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John from Riverside

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Everything posted by John from Riverside

  1. Oh boy…… The thing of it is, he is being allowed extra protections, but even though he’s an ordinary citizen That’s where we’re at they don’t want to upset half like 30% of the population so he’s not actually sitting in a jail cell right now And he should be
  2. I can easily see why Dan Bongino is your favorite guy. You must be the life of the parties 52 court cases lost Countless audits Biden won deal with it
  3. One thing I have been very curious about whenever I hear people like DeSantis talk about this last election Why did the Democrats not push back and bring up the election previous to this where it was found that Russia interfered in the election in favor of Trump this was proven it’s not to say that Trump had anything directly involved with it but the fact is the Russians did interfere I don’t ever hear any fight back on this whenever Republicans are complaining about this last election
  4. Or when you have an obvious criminal that lied in order to get into office and the right, won’t kick him out because they need his vote If that was a democrat, he would already be gone
  5. Why do right wingers keep on posting opinion pieces whenever there is obvious data that it’s not the case Just saying it won’t make it different We should’ve killed them all right irv? It is true, has been true, and will always be true the more people that vote the less the Republicans win The problem with the Republicans as they think that they are America they forget that there’s a whole bunch of people that don’t think like them
  6. Over anyone actually It doesn’t matter who you put on the dem ticket they would find something wrong with them Meanwhile, Trump and all of his sainthood………..
  7. It’s interesting how Dan loves the word hate seeing as how he does so much of it It’s literally his platform
  8. So I’m catching up on this was this part of legislation where the state was trying to take the power away from the people o of the state
  9. Would you like me to show you the amount of times that Republicans get up and walk out on hearings because they don’t want to hear what’s going on I am not a fan of the whole surgery for young kids thing however, much it happens which I don’t know but this whole thing about the Democrats being evil because they walked out on and hearing that it’s just par the course I specifically watched a Republican tell some of it was testifying that they should get their news from Breitbart and then get up and walk out Nobody should be getting your news from Breitbart
  10. Says the guy that does nothing day and night but post right wing propaganda on this site calling other people useful idiots The irony
  11. So you agree that Trump should not be brought back
  12. Agreed So I agree that the season would be pretty much over if we lost Josh, but would anybody lose their minds if we actually did bring in Carson Wentz Some good mixed with a lot of bad with him
  13. Always whenever you have an injury like this, I worry about overcompensation to the rest of the body We brought in a very good free agent, pass rusher to go with Greg. We will be fine either way ramp him up slowly.
  14. I’ve been telling people to watch out for sherfield Sometimes the situation is important let’s keep in mind that he was the third receiver behind two very good receivers in Miami And he does everything he can catch. He’s fast and he blocks.
  15. The video that’s the first time that I’ve seen that video
  16. The mistake that was made here was over, estimating the army that we were leaving behind to take care of their own country That was poor intel
  17. I can’t believe I’ve never seen this So I’m a little confused by your post are you saying that the coronavirus was not real?
  18. Ahem did he say that Joe Biden discussed business on those phone calls yes or no For chrissake man you got nothing The firing of the prosecutor was a coalition effort with several countries If they impeach Joe Biden for that, they’re gonna look foolish
  19. I agree, barring Trump actually being in jail he’s going to win the GOP These other guys are too busy, trying not to step on trumps toes to actually offer an alternative So would i
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