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John from Riverside

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Everything posted by John from Riverside

  1. He could If they consider Kingsley Jonathan, anything close to boogie or AJ, they could be looking to move those guys at least one of them for draft picks
  2. In all honesty, I would love to have him We don’t know what’s going on with Damien Harris, and that knee injury he’s nursing
  3. This is interesting given what all the officials in Maui had to say about Joe Biden, which a direct contradiction to this Is this the best you’ve got because Trump used to duck out on events all the time
  4. Real quick You never got a full basket of groceries with 20 bucks not unless you were living 50 years ago Trickle down economics was a Republican thing not a democratic thing
  5. I know your type Lol you don’t know ***** You did notice that the first thing he did after he got out of Fulton county was put out some thing to collect money for a defense fund Why in the ***** does a billionaire need a defense fund?
  6. They’re not phony I will only speak to one of these indictments, and that’s just because I have thorough knowledge of the subject and that’s the classified documents case That is a slam dunk against Trump
  7. Four criminal indictments will do that Republicans really have come along way law and order right celebrating someone taking a mug shot and being under four criminal indictments
  8. Trump deserves his day in court That’s because you’re not looking Joe Biden has literally been to the fire disaster areas and talking about his new plan for helping students on debt loans and that’s just the recent things that I’ve seen without trying to look too hard
  9. Why do I feel that both sides were losers here
  10. You must have a problem with numbers First, you have to prove that he’s doing it, which has not been done
  11. This has been mentioned many times, but you appear to have missed it to say that you didn’t agree with the election results is not a crime. It wasn’t a crime whenever Trump did it it’s not a crime to take it to court which trumpet almost 60 times But whenever your legal options have been exhausted, and you continue to try to overturn the votes of an election, which, by the way, no democrat has ever done now you’re doing something criminal By the way, the Republicans are not winning the presidency the next time around Trump is not electable, and the rest of the Republican nominees are all too scared shitless of him to actually challenge him
  12. I fully believe that it was a protest that got out of hand The problem is the reasons why it got out of hand, and who actually had participation in it getting out of hand
  13. It’s really not doable I hate to break this to you, because I can see you’re already mentally struggling but it’s a minute percentage of black men, whereas the average suburban mom, the people that actually vote are not gonna vote for somebody that’s criminally indicted There really is no way of getting around that for you It’s pretty amazing. Republicans have lost the popular vote for so many years. I can’t even remember when they’ve actually won it.
  14. Yes, because a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of people of color support Donald Trump. He is of course in touch with the people of color base. That’s why people of color dominantly vote Democrat in every ***** election
  15. More proof, the Republicans are so out of touch with her audience Still trying to make people of color out to be thugs
  16. Because there’s not a reason to panic But you knew that
  17. I think that literally might be the smartest thing you have ever posted on this board
  18. The screams keep sending me that check Well, whenever you have people that are actually taking what they say seriously I don’t think they’re the ones that are eating the paint chips Their audience is the one eating the paint chips
  19. So the answer to this is obviously no I think he has the right to his opinion as they all do I don’t even know who he is
  20. You’re not serious The weight thing is literally the least thing that’s being talked about 4 criminal indictments certainly takes front stage It’s more like people wish that weight lies were the only lies that Donald Trump was telling
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