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John from Riverside

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Posts posted by John from Riverside



    No and this is the common......and very weak.......take around here when someone expresses a negative opinion about a player that can't logically be dispelled by their supporters/apologists.


    I think McCoy is fun to watch when what he is doing is working.


    Just doesn't work as well as it used to and there were a lot of factors that don't seem to have been well thought out on the Bills part.


    I do have some bias against expending chips(high draft picks and cap dollars) on RB's.


    That has been proven well founded in the 18+ years that I've been posting on this forum.


    But again......the perception is that McCoy is this great playmaker but he had the lowest yards per touch of any NFL player who had 250 or more touches last year.


    He was not that good.

    Its just really difficult to have this conversation when McCoy isnt even on the field to evaluate.


    Maybe you and Greggy can point out to me who else was going to trade for and then cough up a $26.5M guaranteed for a RB with declining yards per numbers who was going into his 7th year with that kind of mileage.


    Wasn't happening.


    Teams trade for WR and OL relatively often....they are more valued positions....not "rotation" positions like RB is now...but Jackson and Mathis had contracts that were prohibitive and that killed their trade value.


    The only trade value McCoy had was his contract.....much of which had already been paid.


    The Bills were just the huckleberry the Eagles couldn't find for Jackson and Mathis.

    You mean a top 5 running back in the league with high production....not over the hill in age?


    Now you want us to make assumptions on teams that might do something like that? I am trying to stay away from assumptions but a list wouldnt be that difficult.


    C'mon John, pay attention to the NFL.


    DeSean Jackson was cut before McCoy and Evan Mathis was cut after him.


    The speculation was anything but random.


    They both had as much trade value as McCoy.


    Contracts are VERY important when it comes to veterans trade value.


    Having to give Shady an extension pretty much guaranteed the deal would be in the red.


    Anyone who thought Shady was going to be better than last year.......and there were a few......were just not looking at the history of high carry RB's.


    Then project that out another....4-5 years?? :doh:


    He has the kind of abuse on his body normally associated with a 30 year old rb and it showed in his game last year.

    I dont care what happened to other players on the eagles....you are still making MAJOR assumption when it comes to Shady




    Shady has been relatively injury free his entire career....and that is mostly because of his running style....he hardly ever seen to take a clean hit.....very Barry Sanders like (or dare I say....Thuman THomas like)



    He had like 800 touches the past two seasons.


    If you watch NFL network and they are discussing an NFC east team they are almost guaranteed to show plays where McCoy is hopping sideways in the hole and being tackled for no gain.


    Lot's of tape out there.

    Jeez....I mean....with all those tackles for no gain you have to wonder how in the world he got all those rushing yards.....


    or could it be....ALL running backs get tackled for no gain at times

    I've said repeatedly he'll be worth the contract in the final analysis. I believe he makes the team better, and I've seen nothing to deter me from that line of thinking so far. But I didn't say the trade wouldn't have happened without the extension, I said McCoy never would have played a down (for any team) without an extension because he had very little guaranteed money left on his existing deal.


    Regardless of who he was dealt to, he was getting an extension in line with a top RB. If the Eagles had cut him (and I don't think they would have, some other team would have traded for McCoy and extended him if the Bills hadn't) there's no way he's signing somewhere on the cheap.

    That is something I dont understand either....why is it just ASSUMED that a player the caliber of McCoy is just gonna get cut.......and that a player wouldnt have given him his extension based on play style, past production, not being too old, etc etc


    The assuming of people to fit their own agenda's amazes me



    Being that it's just a hamstring and I am asking about the next 2.5 seasons, yeah that's a cop out. :lol:


    To me, this is pretty easy.


    He is a high mileage speed and COD back and he's lost a step and complained about a lack of explosiveness in Philly last year, let alone this year.


    It would be a surprise if he DIDN'T continue to decline.


    That's why the contract was utter ridiculousness.


    In time the haters of my takes on Shady will be pretending to other people that they knew all along it was a bad move.......the way that C.Biscuit started pretending he hadn't spent 3 years equating Dick Jauron to Bill Belichick. :lol:

    You wont see me doing that Bado....I pretty much stick to my guns on predictions of players


    - I have not yet been able to see a healthy McCoy in a bills uniform in the regular season......the less then healthy McCoy has been able to find a whay to help this team with his pass catching ability and underrated pass protection.


    - What I find rather interesting......the bills also realize that with the hamstring issue (by the way....hammy's ARE devistating to RB's.....Lynch is missing time with it......the running back fro the Texans doesnt look the same.....but anyways) there is something in Shady's play that is telling the coaches they literally are not getting the player they traded for right now....and want to see that player


    I ALSO want to see that player.....and while people nash their teach about his contract.....I realize that the bills HAD the cap and cash to make that trade......this is the new bills.....they are taking their shot at being great and not worrying so much about how much they spent. Certain fans like to B word like it is their money that is being spent.....its not. In my opinion until it actually COSTS us a player that we needed because we couldnt afford them then they need to sit back and enjoy the ride.


    Im not going to make predictions on the player until I actually see that player able to play......we have not seen that yet with McCoy.

  6. I guess my comment about milking and going to the bank now seems to be more to others thoughts. We paid a lot of money to date for a player that has not provided us with a productive performance. We can only hope that he will come around down the road. I just don't feel good about the whole situation and I see others don't either.

    Four games



    I know you will but I don't do people like that.


    If I did I'd be putting xmas gifts on layaway in grubby anticipation of your money already cuz he sure as hell ain't even getting to 1k yards this year! :lol:


    So again....let me know what kind of production you are expecting.


    That will be fun to know. :lol:

    Well....at least he isnt Ronald Darby......




    We don't expect the offense to put 25-30 up, but they were stagnant in the first half with 6 out of 8 drives being 3 and out, counting the 1 play interception drive.




    Field Goal







    If somewhere in there we put up a TD at least, it would have been 10-17 Giants going into the 2nd half rather than 3-17. Also 1 of those Giant TDs was a result of an INT from the Offense on the Bills 32 yard line.

    What was really concerning to me was the lack of 3rd down conversions.......but also we were really REALLY conservative on our play calling.....attack Roman!

  8. yes, so do I. May i suggest he might very live up to it too.

    Some of his plays have been just so athletic. He is an impressive football player to be sure.

    The Bill B** method of Injury Reports, perhaps?

    giving nothing away to the media and leave everyone to speculate

    This is why I say that people should stop complaining about Shady being out.....and just resign themselves that the bills should just get him as close to 100 percent as can be done before he plays


    Wouldnt fans WANT to see McCoy at 100 percent so they can see his special talent? Because the hamstring injury is PREVENTING that.......run Herrod, Wood....then Karlos and Herrod until Shady is ready to be special......right at the time when we need him in the hard part of our schedule.

  9. I agree that we have to overcome bad ref calls


    For my part....the part that is hard to swallow is the IMPACT these calls....non calls......questionable calls had impacted scores in the game


    14 points taken off the board for the bills?


    On 2 of the scores for the giants you can see on both scores that they really are not touchdowns.....and the maddening part is those plays are AUTOMATICALLY reviewed


    Gilmore has been excellent. If we can re-sign a difference maker at a reasonable price, we should do it. It's particularly important for Rex's defense. Should Gilmore choose to walk for more money elsewhere, we have to let him go. Whaley can be trusted to find new talent, but great teams also find a way to retain their homegrown talent.


    People have been a little too hard on Glenn this year. He has been good. Others have said Glenn will get overpaid somewhere to be their LT. That may be the case, and we would have to let him go if it is, but if he signs a reasonable contract to stay with us, we should keep him around too. Much more so than CBs these days, OTs have been largely bad in their first year+ it seems. I don't trust Kudo and Seantrel just yet to man the ends yet.

    I am not sure if your line of thinking is leading to not resigning Gilmore....but I am about 90 percent sure that will not happen.


    When you following Rex Ryan's track record on defense.......he needs quality corners to make it work......and he absolutely loves Gilmore


    We wont be able to sign everybody.....which is why I really feel we will draft O linemen (in Glenn's rookie year he was a very good LT....althought if they go OL what you would probably see is S. Henderson at LT and the rookie at RT.....then switch them in the next year)

  11. i read he has been on "the list " just waiting for the chance Rex to scoop him.

    I really like how Bills are scouting constantly and super quick when a player they covet becomes available.

    And how they just pounded Clay once they had decided he was their Man. Love that stuff for sure

    Maybe we can trade him to Seattle?

    I honestly dont see us doing anything with McCoy's contract....


    I think they will live with it and see how he performs........

  12. as long as we dont get many more #Rogue moves.

    Being completely unexpected and bit disappointing , i wont B word too much.

    Whaley finally spent to the cap after all these years. Now the trick is to manage that fine line well.

    we shall see.


    As mentioned sagely from some here already. its much too soon to be talking about the Cap. I mean we should be avoiding push ups right now!!

    I have a hard time blaming Whaley too much.....he is just constantly working to improve the team.......


    We have to see it but something tells me this Boom Herrod move is gonna end up looking genious......he is a good running back and he fits this offense




    The WR we signed this week is not chopped liver either

  13. I doubt that. We may rework Mario as an extension, but if the tread comes off McCoy's tires over the next couple of years there's no way he gives up guaranteed money to help our cap situation.

    Agreed....I dont see Shady reworking his contract


    But there is enough other players that can be reworked and guys who frankly are going to be sent packing due to age that they will make it all work......

  14. I think we are going to see a LOT less signing of free agents and more of resigning our own over the next couple of years.......Whaley said as much.


    IMO these things are going to happen


    - Mario Williams and Clay are going to get restructured

    - We are going to resign Gilmore, Bradham, Cog, and possibly Harvin

    - Glenn is going to allowed to walk in FA....he appears to have hit his celing and is now regressing......

    - TT is going to show over the course of this season that he is our QB of now and the future....I am not sure where that leaves EJ Manuel (Im not trying to turn this thread so please do do so guys!)


    In the draft we will


    - Take either a LT or C with our first pick.....we are going to be drafting in that area where quality OL will be available....and I hear that this is a good draft for OL

    - 2nd round pick.......this will be interesting....I definately think we will go with BPA.....but will that be a coverage linebacker? A safety?

    - Third round.....OL



    I see through all of these excuses for Luck flowing like lava from Mount Vesuvius while the national press keeps fiddling, but even I wouldn't compare him to the Glove Wearing Mary. And the myth of the "couple good seasons" Trent had is just that....a myth. He was B-A-D bad from the get-go.

    Are we really going to say that Andrew Luck is not a good franchise quarterback?


    I mean.....really? come on

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