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John from Riverside

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Posts posted by John from Riverside

  1. Actually how much money he has does matter because large signing bonuses and guarantees can keep contracts more cap friendly.


    They could dump a pile of money on Mario Williams today by extending him and cutting his cap in half.


    Having cash to spend upfront and early in the contract is huge. Pegula changed NHL contracts because of this. And it's actually more beneficial in the NFL for cap purposes.

    You are correct in this.....


    I just get this feeling that they are going to be heavy into free agency on the O side of the ball......it will be interesting to see how they make all this work.


    I like how Hughes played the run this past year......other wise I wouldnt want him back at such a high price even with his sack productivitty

  2. Am I the only one who has flashbacks to Duke Williams trying to cover Gronk at the Ralph? I don't think we should overpay Searcy (in fact, I think Searcy is a bit over valued in general), but I hope they will bring in someone else to take his spot rather than rely on Duke. I know he's young and can improve, but the dude was pretty terrible when pressed into action last year, at least in coverage.


    Lawson won't be on the roster come camp IMO.

    Actually the change in scheme (potentially) might mean that Lawson sticks.......


    Thought he played well in Pettine's scheme.

  3. The guy is 335lbs. I remember seeing a story on him this year saying how he can dunk with ease. That's impressive. He's a great player and would be an awesome addition. Mario, Kyle, Knighton, Dareus would be an absolutely brutal front 3 + 1 or 4 to deal with. Unblockable.

    And likely to cost a mint

  4. In an interview I saw with Rex today I really got the impression it was like


    "Whaley" Rex your being given a top 3 defense......dont ask for a DAMN THING on that side of the ball


    "Rex" I love my guys.....so much talent and DEPTH


    I think they might look for a INEXPENSIVE run stuffer on D......but I dont expect them (except for Hughes) to spend big money on the D side of the ball at all


    I think we are going to spend on OL, TE, RB, and a vet QB

  5. Haha, I don't hate Bradford. I just don't want to give up a high pick for a guy who hasn't really proven anything and is an injury waiting to happen.


    - I saw those games last year. He destroyed garbage time to pad stats.


    - Both of our olines were bad, but they were ranked 13th last year (we were 22md). https://www.profootballfocus.com/blog/2015/01/08/2014-pff-offensive-line-rankings/


    - You can't assume the rb we pick will be good. Mason was playing really well as a rookie.


    Either way, I'm excited to see how our talent does with real offensive coaches.

    My apologies C


    From your recent posts I thought u genuinely didnt like Bradford.


    We cant give up a high pick.....we dont have one.


    I couldnt see us giving up our 1st rounder the following season if that is what you are suggesting

  6. I want a matchup nightmare. A guy who can get downfield. Who can get open and who makes catches.

    If we need a blocker, put in a tackle eligible.

    Thats not the way Roman runs his offense

    I've heard a lot of hype about Green but little to match it. I just want a young guy at this point. Do we ever draft TEs high? The only one I can remember is Kevin Everett in the 3rd and he was kinda of a project pick.

    I like Virgil Green......thought he played well in the games I saw him in this past year

  7. Our defense is better but they have a pretty good one themselves. Our wrs are better but right now without Spiller, their rbs might be equal or they might have a slight edge (I love Trey Mason). Their oline is probably better than ours. And I'd give the edge to their offensive coaches because ours were awful the past 2 years.


    If Bradford was a FA and the price was right, sure bring him in for competition. But again, why would the team that has seen him for 4 years and invested a #1 overall pick, balk at paying $13 million for a starting NFL QB? We have completely overrated him based on his college resume.

    C......be careful in dislike for Bradford that you dont say things that are not true (and I think you know it....:)


    - Their defense is good....its not bills caliber. But it is good

    - Our running back situation wont be the same when we enter the season......given the run dom offense Roman plays you know that either a RB is getting drafted high or a free agent like Engram is coming in.

    - Their O line is NOT as good as ours is.....Bradford was running for his life for years behind that Rams line.......while I hate our OG situation.......Glenn, Wood, and Sentrel Henderson were all NFL starter worthy players (Sentrel was up and down....but still played well for a RT)


    Even with all of that.....before Bradford got hurt (again) he was starting to find his game.........I saw some of those games and he was starting to hit a stride. it was really unfortunate that he got hurt.

  8. In theory, I agree. Except that you then have a TON of money tied up in QB with other areas left to address.

    Lets say we sign McCown for 2yrs at $4m per. I believe it will take atleast that much to land him.

    Then you get Bradford. His cap hit is $16m. Even if you extend/restructure his deal and bring the number down to $10m (which would be difficult and risky), that leaves $14m, plus a little over $2.4m for EJ. You can't cut EJ, it would cost more to cut him than keep him. There's the rub.


    It's interesting to talk about, but I don't believe Bradford will end up being moved.

    All the more reason to get that vet QB onto the roster.......


    I am a little nervous that the bills might try to wait out the Bradford thing although that really hasnt been Pegula's style coming out the gate......he has been very proactive

  9. If the bills want Bradford they should still be proactive....


    - Bring in a veteran QB......that way if Bradford doesnt happen you still have QB competition in camp


    - If Bradford comes available.....say....for a 3rd round pick and a future pick? You can still have the QB competition and have 3 QBs on the roster.




    In other words, you are HOPING that he has figured it out.

    I think any OC will struggle under Ryan, because everything is geared towards making sure the defense looks good, first and foremost. That affects the offensive approach. It may be his 2nd stop, but he had a few OC's to work with, and plenty of time in NY to figure out how to get a decent offense on the field.


    It remains to be seen if he can do it now. He hasn't shown any aptitude for it, and I'm sure any free agent QB would be conscious of that fact. My original post asked if a QB would be excited to play for a Ryan coached team. I don't think many would, regardless of the OC.



    The philosophy worked in San Francisco

  11. sign Locker and have him and EJ have a fair competition for the position. Both guys have a lot of things to like and maybe one of them rises to the occasion.


    If neither does, draft a guy. Don't give him a guy from Syracuse to be both his rookie year OC and Qb coach. And let him play more than 4 games in a row.


    We need to stop settling for other team's trash.

    For the record....


    I wouldnt be opposed to Locker either

  12. Check the stats. And Sanchez threw 12 tds, 20 ints as a rookie. He was more of a problem for them than a solution.


    That said, Rex is loyal but Sanchez was much worse than EJ was a rookie. The Jets just had a better overall team,


    And also is not hesitant to try to win a game.....rookies throw ints.


    This is where we get into that debate of do you want a stagnant offense with a QB afraid to throw the ball....or a guy trying to actually make plays.


    Keep in mind we have a defense that is going to negate a lot of QB mistakes.......and if we can squeeze/manufacture some points on offense we will win games


    EJ was a little TOO careful

  13. Haha. Honestly, there is no proof Bradford is better than Fitz other than his draft position.


    Fitz is better than Locker, Sanchez. He is at least on par with Cutler and Bradfird. I don't think Fitz is good. But I don't think these other guys are either.


    And Sanchez kept the Jets from the SB. They won games despite him.

    You dont have proof of any of these claims......


    And Sanchez play was actually decent in the AFC Championsship years....u dont get that far with at least better then average QB play......

  14. And he's going to have a better career than a lot of these former first rounders or other scrubs fans want us to sign or trade for.

    That is debatable......he has fizzled everywhere he has been.


    I actually like Fitzy......but we dont know that some of these other middling QB's couldnt thrive in the right system


    For christ sake Sanchez went to TWO AFC championships

  15. Fitz was not a bad QB for the Bills. He was actually OK. It just seemed to most fans and to the team that he was never going to be the guy to take them to a championship. Unfortunately he got really hot for a month one year and got a huge contract. When it became clear he wasn't going to play to that high level consistently, it became impossible to keep him around and to bring in the guy who we hoped WOULD get us a championship. The biggest problem was that stupid huge contract. If he was getting the kind of salary a good backup deserves, he'd probably still be here, he'd be playing while EJ watched, we never would have visited Ortonville, and we'd have probably been in the playoffs this year. We certainly would have beaten Houston, which would have had...oh I don't know, maybe Kyle Orton...as their QB.

    That is extreme revisionist history......


    Ryan Fitzpatrick was never "ok" He was a likeable guy and probably what you would want in a backup........he had this horrible tendancy to throw the pick that would lose the game when we had a chance to win........it actually came to the point where you EXPECTED him to do that........


    Hmmm...he is also known to neglect his offenses. Hmmm...and now he WANTS the O-line to be a strength of the team. Hmmm his offenses have consistently sucked. Hmmm...


    I thought about linking to all the articles discussing how unbalanced his teams have been, his favoritism towards defensive players, etc.

    but just Google "Rex Ryan offense" and read them yourself.



    This is second stop


    The first thing he did as HC was go out and get a playoff OC

  17. Another injury and his career might be over.

    Its a risk

    The second Bradford throws for more 21 tds or gets his qb rating past 80, I'll be more willing to take on the injury risk.

    Look C


    I know that what you really want is for the team to roll with EJ Manuel......


    Perhaps he is just not good enough?


    I could totally understand if the bills stay away from Sam B. and go with a veteran guy like Sanchez......its what everyone is actually expecting them to do. its low risk.....and you can readdress qb the folloiwng year




    I could also understand if Whaley roll the dice like he did with Sammy Watkins. The D is biult to win now......quality QB play probably gets us deep into the playoffs

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