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John from Riverside

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Everything posted by John from Riverside

  1. As if Trump would ever be able to get his fat ass on the toilet seat
  2. You’re joking Number one Donald Trump is not the president Number two it’s easy to sit on the sidelines and cheerlead Surely you’re not suggesting that we should vote Republican I thought you wanted to vote for America
  3. It is said that history books are written by the winners I think it’s important to remember that as we go forward, a mistake was made, and Donald Trump was elected president. We should not repeat that mistake.
  4. Its a conservative viewpoint that I agree with Women that used to be men should not be competing in women’s sports. There is an unfair advantage. I don’t care how much they explain it. It’s still doesn’t make sense to me. I would actually be for competitions were trans. People could compete against other trans. At least that would be a level playing field this isn’t about trying to drive them back into the closet come out into the light, but let’s do this sensibly
  5. Well, at least he didn’t have to set a press conference, to exonerate himself from criminal charges and turn around and cancel it It’s all about levels here
  6. I wonder if you understand the contradictions in what you just posted
  7. There are a lot of players that are about to become available all at once Maybe they’re?
  8. The real question is he any better than what we have right now? If not, press on
  9. These things never last that’s why high profile celebrity couples are always breaking up Just have your fun Josh, then move on
  10. I would agree that Joe Biden is slow and old No, the bee is not correct all the time it says things that right wingers want to hear
  11. A violent mob I’m trying to figure out what the alternative would’ve been here. Should they just have let them through? It looked like they were protecting people behind them Let’s make sure that we blame the people that got attacked not the ones that were attacking
  12. Wait a minute what exactly was narrative Are you disputing that there was not a mob that was trying to climb through that window smashing the glasses as they went Come on now Chris there’s video of it
  13. The Babylon bee is supposed to be a satirical rag. It’s meant to be funny. Why do you keep propping it up as news? At least he never lost his ***** at wind turbine or toilet
  14. You don’t understand The mob is the weapon If she gets through that window they’re coming in right behind her her death, as tragic, as it was prevented that they stopped, trying to climb through the window
  15. Kyle Rittenhouse Wasn’t this for right wingers were applauding him for And unlike Kyle, that agent was doing his job
  16. She was not unarmed She had a whole massive people right behind her, ready to go through that window if she made it through I’ll tell you what kind of sucks the people that were with her didn’t give a ***** about her they set her up to get shot I wish that it would not have happened. Pretty sure she was a Air Force like me. By all accounts, other than her politics, everyone seem to like her that knew her I won’t praise the killing. I’m sad that it happened. I’m also not going to defame the shooter who did his job
  17. This was not trespassing as military myself I think that Babbitt’s death is tragic But she brought it on herself The mob that was behind her, absolutely played a part in her shooting If it was just her alone, those agents could’ve taken her down and arrested her Played a big part in it
  18. Do I have a reading comprehension problem you keep on saying the same thing over and over again and people are trying to explain it to you Clean out your ears
  19. What would be funny is if Dorian Williams ended up at middle linebacker just because nobody else was stepping up and he ended up being really good
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