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John from Riverside

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Everything posted by John from Riverside

  1. We did there’s just always somebody just got a B word about everything whenever you’re running back is running for over 100 yards in a game. Why are you complaining? Not specifically you just in general
  2. The funny thing is, I would answer no to almost all of those The question is, would you
  3. It was a peaceful time, because Putin was allowing Trump to do his heavy, lifting, like trying to shut down NATO Why use soldiers whenever you can just get it done in other ways As soon as Trump was no longer in office things escalated because they realized that they didn’t have a Putin’s sympathizer in the oval office
  4. I absolutely do not see a problem with it As long as it’s not affecting his coaching
  5. They literally approved a right wing source of information in the schools to be taught in academics in Florida. I have no idea with this guy is talking about.
  6. Behind the scenes a lot of these actors are #######s I try not to let politics get in the way of a good movie I just understand that it’s not real Not the trafficking is not real that is, but their portrayal of it trafficking is a real issue
  7. Sure but only one of these men are actually dangerous whenever I compare the two I ask myself who what I really want having the nuclear football in their hands Donald Trump wanted to park submarines off of the Russian coast. Just let that sink in for a minute.
  8. You don’t want to be too old and you don’t want to be too young on a team. Veteran experience is important and being able to stay healthy is also important. Younger people tend to heal faster I know, because I am not young, and it takes me forever
  9. We good let somebody else tie up a huge contract into a running back The bills are doing it the right way
  10. Jack Smith absolutely has him the real question is how far do they want to take it? That’s why you’re not gonna see Ron DeSantis ever drop out of this race, until he absolutely knows that he’s going to lose The problem for Trump is all of the things that he’s doing right now in the media don’t do it thing for him in the coirt room in a court of law, he loses He’s stupid and arrogant
  11. You guys just don’t seem to get it California is overcrowded there’s literally too many people here as it is we will always take in the people that need a place to go because that’s California and there will always be people coming here
  12. I just think philosophically the Republicans have gone down the road that doesn’t end well for them at the ballot box. There will always be some areas that they will always win. I realize that, but the majority does not seem to be swinging their way. The abortion thing total loser at the ballot box. You’re not gonna take women’s rights away and win on that issue with the majority of Americans.
  13. I’m telling you this is gonna be a killer at the ballot box for the Republicans This is a very polarizing issue and wildly unpopular It’s simple Ron DeSantis is a true believer, love him or hate he believes in what he says Donald Trump is a grifter. He doesn’t really believe in anything except for lining his own pockets. He doesn’t care about anyone he wouldn’t piss on you if you were on fire. Which ever way the wind blows that’s beneficial for him. That’s the way he’s going. He has absolutely no real conviction.
  14. Bernard has the instincts and the dog in him I worry about him, holding up over the course of the season, but I am definitely rooting for him
  15. I don’t know, but Wilson didn’t play well in any of those games. The Jets team won those games. Meaning their defense mostly w0n it
  16. It’s cool that they’re showing the run stops because we know that this guy can blitz we’re not seeing that part of his game yet When you consider that this was one of the biggest fears we had going into the season, things are rounding out quite nicely Would still bring up Kirksey to back him up
  17. I love it whenever bills players make posts here look silly You speak too soon
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