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John from Riverside

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Everything posted by John from Riverside

  1. It’s just interesting whenever Spencer Brown plays well, you don’t hear a damn thing about him if he doesn’t play well there’s five threads
  2. The things I wonder about whenever it comes to the Steelers How much game planning are they actually doing for these games? How much are their starters actually playing not just against us, but against other teams? Having preseason success doesn’t really directly correlate to the regular season
  3. The proper thing to do, and they are heroes I guarantee you that Biden administration did name them
  4. Given the mentality of the Trump cult, I am quite sure that she is receiving worse messages than this
  5. I actually put it on par I see nothing wrong with it I see people getting together and having a good time did actually looks like a church that I used to attend lol I support their right to do it, and I wish that people would just be that tolerant all the way around with everyone
  6. I have never really told anybody about this, but I come from a super conservative family. I was raised by grandparents who were simple, farmers, who owned the dairy in Northern California. They were wonderful people, and they treated me wonderfully. I will always be grateful for that, but they were extremely conservative being a bad person, and being a conservative are not tied together there are a lot of Republicans who have hearts of gold. It was not until I actually enlisted, and started seeing how other people live in other countries where my mindset is changed from being conservative and more open to people that didn’t look and act like me In the end, a lot of my girlfriends ended up being women of color and the people that I trusted with my life and my best friends also being from other countries and cultures It has really helped me in my job as a University counselor as we have so many students that come from other countries like from the Middle East my time in the Middle East has helped me to understand how to make those students Feel more welcome
  7. I think Isabella is also a candidate for that whole wait in the parking lot thing
  8. I haven’t been here for very long, but in my opinion, the majority of the posters here on this board are not reflective of the entire Republican party. These people are very far right, with the exception of a couple.
  9. I think that the Republicans while they have to publicly support Donald Trump or privately, hoping that the the department of justice carry water for them and get rid of him They can’t do it themselves because they put themselves in bed with the devil. Now they gotta *****.
  10. He had a catch today, didn’t he? In the last preseason game he had catches, and a touchdown You say this now, but it takes away the things that makes Josh Allen special what is the purpose of having a quarterback with an all world arm, if he doesn’t use it It would just be good to see him go to the short game whenever the long game isn’t working
  11. I mean he’s old and slow and they’re probably should be somebody that can do the job better But at least he’s not a criminally indicted sexual predator
  12. I always thought it was gonna be boogie that was going to get traded now I’m starting to think it’s gonna be Epenesa
  13. I wonder if press man teams have already been calling the bills about a trade I’m telling you right now you take Elam and you put him on a press man team and he would shine. I just don’t know if he’s going to be able to shine here
  14. The good news is, there’s so many different podcasts whether it be people that follow the team or just fans that you can definitely get your daily dose
  15. Chris Learn what stolen valor means so that you don’t embarrass yourself
  16. Not ready to say it was Maga, but it was racially motivated
  17. So you’re calling it a coup I thought that it was a highly motivated protest
  18. Tax cuts for all your comparing that to the corporate bail out the Donald Trump gave while still, allowing those same corporations to skate the tax rules? Come on man
  19. You’re joking did you forget about the corporate bail outs?
  20. Hillary was a bad candidate anybody could see that I can’t even believe that she crushed him in the popular vote But what they ended up getting was far worse
  21. I really don’t care about people calling for Civil War talk is cheap I worry about that guy that doesn’t see a damn thing goes home shoots his wife and his kid in the head then turns around reloads and heads off to the local shopping mall
  22. Please based on his posts, do you actually think that this guy might be militia? This guy hangs out in his basement, crying to his mom for hot pockets
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