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John from Riverside

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Everything posted by John from Riverside

  1. Oh, I’m sure that they agree with a lot of us policies It’s just you can’t become president by being Trump light
  2. I’m more of the coupon lady Katie Porter myself but she’s also vying for us, senate seat
  3. Imagine supporting somebody who is under four criminal indictments And calling other people mentally disturbed
  4. Didn’t this guy is literally called Donald Trump a king I thought that was so telling He hast to say this because he is also openly said that he can’t have a relationship with a woman Red pilling himself right out of getting any sex
  5. It just looks like they’re all scared shitless to say anything bad about Trump Therefore they’re all just last loser
  6. I can’t believe that this has to be pointed out, but All of these people have a political affiliation all of them The only real question is, do they have the evidence to make it stick we will find out
  7. It’s interesting that this goes on at every sporting event
  8. This is easy fodder The Bidens have been through a lot of trauma over the years. It really can’t be disputed. But the Republicans are trying they’re really trying
  9. I would like to see some younger blood I’m quite sure there are several hear that won’t like her but I actually like Katie Porter but she’s got her eyes fixed on being a senator. At least it’s for my state. I think that’s accurate Not that I don’t think he can’t beat Trump. I think you could run anybody against Trump and win at this point. Biden is slowing down very fast. I am quite sure that the majority of the work being done is his cabinet and he is more of a figurehead at this point. It doesn’t look like the Democratic Party is going to run anyone against him that’s got a chance
  10. Sarah Palin is a quack She was a quack back whenever she was on the ticket for vice president she’s just gotten worse over time She’s right in there with Marley Taylor Greene
  11. Yeah, I haven’t really commented on this because they were words in that song that made me think that this was not a conservative supporter. Everybody jumped on the lyrics talking about welfare. I thought that he explained them pretty well in that video. Just like try it a small town it’s just a song it’s not a culture shift and I hope that this guy makes his bag just like a Jason Aldean does
  12. I’m just kind of curious, but in your world, how do you think the Jack Smith is going to fail? These indictments are pretty airtight. There’s not a lot of room for reasonable doubt, and most of it. Keep in mind there are 91 criminal charges Trump only has to be convicted on one of them.
  13. It looks like Kyle allen is going to get a lot of work
  14. Thank you for your service Too bad you’re so ignorant
  15. What are the rules on this again? We’re not able to put him on our practice squad this year since we did this?
  16. Are you a veteran like myself with the names like comms vet? Did you work in the military with communications or something?
  17. This is really simple They are criminal indictments if they are proved incorrect there will be no getting away from that jack Smith, and all of the other prosecutors know this whenever they bring these indictments forward and they’re bringing them forward against an ex president You better believe that they’ve got their ***** together on this If this was truly a police state, Donald Trump would not be walking out he would be behind bars He’s already receiving better treatment than most do
  18. It’s not really Joe Biden per se it’s the lie it’s being told When the Democrats were coming down hard on Donald Trump because of the coronavirus situation, I was one of the first people to say that it wasn’t his fault that they would’ve happened to anybody The fact of the matter is, I have seen news and statements made by Maui officials that they were very grateful for the swift action of the Biden administration and getting them help. It was said they cannot be taken back or muddled.
  19. Probably thinking about how they can throw you in and get away with it
  20. First of all, he’s not the president Second, if the president is going to do criminal *****, then yes, he should not be above the law
  21. I feel bad for anybody that Has to talk to you on a day-to-day basis Something tells me, you’re that neighbor that you never borrow anything from just because you can’t stand the site of their ***** face
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