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John from Riverside

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Everything posted by John from Riverside

  1. Imagine being part of a party, where they actually make up a slur whenever they believe that you don’t fall in line The Republicans have rhino What do the Democrats have again?
  2. The majority of Trumper‘s that I talk to you it really all balls down to. They think that Trump is one of them. The sad part about that is, it is not nor has it ever been true. Trump wouldn’t piss on these people if they were on fire.
  3. I’m really starting to feel sorry for you Jesus, how is the most honest person of all time being indicted like multiple times
  4. It’s all yours, sir, do it proud I’m going to speak really slowly so that even you can understand us Were either of those two women armed Did they answer the door with a gun in their hand?
  5. Red is reserved for moderators, Mr. 14 posts
  6. Pretty sure we’re talking about getting election data here not January 6
  7. My memory is honestly shady on this one. Did she have a gun in her hand whenever lawn Forssman came to the door because if the answer that is yes, then my answer would be the same for both cases. This is not hard use a little bit of common sense whenever it comes to law-enforcement knocking on your door
  8. I see his caps lock got stuck again hate when that happens
  9. Yeah, because it was trumps team so totally no reason to think Trump might be involved
  10. Well, a bullet wouldn’t be going over my head because I wouldn’t be standing at the door with a gun in my hand when the FBI knocks on the door You’re cute kind of like a pet gerbil
  11. I would like to see a combination of green energy and nuclear energy being used but that’s just my opinion Oh, the hypocrisy
  12. I welcome you to open the door to the FBI with a gun in your hand and see how that turns out
  13. Matt just knows the offense better he’s been here for years When it comes to physical traits, Kyle Allen is far superior
  14. I just don’t understand people that want to get rid of trae white almost to the point of hoping that he isn’t as good as it once was Makes no sense
  15. James cook made that looks so easy. It’s like the Colts defenders just let up because they knew they couldn’t catch him
  16. Dorian Williams is a player and we have to find a way to get him on the field I know that they froze him out of the middle linebacker competition, but he gotta let the best players play
  17. I thought it was interesting that been Denmark was the first guy off the bench and not Tommy Doyle Maybe the bills have found somebody a diamond in the rough
  18. As an aside yes I consider universal healthcare very important being able to see a doctor should be a right, not just for those that have money The thing is Biden is a centrist Democrat and he’s not going to go all in on universal healthcare, but I would applaud to him if he did
  19. Did Madonna or Kathy Griffin have a gun in their hand whenever they opened a door You are completely ***** lost and I can’t help you
  20. Except for the fact that both of these were rates by law enforcement exactly how are they similar? Did somebody at the newspaper have a gun in their hand and they’ve been making death threats to get the president You’re just making excuses now
  21. I’m gonna make this really simple for you You don’t go to the door with the FBI knocking with a gun in your hand If you don’t understand that, I don’t know what to tell you all it takes is one of those agents thinking that he’s about to get shot and it’s over, and he has legitimate reason to pull the trigger Don’t go to the door with a gun in your hand
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