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John from Riverside

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Posts posted by John from Riverside

  1. Hmmm... interesting, but I ask what has HOFs Fouts, Moon, Kelly, Tarkington, Marino won? Palmer is 35 playing extremely well on a really good team and most likely has a few years left, barring injury. When he's done, I expect he has over 50K pass yards and well over 300 TD passes, both would be top 10 and more yards than all but Marino and more TDs than all but Marino and Tarkington of his peers who have also won "nothing". I don't know but I would bet if he accomplishes those stats he is in the HOF.

    This is a good point

  2. i know like i knew all the other things a year or so earlier than everyone else here. You also said palmer was the only qb "let go". warner and breese werent "let go"? we could have had some real qb's by now. Sorry i hurt your feelings about tyrod, in a year when you agree with me lets agree to have a formal apology and admission that you were wrong. Oh and palmer won alot, alot of these things called "games" . which is how you make the playoffs. Tyrod cant seem to do even that.

    wow just wow is right, what a ridiculous thought, keep investing more and roster spots on mental midgets with big arms or fast legs. great idea!

    God another know it all that "knows more then everybody else here"


    You have shown yourself to be a total clown on these boards and you know LESS then the average fan here. Tyrod is in his FIRST STARTING YEAR so yes you look like a total joke. You cant know a year earlier when they guy hasnt even started a year.



    When the Bills drafted EJ in the first round of his draft year they were forced to give him enough time to play in order to get a fair assessment. In the mean time better prospects were passed because they were still in the evaluation period. While the Bills organization considered him a good prospect there were teams that didn't rate EJ very high as a prospect. . The irony is that his own coach in college wasn't touting him as a high end pro prospect.


    In college EJ completed a high percentage of passes but from a pro perspective he wasn't considered an accurate passer. He also didn't possess great qb instincts by a pro level standard. There is no doubt that EJ is a high character person with a good work ethic but when you watch him it is apparent that he doesn't have the intangibles (feel) that are necessary to play that challenging position.

    Not disputing any of this


    Would like to draft a QB that shows the ability to throw receivers open and be "NFL accurate"

  3. I am not anti drafting QBs. Not at all. I have been as critical as anyone of this organisation not taking a single flier on a QB besides Levi Brown in forever.


    I am anti draft one in the 1st no matter what. When you get yourself in that position you get EJ Manuel type swings.


    I would be desperately trying to find a sensible way to get a Quarterback in either the 1st or the 2nd round this year. However, taking a guy I have rated as a 3rd round Quarterback at pick 19 or 20 when there might be say an offensive tackle or an edge rusher who I think has potential to be elite? I wouldn't advocate that.

    I am not talking about a EJ Manuel situation.....I am thinking more about a Bryce Petty situation....unless a known quality drops

  4. I disagree with your view on Bridgewater and Carr. Although they are only in their sophomore year they are both the established starters for their respective teams. I'm not suggesting that either one will be an elite qb but they are both legitimate franchise qbs. I would take either one of them as our starting qb.


    I also disagree on you view on Andrew Luck. He is going to to be an elite qb. He was trying too hard to make plays and he was playing hurt. In my view he is going to be a perennial all-star. He was a worthy top pick in the draft.

    I consider all those QBs to be "hits" and their teams deserve credit for drafting them.




    It also points to what a crapshoot the draft is in drafting qbs......in BOTH of those drafts their were qbs taken higher


    Just once would like to hear the following things said about a qb that we draft right out the gate


    - Accurate

    - Football Smart

    - Can make all the throws


    Listen you need a Quarterback to compete consistently for championships in this league nobody disputes that. But every year there are guys you would put in the top 10 Quarterbacks who miss the play-offs. You need a team as well and you do not pass up guys like Marcel Dareus to gamble on Jake Lockers and Andy Daltons.... even if Dalton might in hindsight have worked out for you.


    The "just keep shooting at QBs" theory doesn't work for me. Never take a gamble at another position over a gamble at Quarterback... sure. But you do not pass up guys you think can be elite for gambles.

    At this point I just dont know


    Here we sit with one viable qb on our roster....no developmental guy......


    We need to start drafting qbs

    But most of the time they make it. Unlike Dareus.

    Lol like where?

    A stable organization that has a franchise QB in place and their extremely talented clip board holder comes up on free agency?

  6. And it will make no difference. If we got Locker and sucked even harder, we could take Luck. Or we could take Teddy. Or Jameis. Who cares? Being the best team without a QB still means you'll be playing golf during the postseason with a 4-12 team who took a shot on a QB.

    Dalton has also not proven that he can get his team to a title


    You are the biggest flip-flopper in history. All day you shout about how we just need to make the playoffs. Then you say Dalton isn't good enough because he hasn't made the Superbowl in three years. Pick a side.

    Unless you get a QB from somewhere else

  7. You didn't answer my question.

    How much "developing" did Andy do his rookie year? He was basically outplaying Fitz right out of the gate. Do you think he would magically turn into Losman if the Bills drafted him?

    In my opinion you are correct that Dalton should have been chosen over Aaron




    Dalton has also not proven that he can get his team to a title




    Did we hae a player the caliber of AJ Green at the time to make Dalton look good? Because when AJ is not in the lineup......it shows




    That is behind us....I am more concerned about what we are going to do going forward....dwelling on the past is just not productive.

  8. The hell it isnt

    That is why nobody takes you seriously....your gonna base your opinion on less then a year where the QB has actually been up and down....

    What has Carson won? A lot of respect and more for what he has done with the Cards. I think John has no clue and is a "fan" without a clue.

    I think you need to go back and see what gets you in the hall of fame before talking about whether others "have a clue"


    because you dont know ****


    Carson Palmer is a very good qb that has had injury issues....who has not won anything. That does not get you in the hall of fame.

  9. Doing a little rewatch of patriot game


    - Teams have not shut down Tyrods legs....you know what shuts it down? PENALTIES.....if they dont call the illegal formation call Tyrod picks up that first down upt he middle


    - We are upset about Tyrod not throwing over the middle....a fair crit....but he did in fact hit woods over the middle to convert that first down.....that way off sideline pass between woods and TT looked to be a miscommunication......TT wanted Woods more to the sideline.


    - Our kicker gets CRUSHED on what should have been a 15 yard penalty


    - lots of short stuff....lots of short stuff....would have liked to see us push the ball downfield...the balls are not accurate so much as easily defended


    - the option handoffs to McCoy are really really telegraphed


    - Chandler Jones SHOULD have sacked TT....TT shows strength to excape......scrambles....and makes someting of nothing to Woods for a 1st down


    - Miller goes down...I thought for sure he was done for hte year the way they were treating it.....he wont be


    - would like to see a dart on the short pass to McCoy instead of so much air


    - Karlos gets lucky that ball bounces right back to him


    - Short throws are accurate but immediate tackling by pats


    - Pats are absolutely not respecting the keeper threat by TT


    - Then the Hogan non pass interference...COMPLETELY unacceptable...yes TT is late with the ball but if the correct call is made we are at the 10 yard line QBs will OFTEN throw the ball up like that to draw a pass interference call...the defender never looks back for it.....absolute travesty


    - I REALLY think a couple of QB keepers on the option would have opened up the run game even more.......they were SOOOO playing Shady


    - bad throw by TT to woods


    - I know that people want TT throwing over the middle....but when u watch Brady doing it u see just how tough it is....Brady threw some balls that were a microsecond away from being popped up and intercepted


    - McKelvin was SOOOO bad on special teams in this game.....the bills addressed that immediately after the game.


    - I am REALLY not liking the option handoffs.....they are soo telegraphed to simply just give it to the back you HAVE to mix in some keepers to keep the D honest.


    - Long throw to Hogan


    - On the McCoy throw to the end zone...TT was under pressure....could not even use his whole throwing motion....and STILL drops it in the bucket and should have caught it....and then promptly dropps it.....then Carp doinks the field goal. This to me was the difference in the whole game.


    (mental note to self....this game is tied 3-3 at this point and we are right in it this was a coming out party this year for the D....but I really didnt like that the D didnt swarm to the ball on the Pats TD......Graham had him....made the receiver stumble......were was the rest of the D you cant see why Rex was upset....his D had pitched nearly a shutout at this point against an offense that just scores all over everybody?)


    Poorly thrown deep ball to Sammy


    Been saying it all year......they roll TT out of pocket....makes a short productive throw


    IMMEDIATELY following that......Tyrod IN THE POCKET......makes a nice throw to Clay......a play called for TT to his comfort zone results in a play well executed from a place that is NOT his comfort zone......DO THIS MORE ROMAN


    WHich picks up the whole offense resulting in run to tie up the game


    The whole inadvertant whistle and Rex penalty is just fricken bizaare......why does everyone have to pull out hte rulebook and search in the fine print every time they have to play the pats.....there is no WAY that receiver gets away from Darby.


    - McCoy is a beast running that ball


    - Watkins needs to learn the fine art of slowing down for the ball when there is ark on the pass. It is a timing thing and yes Tyrod was off on his throws this game.


    - Bad pass over the middle by TT to Clay (or was that a high pass to Sammy?)


    - Disaster by McKelvin resulting in 3 which ended up being precious in this game


    - short over the middle throw by Tyrod....completely ignoring the facemask on McCoy WTF....and straight to commercial break


    - Spying TT on the up the middle run


    Gilmore a stud in this game


    This team needs to set up its screens better ineligible man downfield?


    FINALLY get the pass int flag on the throw to Watkins


    Throw of the middle to Hogan


    On THIRD AND INCHES.....we run Karlos wide....W.....T.....F


    TT throws the ball right in the bucket to Hogan...perfect pass


    then another predictable option handoff to Shady


    TT starting to throw over the middle a bit more late in the game.....which has been a Roman script to start taking chances late


    Throws to Gragg.....who totally gets interfered with....no call....well not totally...it was close


    Down 7.....3.30 to go in the game a lot closer then people thought it was going to be at this point


    (Tyrod is hurt at this point...holding his shoulder)


    we get the ball back....cant do anything with it...lose by 7


    This wasnt Tyrod's best game.....but I have seen QBs have far worse. Gotta keep it in context that because the game was close and we were running the ball TT's chances were limited. but that is the bills game plan.





















  10. I don't recall.


    And those "elite" players get you nowhere but crowned paper champs.


    See above. This team would've been better off taking Tanny over Dareus.

    I am confused....


    Are you saying that we SHOULD have taken Tanny over Marcel.....or that by my definition that is what we should have done


    Marcel was a blue chip player in that draft...that was absolutely the correct call.

  11. What not to like? Takes a lot of nasty hits (like TYrod) and is comparable to Ryan FannyHill.

    A couple of things


    - TT doesnt take a lot of nasty hits...its actually one of his strengths

    - Being compared to Ryan Tannyhill is not a bad thing.....as badly as he plays against us the guy seems to ball against other teams.

    If it is a second round guy I'd take Hackenburg. I really would. As many bonehead plays as I see him make I think the ability to stand in, go through progressions and make throws is there. I'd even consider trading up within the second round to nab him. Let Tyrod start next year, sit him and work with him don't feel tempted to throw him in and then see how things develop.

    Yeah I was thinking about Hackenburg as well......his stock seems to have really dropped because he stayed in school


    I think I should not that I am not looking for a immediate replacement to TT.....we need a backup guy that we can develop while Tyrod runs this team for the forseeable future but we could trot out there if Tyrod gets dinged up.

  12. Kurt Warner


    A shadow of himself by the time he was let go


    Drew Breeze


    What? The guy has been with the same team for years......and even with the team in dissaray they did not get rid of him last offseason


    Philip Rivers




    Carson Palmer


    Never really understood why Cinci did what they did....because the carrot top has not done better for them overall.....but he did have the injuries

    and even,



    Ben rothesberger...when he was having his problems.

  13. TT is a good Quarterback and Whaley tried ramming EJ down our collective throats. It was a mistake because EJ is not an elite Quarterbacks. It should have cost Whaley his job in the process. Giving up twenty-one points himself to the Jags was the ending of EJ. Anyone who can refute that is either an FSU fan or so deeply in denile they still believe McFumbles is the next Sanders.


    Palmer has actually turned out pretty well rather funny considering he is a future hall of famer. And, here you are creating future hall of flamer postings.

    Carson Palmer is a future hall of famer? Based on what? WHat has he won?

  14. Bridgewater and Carr were available to us. This franchise could have traded down and still have acquired each of these qb prospects who are going to be entrenched franchise qbs for a long time. Instead the Bills traded up by giving away the following year's first round pick. Without a doubt they selected a premier receiver talent who they can't seem to get the ball to to make use of his sterling skills.


    Look I get what you are saying here BUT....a. We know this in hindsight b. Whaley thought he had his qb and c. This does not affect how we would fix things GOING FORWARD. I think it would be a good idea to take a QB in this same scenario THIS year rather then a retread behind Tyrod Taylor myslef.


    Is Taylor the answer at qb? I don't know. He has some good passing abilities and some questions regarding his ability to read defenses. By the end of the season this organization should have a better grasp on what they have at qb.


    I know this....for all the bitching that some like to do about the kid the fact is he is the best QB we have had under center for a while......he has holes in his game but he also has some real strengths....it is hard to find a QB of even that caliber.


    My central point is that this franchise has had reasonable opportunities to acquire a good qb prospect. They failed to seize the opportunity when it was presented to them. They invested in EJ and it hasn't worked out. They need to keep at it until the qb issue is resolved because little else matters unless you have a credible starting qb.


    Fair enough...but that is behind us now. Its about going forward now. I think that some fans (not you but still) just tie everything int he last 15 years together into one big beating and dont realize that GMs, coaches, even ownership have now come and gone. The years cannot be tied togehter if one wants to look at it realistically.

    everytime an old qb is talked about nobody wants them, like theyre all already over the hill. This was said by many people here on the board of...


    Kurt Warner

    Drew Breeze

    Philip Rivers

    Carson Palmer

    and even,

    Ben rothesberger...when he was having his problems.


    yet people wanted VICK! because he was younger i guess?


    well alot of those old guys actually played in or won superbowls. How did Vick turn out?


    I see now Carson is still a top qb 5 years after leaving cincy and being a has-been. Guess Arizona doesnt mind superbowls with old QB's while we miss the playoffs every year waiting for "the guy"


    I think that id take an old qb for 2-3 decent years of football, rather than sink or swim with the next rookie.


    Please figure out a way to get a quality qb next year oh dearest management. I can already see Tyrod will never be a top qb. Never. A good back up though.


    If we need to give away Mario to get it it done then by all means, I wont miss him not playing the run. Or him not getting his uniform dirty.

    Palmer has not won anything yet


    and he is the ONLY QB on that list that actually got let go by their team.


    oh and


    You dont know a damn thing one way or another on how Tyrod is gonna turn out....you dont.

  15. Not that it matters, but for accuracys sake, it's a much lower cap hit for a team trading for him (not responsible for signing/restructure bonuses that would stay in Nola)

    I just dont think that the bills are going to go away from the overall plan of how to biuld the team and that would be doing that


    Biuld the D (and yes....the D has NOT been as dominant as last year.....but is showing signs of getting there...the job they did against New England was VERY good)


    Run the ball.....a lot


    This doesnt leave a huge amount of salary cap for a Drew Breez type QB.......they are probably REALLY hoping Tyrod Taylor can progress and be more like a top 10 type QB......and find a QB that can win 3 games a year behind him.

  16. I have no !@#$ing idea, but if a top 5 QB like Drew Bree's is available you make it work some how. I have no idea what true Bills cap situation is going to be in the offseason do you?

    Salary cap information is easy to find


    and once again I will say....if you want to B word about what the bills are not doing....but cant provide even anything to the discussion of HOW u might fix it....then your opinion doesnt mean much


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