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John from Riverside

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Posts posted by John from Riverside


    Saving cap space helped get John Idzik fired with NYJ not long ago. Some teams, NE for example, make moves that seem heartless and cold. Yet, it's that mindset that needs to happen to clear space for the important positions.


    It's amazing that the Bills continue to spend huge resources such as high picks and cap space on the WR and RB positions year after year. Yet, it doesn't get them closer to making the playoffs. If a guy like Brees has gas in the tank you find a way to acquire him on a rental the way Arizona did with Carson Palmer or Denver with Peyton Manning.


    Players careers are being wasted while the Bills fumble around trying to get a QB. Acquiring a veteran would sure make guys like Sammy, Robert Woods, and Charles Clay happy. They're watching their careers suffer because the starting QB can't read a defense and/or the staff doesn't trust him to make throws downfield other than the sideline.

    I will say it again


    If anyone has the store where cant miss QBs are kept and pick one off the shelf....I will gladly put in for gas money for your tank.


    Its just not that damn easy

    They could find a way to make it work.




    Get rid of some high priced skill players if that's what you have to do.


    Those guys can be plugged in and not miss a beat if your QB is among the best in the league.

    Please tell us how they are to make that work......

  2. Seriously? Looks to me like TYrod does his fair share of checking down.


    Even from pre season I noticed there is an element of Captain Crackdown in his game. Not a full blown Captain Check down. Perhaps Second Luitenant Checkdown, or perhaps Master Sergeant Check down.

    I think all QBs check down.....and Tyrod does to....but he has a willingness to go deep that overshadows it

  3. Don't under estimate the loss of D'Norris Searcy in the backfield. He called defense and created turnovers. Bills defense could also use leader on that side of the ball. Too many penalties and inability to line up in certain situations.

    Yeah his name is Aaron Williams.....HUGE loss to this team

  4. The real question is......why did defenders not swarm to the ball


    Here me out on this......


    Yes Graham missed the tackle.....but he also for an instant slowed the receiver to a stop.....then the receiver had to break AWAY from the defender's grasp slowing him down even more.....your telling me the faster players on the field could not track him down/take the angle to cut him off from the end zone?

  5. He needs to throw to the middle more, especially down the seams. There is no denying that. Tyrod, like Russell Wilson, will always have a substantially larger graph to the sidelines more because a substantial number of throws are while rolling out or scrambling, and you never throw to the middle under those situations. Still he needs to utilize more of the field over time.

    Its definately an area of his game he needs to improve.


    I wonder what would help him in this area.....a bigger target?

  6. Might as well, because that's who we have chucking the ball for us.

    Lets see how the season finishes.


    His injury seems to be hampering his throwing. As mentioned above by one our beloved erudite posters.

    Sometimes it's about survival.


    If the offense cannot dictate to the defense more, they will continue to struggle and be dependant on the QB.

    Seriously worried about another good shot to Tyrod if his knee is already weakened. His legs are his true threat.

    So if by some far away chance Bills lose next week do they think about playing EJM? and call TT injured?

    PS some of you folks seem kinda grumpy and bordering on name calling if not actually.

    lets not do that please.

    We mouthbreathers take offense.


    Happy Thanksgiving !

    I share your concerns


    I did actually like the 2 back offense that Roman employed.....that actually seems to be the problem though...he seems very good at scheming the running game and not the passing game......

  7. Simple. Keep him in the pocket. Bring pressure from the edge. Defend 15 yards and in. Make him beat you deep or over the middle. Which he hasn't been able to consistently do, especially the latter.

    You know....that is horsecrap....he has thrown PLENTY of on target deep balls




    You cant "keep a qb in the pocket" if the OC chooses not to......there are ways to scheme that.


    Roman is choosing not to do it

  8. How exactly has he been figured out when he misses 3-4 long passes to open guys and has a TD pass dropped? If he makes half of those plays we score 14 more points and win. That's not getting figured out. Guys were wide open all game and he just didn't make the plays he had been making.

    Because he should always be the reason why we win and never the rest of the team (like the jets)




    Because he should always have a nearly perfect passing rating (fins)




    Because he should overcome a team that hasnt lost all year


    Keep that bar high!


    So much happening on the field that i don't know where to throw.


    So I won't.



    Yet nfl QB stats still say I might not be JP Losman


    (signed....the NFL)

    It's somewhat incredible for a guy that totally sucks and will never be good and never has played a good game and cannot see the field still has a winning record and 100+ passer rating and eight yards an attempt.

    shhhhhh mouth breathers dont want to hear that

    look at the trends, theyre negative. last outing rtg was 75.3. that wont cut it. hes been figured out, which wasnt hard, and hasnt proven he can adjust

    because of course.....NFL QB play can be based on a line graph....it is never up and down to to various reasons

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