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John from Riverside

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Posts posted by John from Riverside

  1. Nope. But the name of the game is winning not style points. And he made plays to win the game. Terrific plays. Last Monday he didn't make enough plays.

    I do wonder just how much of this is because Tyrod is not winning games (and having stat lines) that are not Brady like.


    Please.....do go down to your local department store and get us a Brady.....the entire fan base will be delighted

  2. I agree. If he was turning the ball over left and right it would be one thing, but he's not. His big play capability keeps the other D honest, and helps our run game. He's not perfect but I think he's the best fit our team has had in quite some time.

    Anyone with any common sense is not against bringing in another QB.....there are several reasons for doing this that have NOTHING to do with how you feel the talent level is of Tyrod Taylor.


    TT has it......but hasnt proven that he can stay healthy so another QB is needed


    What I find amusing all this pissing and moaning about Tyrod Taylor.....and im not talking about discussing a young qb who has weaknesses in his game but difinative statements on whether or not Tyrod Taylor is a good or bad qb....but offer NOTHING in the terms of how to improve the situation.


    When we started this season we thought we had NO QB.....EJ Manuel.....flop.....Matt Cassel......bad......then Tyrod emerges and actually shows positive QB play (top 5 in several NFL stats.....doesnt turn the ball over......good arm......can throw deep......but yes has his own FLAWS. He is not Brady....not Brees.....but still a starting QB


    To the mouthbreating masses out there that want to discard this QB....WHAT IS YOUR ALTERNATIVE......the fact is you dont have one because starting QBs are so hard to find. Most of you your answer is drafting the next bright shiny toy QB and hope for the best.....even though history shows us that the draft is a crapshoot to find qbs even in the 1st round just like every where else.


    We need another QB.....and I agree with drafting one in the first....its needed....because we also need another quality QB on this team (and im not saying they are going to end up being a quality qB.....only that its the right thing to do) simply because TT has not shown he can stay healthy.


    This doenst mean that we need to disect the hell out of Tyrod Taylor who has shown a lot of GOOD things at QB to prove your point.....get a grip.




    John, our calling card is fifteen years with no playoffs.


    This is due largely to an inability to draft, sign, or even LOCATE an adequate presence at QB... As a result, some of us have actually forgotten what one looks like. Your willingness to settle for INT-free losses is as stomach-turning as Tyrod's fearful approach to the QB position.


    Your position on Tyrod is a surprise no one.

    So much wrong with what you just posted I dont know where to begin


    So I wont start

  4. the over the middle and the deep balls. i think when the all 22 film comes out you will see that bellichek made sure to play a two deep, take away as many deep balls as possible, and roll a safety over watkins. this is why you saw woods making intermediate catches, shady out of the backfield a lot, and hogan open. taylor was taking what they were giving him.

    we all want watkins to get the ball a lot, but it's not hard to shut down a single man on a football team. especially a WR. sure other WRs dominate under any condition, but those WRs aren't 6 1 and 200lbs. He's kind of small.

    This is where u move Watkins around (Roman) and get him the ball in other areas of the field.......where is the BUBBLE SCREEN


    my reference to taking the deep middle throws out, was for the Pats game plan, and would have been done to keep Taylor from hanging up a floater between the hashes.. they were in cover-1 alot, and that part of the field would have been treacherous. there was at least one play where Roman ran Clay up the seam, past the LB, while running Woods in front of him - giving Tyrod the chance to option off the backer. when the LB bit on the short cross, Taylor could have hit Clay. but he threw incomplete to Woods rather than risk the throw.. and that's ok. the thing is, if Taylor isn't comfortable making certain throws right now, Roman has less field to threaten.


    Reid's staff will take notice how the Pats wide-9 - with little to no blitzing - and Tyrod's left knee, helped keep him under control. .. and Roman and Taylor know this.. it's a long season.. you work with what you have, and always try to give yourself a favorable match-up somewhere. i know it's cliche', but it's how it's done. Taylor is fine.. better than fine.. and he will improve with this staff, because Roman will give him the opportunities - like the hi/lo mentioned above - to improve.

    Good post....I agree with all of this


    And herein lies Tyrod's greatest misconception... He's patially right... If you don't throw at all, It's impossible to throw a pick... However, Tyrod seems to think, that simply not throwing picks makes you a good QB... on that point he is wrong.


    Young QB's are going to throw picks. Period. I expect, and fully understand that it's a learning process... However, I'm getting more and more put off by Tyrod's reluctance to even let this process BEGIN. -It's cowardice. Plain and simple.. Watkins potential won't be realized while we employ bad coordinators, and QB's afraid to throw him the ball.

    But that is the thing....when your calling card is your defense you dont WANT your young QBs throwing picks because that kills games.....you want them taking care of the ball. If you want to blame conservative play on someone maybe you shouldnt be blaming it on Taylor?


    instead of calling your qb a coward (which frankly makes you look like an idiot) maybe you should be asking whether or not he is doing what he is being ASKED to do by his coaches.


    I agree with all of this, especially the bolded.


    I believe they will improve (like... next season), but in the meantime, Roman should have a simplified hurry-up offense in place. It's cost them games, and will cost them more. They should be working on it NOW. It's more important than a specific gameplan at this point. The only way to get to the playoffs is to be able to close out games with a score.


    I think Tyrod can win lots of games, but I'm not sold on him staying healthy.

    I dont think anyone is sold on him staying healthy at this point


    Kids a gamer though.....


    Tuel was a better passer than Tyrod too! However, he struggled under a crap OC... Tuel was also suppressed by expectations of our 1st round pick... Tuel was a guy who never really got a significant opportunity.


    Greg Roman sucks, but Tyrod doesn't help his case with with his poor field vision, and underthrows. I'd expect more from a guy who sat behind Joe Flacco for four years.


    Oh, Before I forget, You know who else was better than Tyrod? -Thad Lewis!

    The two QBs you talk about here are turnover machines

  8. No, you said those things shouldn't be expected to improve in five years of practice; but now your saying those things should only be worked on in practice.

    No I am saying that Roman should not be scheming things that Tyrod does not do well in games.


    Also......your ignoring the point I have made about D coordinator's adjusting their defenses to him.


    This is a worthless conversation anyway.....outside of like 3 NFL QB's all the QBs that play in the NFL have a weakness of one form or another.


    Tyrod will either learn to throw from the pocket or he will be replaced

  9. I know this.....


    The D playing lights out against the pats last week WITHOUT Mario being out cannot be helping him......


    Mario makes a LOT of money......there are DE's out there that play Rex Scheme well who dont make the coin Mario makes


    I dont have a opinion on Mario getting cut one way or the other at the moment........it needs to be looked at in a overall team concept because Rex is not going anywhere.

  10. Both of those underthrown deep balls were clearly PI on NE. They were both catchable had the defender not interfered.

    Both of those throws that you mentioned were underthrown a bit, but were catchable if not for PI that was not called against NE. Again, yes they were not perfect throws, but catchable balls without the uncalled PI.

    Also.....the TD pass to Shady was totally catchable and should have been a TD


    How may times to the franchise QBs get bailed out with pass interference calls on balls that are underthrown just the way those were?

    I could have sworn that I had a long protracted argument with a guy who said that 5 years worth of practices and camps weren't all that valuable, as all the real growth happens in live games.


    I can't imagine that same guy arguing that those same traits I said were lacking, would now be arguing that those traits should be improved in practices and camps rather than live games.


    Can you?

    You misunderstand


    I never said that Tyrod was a finished product.....only that he was good enough to be playing while he continues to work on his game. And yes....real growth does happen during live games.


    How much experience does a QB get holding a clipboard with opposing defensive coordinators actually watching tape of him.....adjusting the D to combat that.....and then turning around and changing things to combat the changes that the D coordinator has made?




    Agree completely.


    Tyrod is asked to take what the D gives him and not turn the ball over.


    This offense is thoroughly micro-managed by Roman.......he gets the play call in so late it's really hard for TT to do much more than what he is told to.


    I think he is capable of much more....maybe even becoming a franchise QB.....but I think the bigger concern with him is whether he can stay healthy.


    My guess is that his knee will require surgery after the season. I doubt it is still the sprain.

    I still maintain that I have seen a certain script over the course of this season (after the first set of games....in which I thought they were using TT correctly...which also corresponded with TT putting up points


    - Force TT to work from the pocket....I mean....FORCE IT.....at the beginning of the game to halftime and a little bit through it (which is actually just BIZARRE to me)

    - Team falls behind

    - Late in the game......start calling plays that play to Tyrod's strengths....let him run......roll him out of the pocket.....yada yada yada yada

    - TT's productivity picks up


    Working on weaknesses in Tyrod's game is not something that should be done IN GAME....that is what practice and training camp is for. For christ sake....when they move him around he even starts throwing better from the pocket...it sparks him......


    Roman's running game schemes are great.....but he doesnt know wtf to do with Tyrod Taylor


    and yest his injuries are concerning to me......QB in the first please.

  12. John, not this again


    IIRC in same game Tannehill had 17 straight pass completions.



    In a two game stretch -

    Dolphins' Ryan Tannehill sets NFL record with 25 straight completions


    Facing the Texans Tannehill completed his first 18 passes.




    That is an accomplishment you boast about.


    I like Tyrod, he just isn't one of the top 10 passer in the league with 20 or more passes in a game over half a season



    edit --



    Let me try to show you the fault once again in the stats with a small sample size.



    Cecil Shorts 1 1 100 21 21 158.3

    Kellen Clemens 6 5 83.3 63 19 150

    Matt Moore 1 1 100 14 4 118.8


    Are these guys honestly the top 3 passers in the league?



    It is what Tyrod does not what SOME OTHER FUKIN QUARTER BACK DOES


    Wilson got better as the season went on. Tyrod is heading in the other direction.

    TT just 2 weeks earlier had a game where he had ONE PASS INCOMPLETION......


    QB success is not measured on a god damn graph......it is up and down....it is based on the competition faced......it is based on how many times did his receivers drop balls that they could have caught.

  14. I thinking you are over reacting. Taylor has been hitting all those throws all year so far. I don't know what happened last night, but one bad game is not the end. Maybe the cold was affecting him, but he can surely play and can only get better.

    What you have is a certain few blowing the horn loud and the sheep are piling on


    Pile on sheep

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