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John from Riverside

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Everything posted by John from Riverside

  1. I think they’re handling the situation all wrong with this guy they’re gonna end up killing his confidence
  2. Man, Aaron Rodgers is getting enough reach rounds this morning. He should be good for a year. Does he even follow the team at this point?
  3. I’m looking but I can’t find anywhere where Biden is supportive of the fentanyl crisis
  4. First of all the majority of the drug that is coming into the United States, is going through ports of entry we need to make that distinction Second, it is an epidemic, and I actually am not against working with the Mexican government to start making tactical strikes of these dudes, not in favor of invading Mexico at all in for pressuring the Mexican government to take more action
  5. What the ***** are you talking about? Dana White probably loves this guy.
  6. I did not know that Seems kind of weird that they would use Elon musk’s technology for anything actually after this, they might want to rethink that
  7. It’s a unlikely is getting too much help from the US to start dishing on them now I think my whole problem with that is, if musk is against it, tell the military that he is against it. Don’t wait for an action to happen and then destroy very expensive equipment so that they don’t hit the Russians who I am not going to say he is in the lead with, but he certainly help them that day. by the way, the US getting directly involved in the conflict is one of the things that could start a nuclear war right now we are just providing them assets direct involvement would change things
  8. She’s getting up there in age need to start influxing some youth
  9. Give credit where credit is due the GOP burned one of their own for once
  10. I mean Dalton Kincaid is already a super cool name Good job parents
  11. The bills will win if they stick to running the ball and they actually make it work. Keep Aaron Rodgers off the field.
  12. The numbers that people are posting for Kincaid are not realistic for a rookie player in his first NFL game He’s going to be good this year a difference maker, even
  13. Not a chance in hell I think that he’s going to be huge and games this year, but not in his first game and not against the Jets People need to temper their expectations a little bit
  14. Hoping that Dalton can make that kind of a difference for us I always wanted to meet hos
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