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John from Riverside

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Everything posted by John from Riverside

  1. I’m not quite sure who said that and it’s definitely not true
  2. Keep quoting a right wing, satire rag and thinking that it makes you look smart It doesn’t
  3. The more people that vote period is bad for Republicans not just the youth vote
  4. I really do blame the Democrats for this, putting up such a crappy candidate as Hillary Clinton that allowed a buffoon like Donald Trump to actually get into office And we’re still paying for it
  5. I read somewhere that he didn’t visit Maui. However, I’m seeing a news report that he is actually visiting them right now. What gives It’s a lame attempt at empathy But let’s not act like the Biden family has not suffered through some pretty bad times
  6. Ot beachum also works for me complete both the left side and the right side Would have to trade for him, but it is the Cardinals
  7. I just find it interesting how the right wing wants to raise the voting age That really tells you all that you need to know they are scared that the youth movement is going to push them completely to irrelevance It’s probably why they’re getting more vicious. They realize that it’s time goes on. They are losing ground. They caught a break, whenever the Democrats decided not to pack the supreme court, which is giving them some time This is why they’re making their own online schools like Prager, U, and pushing them off as an approved vendor
  8. It absolutely is in Russia’s best interest for Trump to be president. He was carrying water for them trying to disband NATO He has loans through Russian affiliated banks I’m not going to go so far as to say that the two colluded in order to win the election, because there was no proof of that in the Mueller report, however there was proof that Russia did interfere Trials should be Swift Trump should want a swift trial so that he can clear his name The fact that he isn’t confident that he can, clear his name actually says something
  9. Jesus, are you ***** stupid It is both the extreme droughts and the extreme weather that is not normally seeing that I actually lays the foundation for climate change
  10. I didn’t say that the Russians colluded with Trump They don’t need to be in direct collusion with him in order to interfere in the election. It’s just in their best interest to have Trump as president.
  11. It is not illegal to question the results of elections and Hillary Clinton conceded the very next day you dumb *****
  12. Interesting note I didn’t realize that the voice of hard knocks was the guy that played sabertooth in one of the wolverine movies I thought that was pretty cool
  13. I’d like to see the office of line play a little better to have a better feeling about that Jets game I don’t know what the Jets office is going to look like but you know that their defense is going to bring it
  14. Do you spell got Biden elected This is why you will always see Joe Biden continue to work on cutting down that student loan debt. It’s a winner for him. The more people that vote the more Republicans loose it’s a fact The younger the people vote the more Republicans loose. It’s a fact.
  15. There is literal evidence that the Russians were involved in the election work Donald Trump got elected in his favor They didn’t decided which is why you never hear me say that Donald Trump didn’t legitimately win the election but they were involved You obviously should not be calling anyone else a moron, unless you’re looking in the mirror
  16. Hard knocks is an interesting show It’s very entertaining however, it seems like every year they prop up players that end up getting cut by the team at the end This year they seem to have gone away from that, and are just doing a lovefest with Aaron Rodgers, who looks very very old
  17. Translation There are only a few in Hollywood that I think the same way that I do and they are the only ones that are actually relevant so they are being suppressed
  18. Oh, come on now. Have you seen what right wingers use as sources of information on this site They didn’t steal it, but if you think that they were not involved in it than even more ignorant than I thought
  19. This is just bad Does it matter what side of the aisle that you’re on nobody should be OK with this
  20. I thought that he was showing consistency on Saturday I mean, when you get past the loss, you start dissecting the good with the bad, and there was a lot of bad to be dissected, but it didn’t necessarily come from Spencer Brown In all honesty, Dockins looked worse
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