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John from Riverside

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Everything posted by John from Riverside

  1. What exactly does that have to do with what bills times said there are a zillion hate threats about Biden on this forum. That is all true. The fact that there are hate threads about Trump doesn’t take away from that.
  2. I really find this amazing whenever you can sit through a Trump interview and still think about how much a Biden lies
  3. They did not hide his depression. I saw stories about that while he was running.
  4. What I took out of the game is Josh Allen is capable of playing the short game. He just needs to do it. Sunday’s performance would’ve beaten the Jets, but that’s under the bridge now then we’re on to the commanders
  5. This is true, but Bernard has shown the propensity to be a playmaker Something Edmonds was not
  6. What is it about us 53 year olds that we gotta fill our oats and get in the fights In my younger days, I was at Gillette stadium with a season-ticket holder who had a beer dumped on his head and I tried to throw the guy onto the football field It was stupid then and it’s stupid now
  7. OK be honest. Do you really expect those elderly ladies to serve any kind of time like that? You know the way this works
  8. I am definitely not seem to bench Bernard at this point if he continues to improve this year of seasoning will make him that much better of a player and I will justify his draft pick that most people have been slamming on But this is not about that. If something happens to Bernard, it’s Dotson there is no way I want Dotson on the field. He makes too many mental mistakes being has done a good job and having a decent starter and then a quality back up behind them at most positions. Why not this one?
  9. That special teams has worked so well we literally lost a game on a punt return in week one I actually never understood all of the emphasis on special teams. Yes, you need gunners, but the majority of your special teams should be filled out by youth players, and you save those spots for actual contributors on offense and defense. There is no way that I am saving a spot for Dodson
  10. I’ll repeat it to you again very slowly There’s evidence that Joe Biden son has done some things that should land him in prison possibly There is no direct link to Joe Biden, and you can’t provide one Whenever you try to state something as fact, and you have no actual proof that’s called a conspiracy There is no proof that Joe Biden has done what Republicans are accusing him of with no proof Until there is actual proof provided there is nothing and investigations don’t make it proof you have to actually find proof from the investigations This is not that hard
  11. That’s easy for me Dodson You can’t tell me, the Kirksey is not better than Dodson no way For chrissake, he put up numbers that were better than Tremaine Edmunds best year last year Why are we acting like Dodson is even a NFL average linebacker
  12. Once again, another conspiracy theory prove it, or shut the ***** up
  13. Honestly, so far, Bernard has done nothing to lose that starting middle linebacker spot But Have to prepare for contingencies, and I really don’t wanna see Dodson on the field at any point get Kirksey up as fast as possible whenever teams go run heavy, he will be an asset
  14. Oh, come on man Everything that I said was fact the house literally does not want this impeachment inquiry it’s pretty bad whenever you have a majority and you can’t even put it to a vote
  15. No, none of those things are wrong but you’re trying to insert little things into it that is I’ll make this really simple for you. There is no direct evidence to Joe Biden. His son can be a big as ***** up as he wants to be because he’s not an elected official. There is literally nothing that directly links Joe Biden to any wrongdoing. That’s the reason why they won’t even put the impeachment inquiry to a vote in the house. They don’t have the votes because they don’t have the evidence. It’s as simple as that
  16. This sounds like a lot of conspiracy, mental gymnastics Still nothing leaking into Joe Biden nothing
  17. Milanos is an absolute stud Having said that, if anything ever happens to him, I still feel good because the linebacker that they drafted this year that’s backing him up is an absolute stud
  18. You guys are horrible! Of course she’s alive
  19. He has been juice Would still like to have Kirksey up here in the bullpen
  20. The vet that we brought in from the Rams fits that description
  21. Like I said all during the week that Jets defense is the best one we’re going to face all year The Raiders are not even a bad team they’re just not an elite one It’s too bad they have such a liability, at quarterback
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