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Tux of Borg

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Everything posted by Tux of Borg

  1. I got myself two posters.... only 200 left!
  2. I need the 10 page answer. Preferably before Monday morning at 8:30am. A refusal to take a breathalyzer can be used as an omission of guilt in court. However, most DUI lawyers will recommend you don't take one. It's not impossible to get a breathalyzer thrown out in court. Improper usage by police officers, as well as false positives are not uncommon. (damn research papers)
  3. I think the owners have the upper hand here. Who the hell wants to see Satan play? Half the time he's on the ice just going through the motions. Drop the ticket prices and bring in the replacement players.
  4. Anybody who comes out of Penn State needs a crash course on the last 50 years of football.
  5. Or it could have a Brett Farve affect on him.
  6. Darwin, On a DUI traffic stop, can a refusal for taking a breathalyzer be admissible in court, IF the person invokes his miranda rights.
  7. Going to be another long season for Norte Dame. Player List
  8. It depends on what you're pinging. A lot of ISP's use UBR's and filter out ICMP packets.
  9. Cable speeds (usually 3mb download, 256k upload) are faster than DSL. The downside is you are using shared bandwidth with your neighbors. So if your neighbor next door is running a kiddie porn server, your speeds will vary.
  10. I've had air freighted car parts sent to me from overseas. Pain in the ass getting that stuff through customs.
  11. Yes... it's all Bush's fault that our Health care system is all !@#$ed up. Don't blame the countless other administrations (rep and dem) that have done nothing to fix the problem. Also don't blame those who fake injuries so that they don't have to work. Don't get me started on ambulance chasers....
  12. bump (i'm on CW's payroll)
  13. I've had season tickets for the past 2 years. First year i sat at the 5 yard line down in the 100's. The second season i moved to the 45 yard line up in the 300's. Personally I liked sitting down lower and being able to yell unpleasant things at Antonio Brown. But you get a great view of the entire field siting up higher. I also got to see some lesbo action up in the 300's this season.
  14. Philip Rivers had a kid when he was at NC State. Willis may have difficulty mastering the English language, but he might be the world's greatest dad. You never know....
  15. In Erie county they would slap him with a 9% "right to strip" tax.
  16. Three words... The American dream. :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: Citizens Against Nude Juicebars, Pornography, and the Bill of Rights.
  17. I rather watch a Martha Stewart info commercial than an NBA game.
  18. I've had season tickets for the past two years. I plan on moving back down south after i graduate college, so I am enjoying my time here in Western NY.
  19. I get pulled over roughly once a month because I drive an import tuner. Not a big deal to me, cops get bored and want to take a look at my car.
  20. I never said it was her fault. However, I would not let my life rest in the hands of an Internal Affairs investigation. If the Los Angles police department kicked out an officer every time they got a complaint, the force would be empty. It appears that Ryan and Jessica were "more than friends". I would expect him to plead not guilty by means of temporary insanity. It worked for Lorena Bobbitt.
  21. I'd be surprised if a psychological profile turned up anything. Restraining orders in cases like this are worthless. She should have picked up and left when she had the chance.
  22. Thursday night is quarter drafts. I don't care if Sam Adams himself, pisses in the cup for that price. http://www.homedraftbeersystems.com/
  23. Songs for gay dogs...
  24. na... although my dad has taught there for roughly 27 years now.
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