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Tux of Borg

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Everything posted by Tux of Borg

  1. http://msn.foxsports.com/nfl/story/5077672 Jackson: T.O. suspension 'much too severe' Associated Press Posted: 33 minutes ago PHILADELPHIA (AP) - The Rev. Jesse Jackson called the Philadelphia Eagles' punishment of Terrell Owens "much too severe." Jackson said in a statement released Friday that Owens could have been more professional when he publicly complained about his contract, his team and the Eagles' organization. But Jackson said Owens' suspension without pay for four games and deactivation for the rest of the season is "much too severe for the charge" and hurts the athlete's NFL career at its height. The civil rights activist said the level of punishment could have been warranted if Owens had been caught shaving points, selling drugs, carrying a gun or fighting fans without sufficient restraint. "This does not warrant a one-year ban from the game," Jackson said, adding that the Eagles should release Owens to the open market or free agency if they no longer want to associate with him. Ralph Nader, a consumer activist and former presidential candidate, has already called for the suspension to be rescinded. Owens was suspended last week after he said in an interview that the Eagles showed "a lack of class" for not publicly recognizing his 100th career touchdown catch, and that the team would be better off with Green Bay's Brett Favre as quarterback. He has since apologized.
  2. Tell the B word you're busy whipping up a batch of Retatta!
  3. Who cares about her ass. Well, unless you are VABills and that is eye level for ya.
  4. Like the antiwar crowd would ever let that happen. Probably encourage them to skip class and hold a protest outside of school.
  5. get the gun... get the gun... get the gun
  6. http://antivirus.about.com/od/virusdescrip...nypres.htm?nl=1 Sony President Defends Rootkit From Mary Landesman, November 7, 2005 In an interview with NPR reporter Neda Ulaby, the President of Sony BMG's Global Digital Business, Thomas Hesse, defends Sony's installation of a rootkit by declaring, "Most people, I think, don't even know what a Rootkit is, so why should they care about it?" It may be true that many people don't know what rootkits are (and if you are one of them, check out Rootkits Revealed to find out). But that doesn't mean they should not care - or would not care, if they understood the implications. They should care, Mr. Hesse, because rootkits hide the presence of programs, files, and other specified settings. In short, the user has no control over the programs or indeed any knowledge that they even exist on their system. And they should doubly care about the Sony rootkit, because with just the most trivial file naming convention, virus writers can leverage it to hide their viruses from antivirus and security scanners. In that same NPR interview, Mr. Hesse also claims that, "No information ever gets gathered about the user's behavior. No information ever gets communicated back to the user. This is purely about restricting their ability to burn MP3 files in an unprotected manner." In fact, as Mark Russinovich of SysInternals points out, not only does the rootkitted Player phone home, but "with this type of connection their servers could record each time a copy-protected CD is played and the IP address of the computer playing it." Of course, Sony BMG may be doing absolutely nothing with the data or the connection - but information is being communicated between the user's system and Sony BMG. It's just not clear whether Mr. Hesse knows about it - or whether he cares.
  7. !@#$ the independent investigation... let the CIA handle it.
  8. Video The guy in the background is classic.
  9. The left says: Muslims in France riot because they want to be free and enjoy the fruits of democracy. We should help them attain this goal. Then the left says: Muslims in Iraq don't want, nor could they handle, freedom and democracy. We shouldn't foist these foreign concepts on them. Huh?
  10. Eric Clapton & BB King - Three O'clock Blues (listen) Santana & SRV - Traffic Jam (free download)
  11. Spike also has slamball (basketball with trampolines)... for all you VABills of the world.
  12. I didn't know we had another intel guy on the board.
  13. Worf and Janeway could easily kick Picards and Kirks ass.
  14. Some people need a reminder why America is so great. NSFW!! America - !@#$ Yeah!
  15. Reprinted from NewsMax.com Michael Moore Owned Halliburton, Defense Stocks Jim Meyers Friday, Nov. 4, 2005 Filmmaker Michael Moore has made a career out of trashing corporations and said he doesn't own any stocks due to moral principle. How then did author Peter Schweizer uncover IRS documents showing that Moore's very own foundation has bought stocks in some of America's largest corporations – including Halliburton, other defense contractors and some of the same companies he has attacked? In his blockbuster new book "Do As I Say (Not As I Do): Profiles in Liberal Hypocrisy," Hoover Fellow Schweizer reveals the glaring contradictions between the public stances and real-life behavior of prominent liberals including Al Franken, Ralph Nader, Ted Kennedy, Hillary Clinton and Nancy Pelosi. [Editor's Note: NewsMax has a free offer for "Do As I Say" – Go Here Now.] But he reserves some of his sharpest barbs for Moore. In his first documentary "Roger & Me," Moore skewered General Motors, Schweizer points out. In "The Big One," he went after Nike and PayDay candy bars. "Bowling for Columbine" was an attack on the American gun industry. Oil companies played a major role in "Fahrenheit 911." His upcoming film "Sicko" pillories drug companies and HMOs. On his television shows "TV Nation" and "The Awful Truth," he criticized HMOs and defense contractors. He once said that major defense contractor Halliburton was run by a bunch of "thugs," and suggested that for every American killed in the Iraq war, "I would like Halliburton to slay one mid-level executive." Publicly, Moore has claimed he wants no part of these companies and won't own stock. In his book "Stupid White Men," he wrote: "I don't own a single share of stock." He repeated the claim in a 1997 letter to the online magazine Salon, saying: "I don't own any stock." Privately, however, he tells the IRS a different story, Schweizer discloses in his book. The year that Moore claimed in "Stupid White Men" that he didn't own any stock, he told the IRS that a foundation totally controlled by Moore and his wife had more than $280,000 in corporate stock and nearly $100,000 in corporate bonds. Over the past five years, Moore's holdings have "included such evil pharmaceutical and medical companies as Pfizer, Merck, Genzyme, Elan PLC, Eli Lilly, Becton Dickinson and Boston Scientific," writes Schweizer, whose earlier works include "The Bushes" and "Reagan's War." "Moore's supposedly nonexistent portfolio also includes big bad energy giants like Sunoco, Noble Energy, Schlumberger, Williams Companies, Transocean Sedco Forex and Anadarko, all firms that 'deplete irreplaceable fossil fuels in the name of profit' as he put it in ‘Dude, Where's My Country?' "And in perhaps the ultimate irony, he also has owned shares in Halliburton. According to IRS filings, Moore sold Halliburton for a 15 percent profit and bought shares in Noble, Ford, General Electric (another defense contractor), AOL Time Warner (evil corporate media) and McDonald's. "Also on Moore's investment menu: defense contractors Honeywell, Boeing and Loral." Does Moore share the stock proceeds of his "foundation" with charitable causes, you might ask? Schweizer found that "for a man who by 2002 had a net worth in eight figures, he gave away a modest $36,000 through the foundation, much of it to his friends in the film business or tony cultural organizations that later provided him with venues to promote his books and film." Moore's hypocrisy doesn't end with his financial holdings. He has criticized the journalism industry and Hollywood for their lack of African-Americans in prominent positions, and in 1998 he said he personally wanted to hire minorities "who come from the working class." In "Stupid White Men," he proclaimed his plans to "hire only black people." But when Schweizer checked the senior credits for Moore's latest film "Fahrenheit 911," he found that of the movie's 14 producers, three editors, production manager and production coordinator, all 19 were white. So were all three cameramen and the two people who did the original music. On "Bowling for Columbine," 13 of the 14 producers were white, as were the two executives in charge of production, the cameramen, the film editor and the music composer. His show "TV Nation" had 13 producers, four film editors and 10 writers – but not a single African-American among them. And as for Moore's insistence on portraying himself as "working class" and an "average Joe," Schweizer recounts this anecdote: "When Moore flew to London to visit people at the BBC or promote a film, he took the Concorde and stayed at the Ritz. But he also allegedly booked a room at a cheap hotel down the street where he could meet with journalists and pose as a ‘man of humble circumstances.'" That's hypocrisy with a capital H!
  16. Sony Rootkit Strikes Sour Note From Mary Landesman, November 1, 2005 If you've purchased a Sony-labeled music CD since March 2005 and used it on your PC, chances are it installed a rootkit that can be easily exploited by virus writers. By following a very trivial naming convention, virus writers can leverage the Sony rootkit to hide their viruses from antivirus and security scanners. The rootkit installed by Sony was first reported by Mark Russinovich of SysInternals, after he discovered it during routine tests of SysInternals' RootkitRevealer software. Mark was understandably skeptical when he first discovered the tell-tale signs of the rootkit on his highly protected system, "Given the fact that I’m careful in my surfing habits and only install software from reputable sources I had no idea how I’d picked up a real rootkit." Tracking the source Using a variety of SysInternal tools and technical know-how, Mark was able to track the rootkit to that seemingly reputable source - a Sony-labeled CD purchased from Amazon.com. Ironically, the CD that had installed the rootkit was aptly named "Get Right with the Man" by the Van Zant brothers. The Amazon.com listing for that CD does note that it is a "Content/Copy-Protected CD", but Amazon simply describes "Content/Copy-Protected CD" as: "This product limits your ability to make multiple digital copies of its content, and you will not be able to play this disc or make copies onto devices not listed as compatible. Content/ copy protected CDs should allow limited burning, as well as ripping into secure Windows Media Audio formats for playback with most compatible media players and portable devices. In rare cases, these CDs may not be compatible with computer CD-ROM players, DVD players, game consoles, or car CD stereos, and often are not transferable to other formats like MP3." The Sony licensing agreement (EULA) also minimizes the impact: "This CD will automatically install a small proprietary software program (the “SOFTWARE”) onto YOUR COMPUTER. The SOFTWARE is intended to protect the audio files embodied on the CD, and it may also facilitate your use of the DIGITAL CONTENT. Once installed, the SOFTWARE will reside on YOUR COMPUTER until removed or deleted." Detecting and removing the rootkit The EULA gives the impression the rootkit can be removed or deleted. Not only can it not be easily or automatically removed or deleted, it is not even possible to detect without special tools. To detect the presence of the Sony rootkit, use SysInternals RootkitRevealer or F-Secure's BlackLight. While RootkitRevealer and BlackLight can detect the presence of the Sony rootkit, they should not be used to remove it. Trying to do so may result in the CD drive becoming inaccessible or the rootkit persisting. To remove the Sony rootkit, Sony requires filling out a web form, providing purchasing and demographic details along with an email address, after which Sony will presumably email the necessary instructions. Preventing the Sony rootkit To prevent the installation of the Sony rootkit, avoid purchasing Sony-labeled music CDs or don't listen to them on your PC.
  17. I think he was suggesting that once Ralph passes on, TD will get the team.
  18. What Would Tedy Bruschi (We're not worthy!) Do? What would Tedy Bruschi (We're not worthy!) do if he were here right now? He'd make a plan and he'd follow through! That's what Tedy Bruschi (We're not worthy!)'d do! When Tedy Bruschi (We're not worthy!) was in the Olympics skating for the gold, He did two Salchows and a triple Lutz wearing a blindfold! And when Tedy Bruschi (We're not worthy!) was in the Alps, Fighting Grizzly bears, He used his magical fire breath, And save the maidens fair! So what would Tedy Bruschi (We're not worthy!) do if he were here today? I'm sure he'd kick an ass or two, That's what Tedy Bruschi (We're not worthy!)'d do! I want this V-chip out of me. It has stunted my vocabulary. And I just want my mom to stop fighting everyone. For Wendy I'll be an activist too, cause that's what Tedy Bruschi (We're not worthy!) do! And what would Tedy Bruschi (We're not worthy!) do? He'd call the kids in town And tell them to unite for true! That's what Tedy Bruschi (We're not worthy!)'d do! When Tedy Bruschi (We're not worthy!) traveled through time to the year 3010, He fought the evil robot king and saved the human race again! And when Tedy Bruschi (We're not worthy!) built the pyramids he beat up Kublai Kahn! Cause Tedy Bruschi (We're not worthy!) doesn't take sh-- from aaaaaanyyyyybooooodyyyy! So let's all get together! And unite to stop our moms! And we'll save Terrence and Phillip too! Cause that's what Tedy Bruschi (We're not worthy!)'d dooooooooooooooooooo... That's what Tedy Bruschi (We're not worthy!)'d do!
  19. Oh stevestojan... almost forgot a classic. South Park! 1) Kyles mom is a big fat B word. 2) Shut your !@#$ing face uncle !@#$er. 3) What would Brian Boitano do?
  20. Did everyone forget that she cant sing? That she lipsynced on SNL and made up all these lame excuses. That she STUNK it up at the Orange Bowl and got BOOED off the stage? Who is buying these albums... And why?
  21. The NFL has completed the transformation to the XFL.
  22. Are you sure you're not related to this genius.... Epic Thread!
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