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John from Riverside

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Everything posted by John from Riverside

  1. The tram formerly known as the Redskins used to do this all the time it never worked out for them
  2. Why are you exaggerating it? You know that it wouldn’t take that much in order to be able to get an impeachment they’re not even coming close to that as far as evidence. They can’t find what they’re looking for so now they’re trying to subpoena an alternate email address. The Joe Biden has been using if they had what they needed. They wouldn’t need to go through all that and they can’t even say for sure that what they need is in that alternate email address. I don’t have a problem with them investigating it but to exaggerate things like that it’s just silly
  3. That’s not what a politician would say if it was in their best interests, he would’ve said something to the effect of this is already been investigated by the Democrats, and nothing was found and you know that
  4. I don’t blame him for not doing those debates he would’ve gotten crucified on that stage some of them are just sycophants that are running, maybe to be vice president, but Chris Christie would’ve tore into him
  5. Well, that wasn’t comber‘s response to this he didn’t mention anything about the Democrats investigating Kushner whenever he was asked this question he just brushed it off
  6. The problem is, we can’t overuse Damien Harris he’s to injury prone Cook will be the main back. They will sprinkle in Damien Harris and Latavius Murray will be in the bullpen
  7. I will say this, if Republicans in the house do do a legitimate investigation like they are doing into a Hunter Biden on Jared Kushner, they will gain some respect from me
  8. People want a pro bowler What they’re probably gonna get it’s an above average linebacker
  9. You really think they’re gonna do an investigation of Kushner? Have you heard how Republicans have been answering that question?
  10. They haven’t even dived into it and you can see the precursors that should start an investigation Liv golf Saudi Arabia 2 billion to Jared Kushner, who has never shown the ability to be working with that kind of money from the Saudi’s And every time somebody asks these Republican lead committees why they are not looking into Jared Kushner they brush it off faster than bird *****
  11. The Republicans would love to have a phone call with Biden on it. They would literally wet their pants too bad it doesn’t exist.
  12. Nobody should be off-limits, but you know how a Republican lead house is going to work I have no problem investigating Hunter Biden if he’s done, offenses prosecute him But why should Kushner be off-limits?
  13. I also agree that student should not have their phone out in class would totally support that rule
  14. Did anybody accuse you of being useful? By the way, you’re the first person on here to put up Dan Bongino so you already look like a ***** idiot
  15. I remember back when the huge concerns were starting a linebacker that was too small Kirksey is 6 foot two and 236 pounds so definitely more beef
  16. People who did just start getting their minds, wrapped around the fact that we are not going to be able to replace with high price free agents These are going to come through the draft, just like Dalton Kincaid came through the draft. He was the first step in starting to replace high contracts Very unlikely that we are able to keep Gabe Davis probably going to use our first round pick on a wide receiver next year, and that wide receiver is going to have to play
  17. Because we have not been lucky Let’s face it takes a certain amount of luck every year in order to win a Super Bowl. By the time you get to that game you can be. Beat to ***** with injuries Almost have one of your players die on the field Have one of the worst winter storms where your players can’t even get to the stadium without help by the way this team prior to this year was totally built only for warm weather. Thankfully Brandon brought in some heavy hitters so that we can run the ball. In the 13 seconds game we were just damn on the butt. The chances of them doing anything in that game were so low and they just made it happen. You have to give credit to them. Yes we should’ve knuckleball that ball at the end of the game so that the time would run out, it was a mistake by the coaches but the truth of the matter is we should never have given up a 13 seconds lead even if they called the play the way it was cold it was just luck . Eventually, the luck will turn our way.
  18. All of the podcast that are listed above I would add in the Rico report
  19. It’s interesting the way you put that disparaging me, but not in any way debunking what I claim you’re going to do that’s because you know you’re going to do it
  20. https://www.factcheck.org/2023/05/scicheck-young-children-do-not-receive-medical-gender-transition-treatment/ although it is no surprise, b mans article came from the heritage foundation, a conservative right wing think take
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