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John from Riverside

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Everything posted by John from Riverside

  1. All you’re doing is talking about what if’s until actual charges are brought this is a complete nothing burger There isn’t even enough evidence here to call for an impeachment
  2. It’s pretty amazing how people can take continuity and spin it as a negative There has been no follow off as of yet from any of these veteran players to count on that fall off as well not good
  3. I read the thread, no amount of conspiracy theories involved in Joe. Biden will make it true. Did Hunter Biden trade off of his dad’s name? Absolutely I think, but there is nothing link to Joe Biden. When that actually changes, let me know
  4. Unless Bernard comes out of the gate smoking, I see Kirksey starting by week three The only reason why he is not on the regular roster is he need some time to learn the defense
  5. This is the most talented roster. The bills have had in a decade. I thought it pretty interesting how the commentators had to make excuses for Edmunds for his play this past Saturday He did not look like a $19 a year million player
  6. Damn, he sounds good from this. Why was he let go? If this is to be believed Accurate, one of my most important traits Mobile Strong arm I would like somebody like this to be behind Josh Allen
  7. Just shows you were my mind goes I thought it meant he was horny like a rabbit
  8. Absolutely Whenever I think of the perfect practice squad candidate, I think of a player that can emulate Josh Allen’s play so that the defense can practice against mobile QBs Ideally, I just like to see Kyle Allen replaced and put on the practice squad
  9. I sincerely hope that he does get better whenever I saw him freeze on TV the other day when he was speaking to the media, genuinely fearful for him This goes beyond politics. This is somebody’s grandfather, father, etc. etc.. It doesn’t matter who it is I don’t want to see anybody struggle with health
  10. As opposed to somebody with millions of dollars, but didn’t want to not be president anymore so he illegally made moves to try to cancel or election as opposed to that? I don’t have a problem with you thinking what you think about Gavin Newsom he’s definitely not my favorite candidate but your reasoning about how it’s OK for one to be some thing and not another is just baffling
  11. As opposed to playing a game show with the United States, like Trump did firing, people left and right, calling his military leaders incompetent
  12. If things go well, we’ll never see him this year but he’s got some juice
  13. I always thought you were just here to vent Rule number one orlandro treat people how you would treat them if they were in front of your face I have both agreed and disagreed with people on this board but it’s not one thing I wouldn’t say if they were not there in person I always thought that you posted most of your stuff while you were looking in the mirror
  14. So once again, I ask Is this a feeble old man? They can barely tie his shoes without help Or Is he an evil criminal mastermind that has gotten millions of dollars from other countries to line his pockets Biden is old and slow. He basically is now just doing what the people around him or telling him to do but those people are competent
  15. You gave reasons as to why you would not vote for somebody has a Canadate The reasons why you wouldn’t are interesting He wouldn’t vote for Christie because he supported impeachment of Donald Trump so you wouldn’t support him for going against the grain of his party and doing the right thing But then you turn around and say that you wouldn’t vote for Gavin Newsom because he’s corrupt did you just not have anything bad to say about him or was that just an off the cuff comment? ALL of these candidates are corrupt in someway or another if for some reason you think the Donald Trump is not corrupt well, that’s where your problems start
  16. The bills have had more and claim players than any other team in the league But I thought beane didn’t know how to draft
  17. Well, at least you didn’t claim bone spurs It’s easy to stake your reputation whenever you gave it up along time ago
  18. This is hilarious. You wouldn’t vote for a guy that wanted to impeach Trump whenever he totally deserved it. Then you turn around and wouldn’t vote for a guy like Newsom whenever he’s just like trump without the youth
  19. You quote this rag far too much not to believe it They could tell you anything, and you would eat it up gerbil
  20. If we rated posters in the same way, that you rate players, you would not like our rating of you
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