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John from Riverside

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Everything posted by John from Riverside

  1. Ultimately, this all falls on McDermott this team was not ready to play tonight
  2. I figured it was something like that. Thank you for doing the work to point it out
  3. I’m concerned about the starting defense giving up the big play to start the game on consecutive drives This is something to Buffalo really doesn’t do they don’t give up the big play, but they did tonight
  4. I don’t understand why bail Inspector got taken out of the competition
  5. I always wanted to tell your house I always thought that you were the second funniest person in this board behind teef
  6. I liked it so much better when we were talking about hawks and owls
  7. I hate to break this to you, but untraceable war funding has been going on for centuries it’s not limited to this administration
  8. If you look between the two parties, I think that the left totally supports women and their rights more than the right does, except in this instance, whenever you’re trying to be the party of inclusivity and tolerance This can get a little murky
  9. I had a family of owls that would nest every year and a tree outside of my house. Every once in a while, I would find the bones of groundhogs scattered on my porch or on the grass. They were so awesome
  10. Would totally take him as an offensive coordinator, though
  11. What are you talking about? We’ve had republican governors before Newsom. As much as you like to ***** on California, it still has all of the makings of its own country compared to your ***** little state and we are paying for your taxes over here
  12. I actually like you, T.S.O.L. But this ranks right up there with my mistake about the Nazi churches I’m still trying to live that one down That’s the coolest thing you’ve posted all month
  13. Oh, I’d bring him in on a $2 million deal. I just don’t think that he would agree to sign with us.
  14. First of all he didn’t fail on this he said that we were going to get out of Afghanistan and we did really the only president with enough balls, and actually agreeable to make it happen But there have been things that he’s failed on specifically, the Medicare for all comes to mind immediately. Where is the free healthcare option? This is a statement that Biden should not have made because while he has a list of things that he has done while in office, he has not come through on everything
  15. First of all, I’m a independent admittedly, I am left-leaning, but I am still in independent I don’t agree with the trans in sports thing that’s going on at all
  16. Dude Trump is not fat compared to what the state puff marshmallow man? Trump is ***** obese
  17. Are we talking about the same woman Biden‘s wife isn’t fat Not that there’s anything wrong with that real man like a fat ass
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