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John from Riverside

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Everything posted by John from Riverside

  1. Harti is absolutely a lock but I do appreciate the effort here
  2. Notice how Scott went after his legs, even though they were out of bounds, because he got humiliated
  3. I’m sorry I misunderstood. I thought you were talking about the specific thread
  4. Well, Dockins is the one with the brace on his hand
  5. Yeah that’s not going to work When you get federal indictments, it’s not political anymore. It’s criminal and there is definitely evidence. Trump is stupid enough to do it himself.
  6. In an impeachment, they won’t be able to stop it That’s why I wonder if the Republicans are going to stop just the side of it and keep on pushing the whole impeachment inquiry thing
  7. Show me the evidence I personally don’t like the narratives that they did something to hunters laptop with no proof let’s be better than this, leave the conspiracy theories to the conservatives Do you often respond to your own posts?
  8. It must really chap your ass that the GOP keeps on bringing in the next great witness who is going to link Joe Biden, and then it doesn’t happen
  9. This in no way links to Joe Biden unless this can be proven. It’s a nothing burger. Is that the best you got?
  10. The one constant in that is the Joe Biden is not linked to hunters businesses, and it has not yet been proven otherwise And the GOP can’t prove it either if they could, they would’ve already done so
  11. Isn’t Marcus Mariota sitting home on the couch? Would love to get the bills to take a look at him. Good kid.
  12. There is also a spleen on standby and all the rubber mats have been removed
  13. If you’re following current events, you know that that’s not going to happen
  14. You should love your country and everything that represents
  15. It is amazing the things that people find to force themselves mad at on a Sunday morning This is true The bills messed up with Teller I remember really liking the player back then and was confused about the trade
  16. So have they found any actual evidence yet still waiting Just show how any of this is directly linked to Joe Biden still can’t do it
  17. I don’t think that it’s manufactured either I think the details are a little bit wacky Child trafficking is mostly for work and sex. Both totally hideous all the other things that are getting added to it or just bull####. Imagine people doing their job horrible
  18. No, he’s toxic because he’s ***** toxic What the right wants you to do is overlook it A third-party vote is a wasted vote. I hate to say that, but it’s true and I would’ve bought voted for Bernie Sanders.
  19. Absolutely it really bothers me just how poorly they are being handled whenever I went through years of being right on point with every document But see, that’s the thing a low level airman they would throw the book at if you have power, it seems you have more leeway I don’t like that very much
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