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John from Riverside

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Everything posted by John from Riverside

  1. The only problem that I’ve got with the Cassidy Hudson book is if you’ve got something to say don’t wait and then do a book later get it out there whenever it could actually mean something Like the whole thing with Giuliani supposedly being inappropriate touching where was this whenever it actually happened
  2. What bombshell Why do I get the feeling that you would suck Dan Bongino’s dick if you got the opportunity
  3. If he tampered with that information, that’s pretty bad
  4. This must be true, seeing as how there is never been an actual real investigation into the Kushner’s
  5. I believe there should be some due process here. The allegations against him are pretty bad, but they should be proven. I’ve actually met Russell couple times back when he was married to Katy Perry a friend of the family
  6. I disagree that he isn’t playing well there are a lot of right tackles in the league they get that same kind of help And he isn’t getting help on every play
  7. I don’t know what their choices are it’s not like you’re going to find a starting QB this late end of the season They don’t have a starting quarterback that’s able to play He never should have came running out of the tunnel, waving the American flag God was watching
  8. Yea Simon I don’t agree with that Has he even given up a sacked this year? I never understood this line of thinking if the player improves and they’re young why would you trade away something that you actually need for your team yourself? I mean, it’s not like any of this is going to happen the bills obviously love Spencer Brown they stuck with him through his injury and his poor play
  9. You’re so funny Donald Trump was literally getting his buddies out of jail that were indicted and imprisoned Donald Trump is the republican party right here right now It’s not even Biden saying that he should stay. He’s just not saying anything. Meanwhile, Trump is full blown authoritarian in this area.
  10. I know a lot of people want to cut Gabe Davis loose but I really love the players that we actually draft and keeping them on the team. Hope he can put up a big year. By the way, Stefon Diggs a ***** animal all that guy cares about is winning. That’s it can’t even joke on the sidelines. He’s just too mentally dialed in.
  11. There is no in season solution. If something happens to brown, it’ll be a ifede I think Browns playing OK yes he’s getting help
  12. I am punished by my talk to text
  13. It’s amazing there were posters hear that wanted to get rid of him That’s why we sit in the stands or in our easy chairs That’s a beautiful way of looking at it unless the player plays lights out against the best opposition you can’t give them any credit You must be a blast at parties
  14. I knew a guy I served with in Iraq that did this every day
  15. Was there a condemnation of the Republicans that are ***** up this year? From the White House did Donald Trump ever call from one of his idiot ***** ups to resign? Bottom line Democrats called for him to resign Bottom line Republicans did not call for their ***** ups to resign
  16. We went from being a Linebacker Louis team, except for Milano to actually being pretty good. I throw Dorian Williams into that because I think that he is also a very good player.
  17. I used to be upset he wasn’t on state farm
  18. I’m still trying to figure out how general Flynn got as far as he did in the military we have some wackos, but they got a conceal it pretty well to get to General status
  19. Yeah, I know Democrats don’t resemble Nazis in the way that Republicans do Fealty to a leader, who can do whatever he wants that seems like more of a Republican thing The mental gymnastics that you have to go through for your opinions is absolutely amazing I just think that narratives get made up about posters here because they don’t really want to do their homework Who out of the left leaning or center posters here actually supported BLM riots I’m trying to find them. I don’t really think they exist here. The riots were bad to destroy property reeked havoc people were hurt I don’t support that from anyone I do support black rights that doesn’t mean that I support rioting
  20. I think there is a misconception hear that really needs to be cleared up We’re not defending this guy If someone has committed a crime, they should go to jail doesn’t matter what side of the aisle they’re on
  21. What’s not being mentioned here there are three Democrats and now Pelosi who are calling for him to step down I know you’re not gonna mention that, so I just thought I’d throw that out there That’s what Democrats do they police their own. Meanwhile, the Republicans will look past everything so that they can try to hold onto power and they have shown that this year.
  22. Rooting for the kids to do well Still wouldn’t want him in favor of the position players, we have right now
  23. Why are people rooting for our offensive coordinator to fail?
  24. When you say something negative about a player, that’s literally the definition of bashing And he’s not playing OK the line literally did not give up a sack in the last game
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