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John from Riverside

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Everything posted by John from Riverside

  1. I’m kind of liking a conservative Supreme Court They made the mistake on the Roe versus Wade decision which is going to be a huge downfall for Republicans the next time at the voting box
  2. I would love Jonathan Taylor, but I don’t think that’s happening Jonathan Taylor is a bell cow back
  3. I think there’s literally no chance that the bills trade Benford
  4. Explain how it’s a horrible comparison If Biden was meeting with the attorney general on a regular basis, conservatives would be losing their ***** minds
  5. The bottom line No amount of ball tanning is going to make Tucker Carlson masculine
  6. Announcer said that on the game broadcast I find that very hard to believe they don’t really dive into the negativity of players on these things
  7. Which part of it do you feel is propaganda I see a beat the ***** country that got invaded by another country. Do you see something different?
  8. That really is the bottom line It’s like trying to blame the victim for what the accused did has some kind of defense The law is the law he either broke it, or he didn’t, and we will find out which one is true whenever these go to court But I think that the right should be very concerned about this, because no one is going to take a case against a former ex-president without real proof you can make accusations in an impeachment because it’s political these are criminal trials
  9. I didn’t look at the manifesto only that it was reported that one was left Shouldn’t make a difference if I read the manifesto or not?
  10. I got that straight off of Tucker Carlson show You wouldn’t see it because you’re too far droned There is a bit of a difference here Those same reporters came back and did not parrot what Putin said whenever they got the opportunity Tucker Carlson parents, what Putin says, without even interviewing him
  11. I specifically saw at the time that the news reported that the Trang’s shooter left a manifesto It was reported
  12. There is absolutely not a two-tiered justice system whenever it comes to Donald Trump. He is being given more lenient in these proceedings then he should. And acting like a president should be above the law when accused of crimes this isn’t an impeachment these are actual criminal proceedings Maybe Trump just shouldn’t have done that ***** that he did?
  13. I don’t know if that is true because I don’t understand all of this stuff but yes, I think it would be a good idea to trade a later round pick if it means keeping our extra third round pick Case Keenum is a better back up QB than what we have anyway
  14. I’m quite happy that they found Vandemark for left tackle. I would really be looking at cuts for a back up right tackle. Quessenberry is just not it.
  15. Two things regarding Jason peters Last year the word is he played quite well, so it’s not like a minimum level tackle would come in with the expectation that he would suck But He is very injury prone, so you couldn’t be in a position where you were relying on him That being said, Vandemark is very intriguing to me I think that the bills may have found some thing with this guy
  16. Does he really need to do an interview with Putin Tucker? Carlson spits out Russian propaganda on a daily basis
  17. Perhaps, if the dollar tree shooter wouldn’t have actually written a manifesto, explaining exactly what he was going to do and why he did it?
  18. I think having to do a check for ammo is a brilliant idea Allows the gun nuts to have whatever they want as far as a gun Keeps you from loading it was some thing that you can use to kill somebody Once again, as long as you pass through the checks to make sure you’re not a convicted criminal or don’t have a history of mental illness, you should be able to have it all I don’t know that this is entirely true. I think that in some cases we just have people that are law-enforcement that should not be law-enforcement. The police have a right to go home to their wife and kids at the ends of their shifts to
  19. This screams “hey Maga, I’m talking to you” That is the dilemma that the republican party really is under right now they have to countdown to Trump supporters, begging for their vote this is true. That’s why the independence are always so important in every election
  20. The mental gymnastics that people have to go through in order to defend that monster always amazes me It doesn’t matter that it was a civil case he was convicted The conviction was for a sexual act does it matter that they didn’t label it is rape no, it doesn’t The fact that there is still a group of people that are still not the majority, but are a huge amount that would want this person in office of our country is baffling to me
  21. We can drop the allegedly whenever it comes to Donald Trump. There is actually a court conviction here.
  22. Edwards is going to make it and he was a pretty good pick up
  23. Not hearing much about Tremaine Edmunds, and I think he played Was he that unnoticeable for $19 million
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