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Tux of Borg

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Everything posted by Tux of Borg

  1. TD introduced Mike Martz's to the concept of airport security.
  2. Seriously... have you ever talked to a girl without first giving her your credit card number.
  3. Mony, Mony.... "Get laid mother!@#$er/Get laid, get !@#$ed!"
  4. Does this auction include TD taking the lucky winner to the prom...
  5. On the drive home from school I heard a Kelly Holcomb interview on the radio. He came off as being a big team guy. He was like, a lot of guys would say they look forward to being JP's mentor, but I really mean it. I will do whatever it takes to help this team win. He went on to say that Parrish was, "lighting fast" and will cause a lot of mismatches in the slot
  6. But can this guy kick in Buffalo in the middle of December.
  7. TD tried to sign Kirstie Alley to replace Phat Pat.
  8. We had a gang related murder trail where I use to live. They kidnapped 3 girls from a local Hardees and planed to execute them on someone's front yard. The first girl begged them not to shoot her, so they sliced her throat and let her bleed out. They popped the 2nd girl in the head with a pistol. Somehow the 3rd girl got away and later IDed the gang members who did it. Crazy stuff...
  9. I'll say a prayer as well...
  10. Fan attendance last year... Bills:574,399 Packers: 564,400 Ravens: 558,594 Patriots: 550,048 Eagles: 540,870 Raiders: 518,271 Dallas: 510,892 (america's team) Steelers: 507,385 Colts: 456,791 Raiders: 405,936
  11. And for those who don't think Angelina Jolie is hot... another pic
  12. Good… now give him to our friends in Sudan for a friendly interrogation.
  13. He was on the smurfs too!
  14. You mean Wednesday isn't hump day after all.
  15. The McGahee pimp-slap... somebody needs to copyright that.
  16. When i'm at home and on my parents' AOL, i can't get to TBD unless I use the 'A' record "www". At school i get the test page every so often. Usually just hitting refresh fixes the issue.
  17. I wonder if Kevin Poston got a percentage of Winslow's bonus. Give me back the money, bytch.
  18. I haven't listen to Howard in a week or two. From the posts on this board, it sounds like the show is going down the stevestojaner. He says he reads the posts on the wall every so often. Maybe he will take a hint.
  19. My brother lets his 7 and 9 year old daughters watch Friday the 13th and movies like that. They know its fake and aren't any worse off for watching it.
  20. Bluto: "TD took the bar! The whole !@#$ing BAR!!"
  21. Maybe they can get Hulk Hogan to MC it.
  22. You're correct, he didn't get up.
  23. http://uk.news.yahoo.com/050429/325/fhozs.html Bid to shut website showing Pope as Nazi Fri Apr 29, 2005 03:35 PM ET ROME (Reuters) - Rome judicial authorities sought a temporary injunction on Friday against an Internet site which carried doctored photographs of Pope Benedict dressed in a Nazi uniform.The crude photomontages of the head of former German Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger on the body of a man wearing a swastika armband and standing in front of a Nazi flag were posted 10 days ago on the Italian branch of the international news and opinion site, Independent Media Centre (www.indymedia.org). Rome investigating magistrate Salavtore Vitello said in a statement the pictures violated a national law prohibiting defamation of the Catholic Church. Vitello said he was also considering taking action against the owners of the site for insulting the authority and honour of the Pope himself. Ratzinger served in the Hitler Youth, a Nazi paramilitary organisation, in World War Two when membership was compulsory for young Germans. He was soon released to study for the priesthood and his biographers have said he was never a member of the Nazi Party and his family opposed Hitler's regime. Jewish leaders and human rights groups have welcomed his election as Pope and his anti-Nazi roots. Judicial sources in Rome said the Indymedia site was registered in Brazil and it was not immediately clear how the injunction, if granted, would be put into effect. The Italian arm of the Independent Media Centre, whose site is a forum for hundreds of contributors around the world on issues ranging from anti-globalisation to gay rights, could not be reached for comment.
  24. We can't have a topic about Winslow Jr without showing the hit! Winslow Clip
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