. I’ve been a Buffalo Bills fan for probably about three years prior to the wide right game in the Super Bowl That put me as a young airman stationed in San Bernardino, California whenever I got new orders and moved to Cape Cod. I was totally thrilled because it was putting me closer to my team. As fans we have gone through some real highs of going to the Super Bowl’s over a decade of disappointment and been around long enough to see this team claw its way back to dominance It’s been a fun ride
  6. Oh, I don’t know it’s kind of cool getting the perspective of what’s going on with other teams
  7. Would not shock me if beane it’s not keeping a very close eye on waivers for atackle
  8. Wow, how the time flies from John from Cape Cod John from hemet John from Riverside
  9. At what point was child kidnapping Not bad I’m sorry to hear that cancer sucks. Prayers out to you and your family.
  10. Please explain how this is funny As much as there disliked, nobody on, the left is calling for the death of anyone on the right But somehow you seem to think it’s funny the Kamala Harris might be injured by a pipe bomb That doesn’t sound strange at all
  11. Biden isn’t even that loved he’s tolerated because the alternative to him is so much worse Give us better choices What?
  12. It just amazes me how you make these accusations on people that you don’t know I have repeatedly said that I would vote for a Republican if they actually upheld the values that they claim to have There are some things that I agree with on the conservative side
  13. Leonard Floyd is better overall than Yannick There I said it
  14. Biden doesn’t have a cult you dumb asses just don’t realize that That’s why his events don’t have the Trump rally type thing going for them, but he ends up getting more votes He’s just a dude i don’t consider him a messiah he is an old decrepit shell of himself dude boring as hell Whenever becomes to our presidents, I like them boring
  15. Oh West did I hurt your feelings? I didn’t realize you were part of the Trump Cult Good to know
  16. You have absolutely no proof on tape that Biden did any sort of bribery, none zilch if the Republicans had anything, they would’ve already been pushing towards impeachment if you’re fact of the matter that they’re dancing around it while they’re witnesses flop whenever they’re testifying tells you all you need to know By the way, I find it humorous how people make these determinations of what people do for a living on an Internet message board. I personally have never done that to anyone here because I don’t know them. It makes you look like a ***** idiot whenever you do it.
  17. To be clear, the cockroaches are not the conservatives The cockroaches are the far right, who is much more dangerous than the far left They are the ones that ignore audio and visual evidence and call it twice impeached sexual predator three times indicted ex-president a savior
  18. It is amazing how the conservative right can make that huge jump from. Maybe we should question this to Ray Epps was definitely a false flag. And not bat and I lash.
  19. Those cities have been there will be there. Nothing has changed. Time is never running out for these cities the facts don’t match your feelings
  20. Trump never authorized it And why would he? That would kill his riot before it starts For chrissake, he was taking down barriers, so that armed cultists could be in his rally Forget the fact that countless court cases say different a lot of them in front of trump appointed judges Forget the fact that countless recounts say different Forget the fact that Republicans are in charge of the states and question
  21. All this talk of the indictments just hardening Trump base That base was never going away. You cannot move based off of trying to change mines. At this point the sunlight is on the cockroaches are not going back under the floorboards willingly. You prosecute because he committed crimes it’s doing the American people a disservice not to prosecute. Press forward Jack.
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