Perhaps we need to start up a website. The revenue will go towards helping Ed regain his manhood. Hang in there Eddie, a Russian mail order bride is on her way!
Nobody has ever accused the Raider-nation of being intelligent. The NFL has a hard-on about expanding out of the US. The problem the NFL is going to face is hockey will always be the number 1 sport in Canada. Look at the MLB disaster up there. I can't even recall the last time the skydome was sold out. And the NFL wants to expand down to Mexico, are you kidding me? Mexicans are crossing the border to work for $2 an hour in the United States. You think they can afford a $50 ticket to see a football game.
It's amazing how many 18 year olds are put on that list for having sex with their 17 year old girlfriend. Talk about having your highschool sweetheart ruin your life.
When I was on active duty they wanted us to log 30 miles per week. Depending on what was going on that week, sometimes we ran more, sometimes we ran less.
This is what you want to give the girls when they are over at your house. It tastes great, look pretty and well get them really buzzed.
Sex on the Smurf's beach...
2 shots of sour mix
1 shot of tequila
1 shot of vodka
1 shot bacardi rum
blue food coloring