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John from Riverside

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Everything posted by John from Riverside

  1. Yeah they’re not coming for you either That’s not a thing Let’s see how peaceful he is whenever they come for him to actually start serving jail time
  2. It’s been pretty bad since they latched on to Donald Trump. They were not always like this. There are some Republicans that I actually respect or were Trumpism came along and swallowed the republican party because they wanted that political clout from his base so bad
  3. You are donating every day whenever you spend your time throwing up right wing talking points from right wing idiot opinion hosts You were actually taking the time to take loads from these people I wouldn’t even waste my time with that But go ahead carry-on you’re going to contradict yourself in about five minutes
  4. Personally, I think we are soft on crime It is a conservative, talking point that I agree with
  5. I’m still laughing that he had to get his fake hair into the photo What is this before or after musk through in with the Santis?
  6. It’s obviously a two-tiered justice system In what world would’ve taken this long to get Donald Trump into a mug shot after for criminal indictments
  7. Annoys would be the proper word That’s about it If that is your sole reason, for being here, you must live a sad life
  8. Yeah, I would not be too sure about that With only having one cut down date, there could be some quality players that are released at least for back up roles
  9. The good news here is that the bills have addressed the interior line positions so hard that we can afford to take an injury and not have a fall off and play wild said player recovers Of course I want the line to be healthy all year, but the bills have address the situation
  10. It’s only going to capitalize to the idiots that would believe in him no matter what Sensible people are not going to vote for a president that’s under criminal indictment, taking mugshots So Trump will take money from stupid *****, like you, then lose the election and cry that he was bamboozled again Might be doing it from a jail cell this time, though
  11. Nc doesn’t really care where resources come from as long as they agree with him they could be the biggest idiots in the world and he will post them on here 20 times a day
  12. It’s great that he’s back on Twitter Guy doesn’t know when to shut the ***** up and he’s criminally indicted No doubt the prosecutors will use something that he says That’s one way of putting it
  13. This is a rehash, because people just seem to keep on forgetting I was not a fan of Hillary Clinton if they would’ve opened up an investigation into her and convicted her of a crime, I wouldn’t have gone for the map for her But let’s just stop and think about some thing for a minute the party of your choice has gone from lock her up to it’s OK for my guy to be criminally indicted four times How do you get there with a straight face?
  14. Are the Republicans pretty much all trying to do that they’re voting against things that help the people and then they’re going home to the states and talking about how much work they did for them while they voted against the bill? Rinse and repeat, rinse and repeat
  15. I’ve never seen a criminal, so concerned about his hair in a mug shot I mean, it’s not even his hair And of course you have proof of that Whether Donald Trump would have taken the mug shot or not, he would’ve produced them anyway, that’s what Republicans do
  16. And Donald Trump actually gave her enough ammunition to be able to bring forth a case What a stupid bastard
  17. Of everyone up there I probably liked Tim Scott, the best
  18. No today he was given his day for a mug shot I’ve never seen a criminal before being so concerned about his hair that’s not even really his hair
  19. He, in fact, is being given his day in court I’m sure he’d like to extend it for the next five years but that’s not going to happen
  20. You are allowed to contest the results of election in court and Donald Trump was given his day in court on that Now he has been given his day in court, because he went further than that
  21. I am seriously trying to figure out what the ***** you’re talking about here We literally just had an ex president try to, in essence cancel an election in our own country He didn’t like the results
  22. Can we not act like there was no wrongdoing? People went to prison. Bottom line Trump is allowed to say that the election was rigged he’s not allowed to take action to steal it Bottom line, Hillary Clinton said that the election was rigged. She conceded that she lost the following day. The two are not comparable
  23. The sky is falling? I just want to make sure I’m doing this right
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