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John from Riverside

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Everything posted by John from Riverside

  1. you have some good ideas on gun restriction The reason why you don’t hear about gun smuggling busts is let’s face it. There are already too many guns in the country already. It’s so easy to get one or 10.
  2. Airseven why are you here? You’re not a bills fan
  3. And odd thought, but I thought I’d post it I go to YouTube website daily for videos of puppies. It just helps with my PTSD. I wonder how many Republicans go to the same website
  4. I think the whole thing is hilarious so someone is not supposed to be criminally charged if they have been a republican president that’s what they’re trying to say so they’re going to try to go after Fanny Such a funny name because she has got a big ass lol. Every person in this government has got political feelings, one way or the other. You can’t sit there and cry because Fani Willis has leanings that are not to your liking What will matter is the evidence if she’s got it does not matter whether or not Trump is a Democrat or Republican he’s just a man that has, or has not committed a crime. Let the evidence play out.
  5. This is kind of weak sauce, the military industrial complex uses 46,000 on a couple of seat toilet covers in the big scheme of things it’s nothing to the average American. It’s a lot.
  6. I’m not a big fan of using the 14th amendment Trump has been indicted four times, and there might possibly be a fifth if he has found guilty of any of those crimes you should be charged and sentence like any other normal American But I think the 14th amendment is a Bridge too far. I know that we’re dealing with a lot of firsts with the January 6th thing
  7. I can’t believe that they’re putting cameras in that Georgia court room, but I will totally be tuned in. This is going to be hysterical.
  8. In some ways, DeSantis is more dangerous than Trump But I also respect it DeSantis absolutely believes in what he is saying he is a true believer Trump is just a grifter he will say whatever will get more money into his pocket
  9. Agreed we need to cancel all groomers These talks around the big dinner table about God need to just be stopped immediately
  10. I don’t know why you guys keep on putting up those kinds of cartoons. Little kids are not getting surgeries.
  11. Cover one did a pretty good break down on this kid Not perfect, but not bad for a back up right tackle For some reason that position has been a problem for us we have not found someone to be just locked into it like Dawkins
  12. First three pics were slam dunks even if Dorian Williams is it going to start this year
  13. I’m optimistic about the offiense because we are going to be running to tighten sets those tend to be good running sets because you have an extra tight end on the field and I know that our youngster doesn’t have his blocking down yet but just putting his big ass frame on somebody down field is going to help Dawson is all set with his blocking This means we are going to have a running game this season even if there are games where Cook is getting caught up in the line we have two ball busting, running back sitting behind him. On defense, let’s keep in mind that this defense was a past rushing force before Von Miller went down. Well now they have brought in another veteran pass rusher to help Rousseau and some good youth pass rushers behind them. We are going to have a pass rush. Meanwhile, we brought in Poona Ford who is built like a fire hydrant to stop the run. Josh will be Josh and he’s going to do Josh Allen things so we’re gonna be in every game or dominating every game. We just need other people to step up with him. I am confident.
  14. I think the answer to this is yes, but just to be sure go onto the ESPN plus website and it will show you what it’s going to stream now. I had to search a little bit for the bills Jets game because it’s not until a week in September and they only forecast out a certain number of days on the schedule but it is there.
  15. Yeah, this mindset is baffling to me Whether she deserved it or not is a matter of opinion, but Trump pointed everybody and I mean everybody right at Hillary Clinton Then he tried to point the finger right at the Biden The attorney generals office is going after Trump and now it’s we can’t be setting precedences Meanwhille the rest of us just don’t want to see people of power constantly getting away with things. It doesn’t matter whether comes from the right or the left. Trump just happens to be the main offender of that.
  16. Just which part of this do you feel is fake Hey, how did they get the facial recognition exactly right on Tucker? That’s exactly what he looks like on a daily basis. Given, who has been assassinated, who has been a president or holds the presidential position this is very foolish. It’s the Republicans who are making the threats and they’re mindless drones.
  17. Orange I don’t even know why you’re disputing this. When was the last time you saw a category one hurricane, and one part of our state and out of control forest fires in the other I don’t think it’s ever happened before
  18. That is the number one thing I would take as much time as possible with your kids because you don’t know how much time you’ve got left My children are the greatest accomplishment that I’ve ever had
  19. Just show me the proof I can personally think that he’s guilty, while still believing that he deserves his day in court PS are you crushing on me? going through my past post feels like stalking do I I need a restraining order?
  20. I just posted this in the shoutout but ESPN plus will be carrying the game by streaming and they go for $10 a month I don’t have cable and I cut off my spectrum except for Internet because I was looking to cut costs so I was looking for an alternative to be able to watch the Monday night game
  21. Dude These are not even remotely the same but thanks for trying I don’t have to make excuses for somebody that literally has had no proof shown against him making excuses would be like making excuses for Donald Trump
  22. I do wonder what is left for him to accomplish if you got $35 million in your pocket go spend time with your grandchildren and enjoy life That’s what I would do The problem is this is happened before right he was doing this even before he hit his head or am I missing something?
  23. Did you think that we were going to see production on this immediately? Why would you think that? We’re seeing effects of it now But when it really hits and we have a really catastrophic event, I wonder what the stance of Republicans will be at that time
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