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John from Riverside

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Posts posted by John from Riverside

  1. You made a post in this thread talking about how great Tyrod's stats have been in several games as a counter argument.


    Unless you deleted it because you're a liar.


    Which you are.

    Your pretty funny


    I dont need to delete posts because I stand by what I say


    Tyrod has had excellent numbers in several different catagories in games this year.....its got nothing to do with fantasy.....that play translated into points.


    I know that you choose to focus on the negative...and your being taken to task which is why your name calling in every other post now.....but it is what it is.

    Do you believe that to be a silver bullet?


    Feel free to pursue this line of argument, but you're going to get your ass kicked logically for it.

    It was a simple question. Sorry if it upsets you.

  2. You're right.


    The Bills playbook is totally unique in base and concept. It doesn't borrow from any of the well defined offenses, or any of their variations, hybrids, or combinations that are used in modern football.


    There is no way that anyone, without access to the bills playbook, could possibly break down their game film.


    That's why opposing teams don't study other teams game film. Because without the playbook, it's useless.



    So in other words....you dont....

  3. We've got to lead the league in pass attempts against. These guys know Rex and they see Mario, Hughes, Bradham and Brown sitting in the front 7.

    They're not going to waste downs jamming the ball up in there; they're going to try and attck the edges as fast as they can get the ball out.

    They are throwing against us in the middle of the field as well.......and drawing penalties from us there (some of them bs)

  4. Actually, there was 1:15 left on the clock.


    And Taylor had a wide open Charles Clay streaking down the sideline, no one within 20 yards of him, on that play.


    It was the exact same situation as Mariota, and Tyrod made an even worse play because, had he been able to read the field, he would have thrown for a TD.


    Thanks, though, for using your poor memory of the situation to attempt to malign me.


    Fortunately I don't require your validation, because I know what I'm talking about.

    Then there is the "oh the QB missed an open receiver" arguement EVER QB IN THE NFL MISSES WIDE OPEN RECIEVERS IN EVERY GAME....


    all of them

  5. i heard them say Darby was the second most targeted CB in the NFL going in to today. Second only to Gilmore. This surprised me.

    I saw that as well.....


    So then you wonder......if Gilmore and Darby are balling like this how are they moving the ball? Our SAFETIES (they were good today) but everytime we gotta go to duke or rambo we really struggle in safety coverage.....


    If they can get that worked out......true no fly zone

  6. No, I'm sitting here laughing at a bunch of maroons.


    If you think you're done anything other than expose your lack of game knowledge, you're sadly mistaken.


    Now get back to your "take" about how fantasy stats win real football games, and Tyrod is somehow comparable to Jim Kelly.

    Just to prove a point.....could you please show anywhere in any of my posts where I use fantasy stats to back up my observations in my conversation with you?

  7. Four weeks worth of watching the all-22 dozens of times.


    I'm a film junkie. Have been since college.


    Other independent break downs of the all-22 have reinforced my observations. Today Tyrod did what Tyrod has done all season. Watch the all-22.

    I will rephrase......the the bills playbook.....do you know?

    You can't possibly have watched any film and come to the conclusions that you have.


    That's how I know.


    I'm the guy who knows what he's talking about. You must be the other guy.

    Prove it


    Nope, I never said that. Nice try. You really have an issue today taking things out of context to make your point. Every QB throws bad interceptions I said he didn't throw bad interceptions like Mariota did today. You made a comparison suggesting that Mariota was a better QB than TT. My point was Mariota killed a potential game winning drive with an awful pass, which TT would not have done.

    He is being taken to task for his comments today.....doesnt appear to be handling it very well

  9. I already answered you, liar.


    I'll do it again:


    In Tyrod's 5th year in the league, I'd expect him to be able to read a defense pre-snap, get through progressions, change protection and play calls at the LOS (something Mariota was able to do today in his 4th start, in his 1st year in the league), hit open receivers in space, make hot reads, have composure in the pocket, and not run into sacks.





    And in your opinion....what makes you qualified to know that those things were not happening


    Do you know the bills playbook?


    The O line was AWFUL. Not sure what part, because it looked like the entire Titans D line was in our backfield all day. Taylor had a great game. Just needs to throw the ball a little higher (first pass to Clay too low, pass to Hogan almost too low) and not stare down receives as much. But for a guy starting his 5th NFL game, he is VERY impressive. He's also tough.

    I dont think TT had a "Great Game".....I think he struggled and had a great game when we NEEDED him to in order to win......


    I still think he is gonna learn from this and improve.....and if we win along the way while he does this we will be in good shape.

    Good grief you're inconsiderate.


    So... in addition to being a Jim Rome guy, you base your "takes" on fantasy stat production.


    /golf clap


    It's becoming more and more obvious why you hold the (poor) opinions that you do.

    You realize that people are watching this thread and laughing at you right?

  11. I'm just curious as to what you expect from him. Do you think that he should be a top 10 QB in the league? He's probably still rated there. Did you think after playing Indy, NE, Mia, Nyg, and TN (without Shady and half the games without Sammy) we should be 4-1 or 5-0? Do you think because he is a five year veteran and played five games in his career he should not have subpar games stat wise where he makes enough great plays to actually pull out a win at the end? Do you think he should be, say, Phillip Rivers or Drew Brees? What do you expect out of a player in his fifth game who was always a backup with his bets two RB gone, crappy OL, and his best WR out?

    Your not gonna get a straight answer on this...it hurts his argument

  12. Ah... "takes"... That's what you think I'm doing.


    You're a Jim Rome guy. That explains so much.


    Not sure what that has to do with anything but whatever




    In Tyrod's 5th year in the league, I'd expect him to be able to read a defense pre-snap, get through progressions, change protection and play calls at the LOS (something Mariota was able to do today in his 4th start, in his 1st year in the league), hit open receivers in space, make hot reads, have composure in the pocket, and not run into sacks.


    FIRST STARTING SEASON IN THE NFL......in TWO of those FIVE games put up terrific numbers.....in THREE of those FIVE games his team won. In MOST of those FIVE games has had very little help from his running game....in MOST of those FIVE games has been without at least two of his top offensive weapons.




    And no, he doesn't "protect the ball" either. He has 4 INTs and 2 fumbles in 5 games. Not today.....

    oh yes it is true, but it is your excuse, and it's weak.

    I dont need to make excuses.....we won

    No, it's just you making up terminology to support your silliness.


    Tyrod is a 5 year veteran.

    Tyrod is a 5 year veteran player that has never started a NFL season before this one......as a matter of fact playing before Flacco he has hardly gotten any snaps with starters at all before this season.....


    He is not a 1st year rookie just drafted out of the NFL.......so the bar should not be set THAT low.....but his name should also not be thrown into names like Brady, Manning, Wilson because that is asinine.

  13. Tyrod Taylor's offense today:


    3 plays, 6 yards, PUNT

    3 plays, -3 yards, PUNT

    3 plays, 2 yards, PUNT

    5 plays, 12 yards, PUNT

    8 plays, 35 yards, PUNT




    5 plays, 5 yards, PUNT



    Then, with 3:10 remaining in the third quarter, Tyrod scrambles for 25 yards on 3rd and 4.


    Until then, he hadn't bothered to show up at all.



    If this was one game, I would write it off; BUT, this is the exact same thing that he did in both the Giants and Patriots**** games, and that's a pattern.


    This is unacceptable.


    had we been playing a decent team, we would have lost.

    What if we would have won the game...wouldnt that have been great?

    How about 5th year in the league. I expect better than that, and so should you.

    Never started a game in his life before this year.....so what you have is a experienced rookie.


    .....and...you didnt answer the question.

  14. I think there are two things going on: 1) the team is different without Sammy and Lesean and now Karlos, and Roman overprotected TT which may have been a mistake. And 2) I think they are playing for the long run. They want TT to be able to throw from the pocket because they know he already can throw on the run. So they think if they can give him the experience in the pocket as a thrower, he has a chance to be very good instead of being just a rollout guy.

    Kelly...that has occurred to me


    The problem? We need to win these games in the 1st half of our schedule.....we should NOT have lost that Giants game......was very happy we pullled this out


    Putting things into TTs game (like throwing from the pocket) that is what PRACTICE is for

  15. No, it's just inconsiderate and childish.


    But, if you enjoy being inconsiderate and childish, by all means: proceed.


    I especially enjoyed the part where you defended it. It was like I was talking to my 14 year old.

    Thats interesting.....because by your lack of take I thought i WAS talking to a 14 year old

    The bad ones don't.


    The good ones? Like Russell Wilson?


    They do.

    Just so I understand....what should the expectation be for Tyrod in his 5th game


    We wont even talk about his ability to take care of the ball and not throw picks like inexperienced starters do (whoops I just did)


    So Manning and Brady and Now WIlson have been thrown into the convo


    What is your expectation of this QB in his 5th start?

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