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John from Riverside

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Everything posted by John from Riverside

  1. It does not surprise me that you would have a better conversation with your dog Dogs are man’s best friend. They don’t argue with you whenever you’re staying stupid ***** like you do I do feel sorry for the dog. If he could talk he would tell you that you’re an idiot, but he would love you anyway.
  2. I may, or may not have started that rumor He started his rookie season
  3. It honestly doesn’t matter because Trump will never be president again, I’m sure of it All I’m waiting for, is to see if he faces any justice whatsoever for the crimes that he’s committed these indictments are airtight, but Trump is always found a way to weasel out in the past in the end, I think he employs that I’m too stupid to know the difference defense
  4. Well, it’s mostly me talking at you and you sucking your thumb. I was trying to be nice.
  5. You add so much to the conversation what would we ever do without you? He’s down there looking for Donald Trump’s ass to kiss
  6. I’ve asked this question three times now and nobody’s answered it Did Madonna or Kathy Griffin open their door with a gun in their hand
  7. Good stuff Almost as if talking about the death of the presidents son and this way doesn’t make you a complete dirtbag
  8. That follows Have you seen some of these interviews that they do it Trump rallies it’s almost like you have to have a checklist White Racist Either old or extremely stupid or both Talk like they’ve heard something straight up for Fox News Ask them a question they can’t answer it ask them to the position they have, and they can’t answer that either they just point to I have the right to my opinion Most of them are just bat ***** crazy
  9. Whenever you call someone a communist, whenever they’re not communists and talk about how they’re destroying your country whenever they’re not Yes, that’s hate speech I just pointed out that you’re full of *****. Don’t blame me if you keep on spouting off stuff that isn’t true on his board.
  10. Your mind is completely warped The hate speech that comes out of the right is something that I never really thought that I would see you 10 years ago If you go onto any right wing news station, the word communist will come out of someone’s mouth at least once every five minutes don’t sit there and say that the right is somehow holding back on their words they push that free-speech ***** to the limit
  11. Sounds like some crybaby ***** to me The bottom line is the more people that vote the worse it is for Republicans Interesting that that’s supposed to be what voting is all about
  12. Just don’t want an petulant child holding the nuclear football January 6th
  13. Lol You don’t think the trumps lackeys were looking for stuff like this whenever he was president Just because Trump is a ***** criminal doesn’t mean that everybody else is
  14. If anyone is scared, it’s the GOP of Trump Look at what they’ve turned themselves into just to avoid his wrath The Democrats are just pointing out the obvious just let that ballerina spin out into the street open the door for him The sad part is you don’t even realize Trump never supported you. He was never your champion.
  15. There’s not a chance in hell that Trump wins the election The American people said no and then he just kept on committing crimes why would they say yes this time
  16. Going to enjoy watching you cry whenever Trump goes to jail You are such a snowflake
  17. You have right wingers LITERALLY doing nothing in the house but sham committees all day trying to find dirt on Joe Biden and you have the nerve to post this?
  18. I do consider myself an independent because I agree with some conservative, talking points. I’m not far left. I definitely am not far, right. There are discussions to be had on this board not with you, because you’re an idiot, but with others that have conservative views
  19. From the guy that is so red pilled he can’t even pull his head out of his own ass I haven’t been on this board for very long, but you are absolutely number one in posting right wing propaganda. There literally is no saving you you cannot be reasoned with you simply must be overcome you and people like you you’re not Americans you don’t know what being patriotic is even about. I’d be willing to bet that you haven’t done anything for your country I don’t hold it against people that don’t serve but people like you are a different sort We all know what’s coming from you there’s gonna be a lot of crying. Lotta their out to get us lotta snowflake ***** as you watch your orange demon leader, get closer and closer to that orange jumpsuit.
  20. Did they do it with a gun in their hand? No, it does not matter what cadence you speaking because you’re always going to sound stupid It’s not your fault you are who you are
  21. Because if you do not shed light on evil, the evil grows There is always been corruption and government, but then there is corruption and then there is Donald Trump Back to Julie Kelly, again, huh?
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