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John from Riverside

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Posts posted by John from Riverside

  1. Hoyer and Sanchez aren't middling Qbs? Hoyer is the definition of average and Sanchez looked as good as he could possibly look under Kelly, and that wasn't that good.

    I think that is what I said....:) Hoyer sits in the middle of a bunch of middling qbs

    I'm afraid the Bills will make the classic Prom Night Mistake.


    The girl you have a crush on already has a boyfriend. She's not going with you.


    The other girls who are available just don't excite you the same way, so you procrastinate asking anyone to the prom.


    By the time you decide to take action, all the cute and average girls already have dates. You're left with the girl no one else wanted.

    They didnt do that with the head coach position.....just sayin. Its the Pegula era.



    I did read it. That's what I was referring to. Winslow said basiclly the saem thing. The Jets were never going to get 250 carries out of that guy, no matter what Rex promised him to get him to come.


    As for the "on Sunday", CJ gives no details, just goes on about his own situation.

    When I think of something being taken out of a coaches hands i think


    - Who plays QB

    - The coach asking for help in specific areas and asking for ribeye and getting hamburger patties



    Things like that

  3. Matt Moore? He's a carreer backup who has attempted 10 passes in the past 2 years--29 in the past 3. What are people using to make the comparison? His season 4 years ago?


    He doesn't exist.

    At one point Scott Chandler was an unknown sitting behind 2 other starting TE's as well.....


    Now....Scott is a low tier starting TE in the league....but he is a starter non the less.....and was hidden as someones backup at one point

  4. This is how I feel. I really was down on EJ in the SD and Houston games (and preseason), and for good reason. Like most people. But I am not going to call it a foregone conclusion he can't play. I think this is chance, with the new coaching staff. He still has the GM who drafted him in place, which helps a lot too.

    I think the best thing that could have happened to EJ Manuel was that Marrone and his O staff was cut loose......lets examine:


    - If Marrone had stayed you had seen for sure your last days of EJ Manuel under center as a starter.


    - it is interesting that no matter WHO they put under center.....play from that QB got progressively worse with each start. This was REALLY apparent with Orton.


    - A uncreative.....ineffective offensive game plan


    - OL that got worse with each game.....i

  5. If you have a better plan please let me know. Why spend money just to spend money. Find a QB that is worth spending on. McClown is not. Waste of money, and waste of roster spot.


    Well the better plan sure as heck wouldnt be doing what has not worked in the past.


    Going with JUST EJ Manuel and not working towards a viable alternative has NOT worked. It is not fair to the defense of this team to not attempt to improve that position.


    Is it EJ's fault that Marrone told him to check down all the time? I think it's been well established that Marrone had a major hand in EJ's timid play.


    I think that EJ will have a huge chip on his shoulder this year. I'd be surprised if anyone beat him out in training camp. Manuel will want to prove that !@#$% idiot Marrone was the problem. If he doesn't show this attitude then you can stick a fork in him, he's done. His team mates will have no respect for him if he doesn't appear to be a man possessed to become the starter this year.

    I think it has been well established that their is a STRONG BELIEF that Marrone is the reason for EJ's timid play.......


    God I hope that is correct

  7. guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle corner

    Not when that corner essentially cuts the offense in half on every play

  8. I'm sure you will suspend me for this...it seems that is your favorite thing to do. Oh well, I had a great run of being off suspension for 1 day.


    I don't think Fred is good, everybody hates me. I change my perspective and think he is great and everybody hates me. I can't seem to win with you people. Can someone please tell me what will make you happy? I know I can't say Fred is as average as his incredibly average/below average career stats suggest because y'all will hate me for that too.

    First....the thread wasnt about Fred. That is problem number 1


    Second.....there are are plenty of folks that think Fred Jackson has slowed down over time......so if that is what you would have said you would not be alone




    That is not what you are saying. You are saying that Fred has never been good which is flat NOT TRUE........the eye test doesnt bear that out and the stats dont bear that out. He also has done the little things over the years like being a solid blitz pickup back and a veteran leader.....some of those things dont even show up on the stat sheet. In THIS area you dont have a leg to stand on.

  9. The stats dont really tell the numbers on these two qbs


    There are two games that are always on in my house......the bills (because its MY HOUSE...:)) and the raiders....because every other family member in my house is a raiders fan.


    Carr plays games like he wants to win them........he throws the ball downfield.......and he was doing it from day one.


    EJ Manuel...I root for him but he is not as good as Carr....maybe that will change? I dont know.


    The bills are much closer to the playoffs then the raiders are........we need a QB that will win (or not lose us games) right now

  10. mallett is a 2015 UFA and is available on march 10th.


    bradford is a 2016 UFA, but will most likely be cut because of his enormous cap hit. fisher has stated they would like to keep bradford, but only at the "right price". STL is going after foles.


    foles is a 2016 UFA. he in the last year of his contract at a very low cost. kelly has yet to endorse foles and trade rumors are swirling.



    The question remains on two of these qbs (and what has Mallett done that would make us think he is anything better then EJ Manuel?)


    Bradford (even injury prone) would be great....we would actually need to trade for him


    Foles (who is actually my pick if we do a trade) would be great but we would actually have to trade for him

  11. Why do we always expect that the new QB coach / OC can fix a QB? That somehow his style of coaching or new type of offense will make an iota of a difference?


    It hasn't happened here in 15 years. We've probably had more than a dozen QB's and even more QB coaches and OC's. Promises of the QB will fit the style, we will use the QBs strengths, we will improve the line / run game and they will turn into winners, the QB can run, the QB will stay in the pocket, the QB just needs to throw it away and go on to the next play, "we will dictate to the defense" is always a good one, on and on and on....


    The truth in fact is that the QB usually regresses. But every off-season we drink new Kool-Aid.

    It didnt happen here....it happened in San Fran. And we just aquired the OC of San Fran


    Alex Smith was considered a total bust at one point

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