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Tux of Borg

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Everything posted by Tux of Borg

  1. We'll soon find out how important Weis was to the patriots.
  2. It was so terrible that even the announcers picked up on it. 3 minutes left and down by 2 scores. Lets do long huddles and throw 3 yard passes to the RB.
  3. Hey Jude was #1 on the billboard charts for 9 straight weeks. The biggest hit ever for the Beatles. However, the performance didn't get me pumped up for the 2nd half.
  4. The commercials sucked. The half-time show sucked. Philadelphia needs to fire their time management coach. McNabb played like sh--. Do the eagles know what a 2 minute offense is?
  5. You missed your calling for queer eye for the straight guy.
  6. I thought the point of tickle/ringo and hi5.com was to see how many chicks you can get on your "friend" list.
  7. I use to work the midnight to 8am shift at the NOC. Patched servers, removed warez from the Win2000 servers recycling bin, and monitored porn sites for illegal content. I liked it because everytime a server crashed, i got to call the CTO and wake him up.
  8. I have 6 VCRs in this house. I tape as many college football games as i can, and watch them through out the week.
  9. (bump) They will be giving away 500 more posters in about 40mins. 9pm EST
  10. I actually had to google it myself. The technique described above was popular before the creation of alternate data streams. Now hackers can hide all their goodies in there. I might break out my old Solaris machine w/ war dialer tonight.
  11. What is t@gging? Online warez crews gain access to public FTP servers, using an OS foreign to Windows in order to create hidden dirs that often begin and end with an underscore or two initial underscores like ".-.-" known as reserved identifiers which are global and for the use of the compiler and very confusing for Explorer. Why create such directories? To hide and proliferate warez.
  12. My brother works in the abuse department for a major ISP. To answer the question, they don't care what you are downloading. The MPAA comes to them with a list of people IP's sharing copyright material. Your ISP will then change your modem's boot file so that you can't surf the Internet. You call in and they lecture you for 10 minutes. After that they turn you back on. Have people been wrongly accused of downloading copyright material? Absolutely.
  13. Star Trek has gotten progressively worse since TNG. DS9 wasn't worth watching until the war with the Dominion. Voyager and Enterprise just sucked. I think its time for a 10 year break.
  14. Some of us had to wait to be crowned king before we could leave.
  15. http://www.nypost.com/style/39213.htm Why not... she's only going to be wearing it for 2 hours anyways.
  16. I sent all my buddies a Chippendale calendar. A few days after that, they get the real package.
  17. I'm 27 and know I'll never see a dime of social security. My step-dad use to work for the IRS, and has told me stories about people becoming monks, just so that they wouldn't have to pay SS tax.
  18. I don't pay attention to the ruling of activist judges. This issue is on it's way to the supreme court.
  19. With the Nuge lovefest going on in this board, I doubt if anybody has considered drafting one. I'd like to see us bring in an O-Line from FA.
  20. (south park fans) Blame Canada!
  21. We can only hope the NBA is next. Although i must admit, Slam Ball is one of my guilty pleasures.
  22. I tried logging on at 9pm and the server was crapping out on me. I tried again at 9:05pm and was able to get in and order myself a poster.
  23. I met Joe Montana a few years ago. He goes around the country selling autographed merchandise now days.
  24. He's busy sitting under a tree with a $7 cappuccino singing kumbaya.
  25. Spoken like a true grunt. I would have been proud to serve under him.
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