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Tux of Borg

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Everything posted by Tux of Borg

  1. This has been the offseason from hell for agent Drew Rosenhaus.
  2. The same Sean Taylor who couldn't say his ABC's during a DUI stop.
  3. Is that a throwback uniform?
  4. No sh--, can the mods please pin this next to the american idol/hot pockets thread. It was cute the first 30 times it was posted.
  5. I think they're worried that this will set a precedent for future graduations.
  6. Time for a Foamy Rant...
  7. All my friends in the 82nd airborne and 75th ranger regiment had body armor. The news media loves to interview troops in support units. They break down and cry because they don't have the latest and greatest grunt gear. Don't believe everything you hear on the news...
  8. Spending $7 for a cup of water down draft beer should be a felony.
  9. Will Ramius ever send me a pic of girls tanning in front of the "Welcome to Tallahassee" sign?
  10. I'm sure the feminist movement is up in arms that Avril Lavigne, Lita Ford and Jewel were left off the list.
  11. I thought Lenny Kravitz was suppose to be the next Hendrix.
  12. The paratroopers moto... "when in doubt, whip it out".
  13. Or you could give up teaching to become an Army Ranger.
  14. Dimebag, Slash, Zack Wylde, Kerry King, George Lynch... i'm sure there are a lot of others that should be on that list that i am forgetting.
  15. You Jedi need to lay of those peanut M&Ms.
  16. I drank excessive amounts of alcohol when I was in the military. I could stumble in at 4am and be ready for a 12 mile run at 5am. Don't know if I could do that now days. I never developed a beer belly. Guess I am lucky.
  17. Vick is the most overrated player in the league. Granted his offensive line gives him about 3 seconds to throw the ball. But due to his lack of accuracy, he really needs a Randy Moss type player on that team.
  18. You forgot to list the Pam Anderson and Paris Hilton home movies coming out this summer. I've seen star wars and the longest yard already. I'll probably go see Batman and War of the Worlds before the end of the summer.
  19. When your home has wheels, you have to cut back where you can.
  20. In other news.... TracyLee was arrested for hiring a stripper for her 16 year old son's birthday party. Article
  21. You know what really pisses me off. When you're going 60 in a 55 and somebody decides to pass you. Once they get in front of you they slow down to 50mph. WTF are these idiots thinking.
  22. http://www.nbc30.com/nbc30/4534143/detail.html Convicted Rapist Allowed To Be Foster Parent, Adopt Child WATERTOWN, N.Y. -- Authorities are investigating how a convicted rapist was allowed to serve as a foster parent to as many as 50 children before his past was discovered. State laws prohibit all convicted felons, particularly those convicted of sex crimes or crimes of violence, from being foster parents or adopting children, except in rare instances. But Nicholas Chaney told WWNY-TV in Watertown Tuesday that he may have cared for as many as 50 foster children since late 2001 and even adopted a child while living in upstate New York. Chaney said he listed his felony sex crime conviction on his foster parent application form when he signed up in November 2001. According to authorities in Oregon and Washington state, Chaney was convicted in 1989 of two counts of third-degree rape. Chaney told the television station he had been convicted of having sex with a 16-year-old girl. Brian Marchetti, a spokesman for the state's Office of Children and Family Services, said the agency began an investigation Wednesday into why the Jefferson County Social Services Department approved Chaney's foster parent application. "We are treating this matter very seriously," he said. "Children's safety and well-being are always our top priority. Every child deserves to be protected from sexual predators." Jefferson County Sheriff's deputies are also investigating whether Chaney broke New York law by not registering as a sex offender when he moved to the state, Lt. Michael Petersen said. In the TV interview, Chaney said he had not known he was required to register in New York, but did so recently after he received a warrant for failing to. Chaney, his wife, their three biological children and the adopted child have moved away from the Watertown area, the Watertown Daily Times reported Wednesday. A 17-year-old foster child was taken from their care last week, the TV station reported. The family's whereabouts could not be ascertained Wednesday. Watertown is about 70 miles north of Syracuse.
  23. Terry Porter should have never been a factor. Miami was faster, more talented, and more experienced. I'm not saying OSU was a bad team, but that Miami team was loaded with playmakers and 1st round picks.
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