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John from Riverside

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Everything posted by John from Riverside

  1. The early morning raid is not the only interaction that the FBI had with this man How about you get all the information instead of looking like a dumb *****
  2. This right here is the biggest problem Donald Trump is not of the people Donald Trump would not piss on you if you were on fire Donald Trump is all about Donald Trump
  3. Does Julie Kelly offer you a residual every time you post one of her links? You are seriously ***** in the head
  4. We actually don’t know what tactics were used to even comment on them It sounds like he was interviewed before the raid. We don’t know what was said in that meeting he might’ve been totally combative and volatile we don’t know. All we do know is the FBI came to his house. He was stupid enough to put a gun in his hand while he was talking to them and he got shot. Guilty of stupidity
  5. I wish that I would’ve made my way down. Whenever I was stationed in Cape Cod is the closest I’ve ever been to Buffalo. I will regret not doing that and hopefully I can make my way back there again.
  6. It was certainly better than Trump America What’s bad that they had already interviewed him and determined him to be a threat this doesn’t help his case. This doesn’t strengthen it at all. Let’s bring this down to brass tacks if you point a gun at the FBI agent you’re likely to get shot
  7. It’s good to know that if I need any white nationalist, I know where to go this board is full of them You are the type of people that would fully expect them to allow you into their country with no problems Because you know America!
  8. The Trump kids are the thing that Republicans don’t want to talk about How much taxpayer money has been spent on these Hunter Biden investigations not five minutes has been spent on the Trump’s who literally took foreign money right out in the open after having security clearance is in the White House that their daddy had to give them because they shouldn’t have had them
  9. Unless you are American Indian, you are a ***** migrant your family is from migrants the country was made up of migrants Stop blaming a few bad apples with that broad stroke of yours They have them Who the ***** is them?
  10. Interesting that it’s Irv is the first person to reply to this
  11. Why do I get the feeling that had the FBI not done their job and this guy with a sniper rifle did go and take a shot at the president. You would be totally OK with that. You ***** right wingers I swear to God your loyalties are so misplaced
  12. I am an elderly, somewhat disabled guy myself, and if the FBI comes to my door, I’m just gonna answer it I don’t have a lot of sympathy for him If you don’t want the FBI knocking on your door, don’t make death threats against the president.
  13. You point a gun at the FBI you’re gonna ***** find out that’s all you really need to know
  14. Stand your ground against the FBI? Good luck with that Where is the proof that he was unarmed? Well, I’m kind of wanting to see it now to The FBI doesn’t going around making a habit of shooting men just because they open their door
  15. This is so hilarious The last president ran things like a cartel. The Bidens are not even close to it. If you don’t wanna go to jail, don’t commit crimes
  16. tolerated episode number two I just got this feeling that the Jets are totally going to implode their head. Coach is beaming with pride over a preseason win. We don’t know that they’re actually good yet
  17. It’s always going to be something with you isn’t it?🤓
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