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Tux of Borg

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Everything posted by Tux of Borg

  1. Tom Donahoe's order to "save the postage", has cost post office employees thousands of potential overtime hours.
  2. The local strip club has a help wanted sign out front. I heard you work for tips there.
  3. I think this is a good pick up for Notre Dame. Vaas was the RB coach under Lou Holtz in the early 90's. Plus he's spent the past 8 years developing young players in NFL Europe. http://und.collegesports.com/ot/nd-newstand.html
  4. Who cares about team gear. NFL Attendance (2004) Team/Total Attendance Buffalo..........574,399 Green Bay.....564,400 Baltimore.......558,594 New England..550,048 Philadelphia...540,870 Dallas............510,892 Pittsburgh......507,385 Indianapolis...456,791 Oakland.........405,936
  5. I've stopped listening to Howard as well. If I was the management at WGR, I'd be on the phone trying to get his old producer and Ricky J back. Get back that chemistry that worked so well for empire.
  6. Hockey started to go down hill when more teams adopted New Jersey's style of play.
  7. Like how she's vowed to save Niagara Falls AFB.
  8. I was thinking the same thing. I found an article on google saying she filed a lawsuit. However it didn't say if she won, lost, or if it was settled out of court.
  9. JP has given 110% to this team since joining it. He took a short break after the season ended and was right back here in Buffalo. That was before "this is my team" Bledsoe was cut. I don't expect him to have a great year, and he's going to have rookie mistakes. But I rather have him at the helm than Bledsoe.
  10. I'll nominate this as the feel good story of the day.
  11. She called him a racist cop in the video.
  12. Kirk would have never beaten the Borg.
  13. Fort Gillum (Atlanta) made the list to be closed as well. I spent some time there a few years back and hate to see it shutdown. But like Niagara Falls AFB, shutting it down saves money and won't impact our national defense.
  14. You have to admire the female dress code aboard Kirk's ship.
  15. Seeing all these pro-taser posts almost brings a tear to my eye. I guess you all aren't a bunch of bleeding heart weenies after all.
  16. I don't have a problem with modifying the CIB requirements to include other MOS's. If you are taking and returning incoming fire, you should be recognized with some sort of combat badge. My concern is the new CAB is going to be given away blindly. Given the direction of today's army, that's not a far fetched conclusion.
  17. PostSecret I wonder if Sue will send in a postcard saying, "I feel bad for letting the members of TBD do my homework for me".
  18. First they gave away the rangers beret. Then they opened up ranger school to all MOS. Now they want to give combat badges to pouges. What's next, special forces tabs for those who graduate basic training. How about a purple heart for those who scrap their knee. This is exactly what is wrong with the "feel good" army of today. Lower standards and no recognition to those who excel. http://www.armytimes.com/story.php?f=1-292925-827144.php
  19. I paid $100 for a pair of Ron Mexico cross trainers from Nike.
  20. Support/maintenance units are considered to be in the combat theater. However they are usually a good distance from the fighting. Do the Jessica Lynch's of the military need to have an m4 rifle, pac-4 laser, and 7 bravo night vision? Absolutely not. My company had one hummer assigned to it. It was so old, it had bullet holes from Panama in it. But it made it through Panama, Haiti, Kosovo, and Afghanistan without having any armor on it.
  21. And then Tom Cruise infected Katie Holmes with herpes.
  22. Not to take away from your original post but this is sick. Jamestown man charged with sexually molesting little girl and streaming the abuse, live, on the internet. news video
  23. Miami by far... although Chris Rix has given us some memorable stories over the years. Just ask his biggest fan, Ramius.
  24. You got to talk to drunken JP and you didn't suggest he visit our message board!
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