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Tux of Borg

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Everything posted by Tux of Borg

  1. smbmount //tivoserver/rams_game /home/detoxsmurf/rams_game -o username=detoxsmurf,password=blahblahblah I left the unix/sysadmin field a few years ago for a number of reasons. One, being a unix admin was no longer challenging to me. Two, the job security just wasn't there. The number of qualified people to do that job has jumped over the past few years. So I decided to go back to college for a degree in economic crime and computer forensics. Who knows if that was a good idea or not...
  2. TD made me spend $14 to see the worst movie of the summer, war of the worlds.
  3. 8 weeks till the start of the season. 9/5 Miami at Florida State.
  4. I've been to UNC, NC State, Miami and Syracuse. I can honestly say I had a blast at all of them. I am dying to visit south bend to see a Notre Dame game. However my budget won't allow for that.
  5. It was the same way when I was in the military. I remember them bringing a stripper back to the barracks. They would line up in the hallway to have a turn with her. Ironically, they would all line up to go to the clinic later on. Stupid !@#$ers...
  6. It can't be done... i've already tried.
  7. Maybe BF will send her some fan mail in prision.
  8. When I was in highschool we had a senior poll. We'd vote for who we though would become president or who was best dressed. I thought it would be fun to do the same thing here with a stadium wall twist. You can use the list below or create your own poll. Write-ins are encouraged. TBD Poll Most Respected: Most likely to become president: Most Conservative: Most Liberal: Most Artistic: Best personality: Our Einstein: Board Dreamboat: Most likely to read poetry: Most likely to design a bills helmet using crayons: Mr. Doom: Perfect couple: Most likely to start a LAMP:
  9. I wasn't a big fan of the 4th back when I was on active duty. They always had us committed to doing some sort of airborne/air assault show for a crowd. Either jumping out of a plane or fast roping out of a blackhawk. We'd manifest at 4am and TOT would be around noon. It was always dark by the time we got back and turned in weapons. I don't miss that one bit.
  10. http://www.abc.net.au/news/newsitems/200507/s1406693.htm Astrologist sues NASA over crash MOSCOW, Russia (Reuters) -- A Russian astrologist who says NASA has altered her horoscope by crashing a spacecraft into a comet is suing the U.S. space agency for damages of $300 million, local media has reported. NASA deliberately crashed its probe, named Deep Impact, into the Tempel 1 comet to unleash a spray of material formed billions of years ago which scientists hope will shed new light on the composition of the solar system. "It is obvious that elements of the comet's orbit, and correspondingly the ephemeris, will change after the explosion, which interferes with my astrology work and distorts my horoscope," Izvestia daily quoted astrologist Marina Bai as saying in legal documents submitted before Monday's collision. A spokeswoman for a Moscow district court said initial preparations for the case were underway but could not say when the hearing would begin. NASA representatives in Moscow were unavailable for comment.
  11. Why stop there... those African American kids look like they are up to no good.
  12. Then GWB21 calls the police and you get locked up for the night.
  13. You mean formerly rambled on this board.
  14. What's the best one line insult you have ever heard? It can be from the wall, a movie, or anywhere else you can think of. "your mom should have swallowed you"
  15. I honesty don't know what our legislatures are thinking. I think some of them are just too out of touch with today's society. The latest child porn law quickly comes to mind. It sounds great but it really does nothing to stop the problem.
  16. I've never considered MADD to be a charitable organization. They hide behind their tax free status and force their prohibitionist views on society.
  17. na-na-na-na, hey hey hey, goodbye
  18. Danica Patrick Picard would know what to do with her.
  19. JP-Era could volunteer his mom's basement as well. They could call it, short busers for Africa.
  20. Now he can shoot propane tanks and get away with it.
  21. The problem is this is not a sex crime. Being labeled a sex offender is something that will follow him his entire life. You can't tell me that they couldn't find something else to charge him with. They only have about 2 millions laws on the books to choose from. I guess members of scientology are the only ones allowed to grab a hold of someone and lecture them on right and wrong.
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