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Tux of Borg

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Everything posted by Tux of Borg

  1. Nothing like streaming the slugs at work on a Saturday night.
  2. At least Britney hired the right people to do the thinking for her.
  3. Article and Photo Former teacher's aide accused of sex with student RAINIER, Ore. -- A former teacher’s assistant accused of having sex with a 15-year-old boy was indicted earlier this week, according to a Longview, Wash. newspaper. The Daily News reported that 35-year-old Christine Marie Johanson, who worked at Hudson Park Elementary School, allegedly had a sexual relationship with a freshman at Rainier Junior/Senior High School. Further, the indictment also alleges that Johanson forced the boy to have sex with her. She pleaded innocent Monday to 10 counts of third-degree rape, two counts of third-degree sodomy, 12 counts of second-degree sexual abuse and two counts of furnishing liquor to a minor, according to The Daily News. The district said Johanson was fired in September, and was ordered to stay away from the boy and the school. The case echoes that of an infamous former Pacific Northwest teacher and her student. Mary Kay Fualaau, then Mary Kay Letourneau, was convicted of child rape for having sex with her student in 1996. He was 13 at the time and later fathered two of her children. She served more than seven years in prison and was released in 2004. The two recently got married.
  4. My Webpage Backside firework prank backfires A man suffered internal burns when he tried to launch a rocket from his bottom on Bonfire Night. Paramedics found the 22-year-old bleeding, with a Black Cat Thunderbolt Rocket lodged inside him, when they attended the scene in Sunderland. He suffered a scorched colon and is now recovering in hospital, where his condition is described as stable. A spokesman for the North East Ambulance Service (NEAS) said the prank could have been fatal. Douglas McDougal, from the NEAS, said: "We received a call stating there was a male who had a firework in his bottom and it was bleeding. "He sustained fairly significant injuries in the fact that there's huge damage to that particular area." 'Beyond belief' Mr McDougal added: "Potentially it could have been a fatal incident. "There's a lot of major blood vessels round that area, so infection would probably be a huge problem for him. "And also the body naturally produces methane gas, so combine that with the firework and the exploding effect with methane's flammability - it certainly could have been a lot worse than it really was." A spokesman for the Firework Association described the bizarre prank as "beyond belief". He said: "We have spent a long time working with the government to create laws that make fireworks safer and better for the public. "This incident is very concerning but hopefully an isolated one." Northumbria Police said they were aware of the incident, which happened in the Dame Dorothy Street area of Monkwearmouth, but are understood not to be carrying out further inquiries.
  5. True, Rambo would have used an explosive arrow and made a big mess. I guess it's better the police used him as a bullet receptacle instead.
  6. http://www.ajc.com/news/content/shared-gen..._No_Pledge.html Calif. College Ends Pledge of Allegiance COSTA MESA, Calif. — Student leaders at a community college voted to drop the Pledge of Allegiance after a tense meeting in which one flag-waving pledge supporter berated them as anti-American radicals. Orange Coast College's student trustees voted Wednesday not to recognize the pledge, with three of the five board members saying it should be dropped from their meetings. Board member Jason Ball argued that the pledge inspires nationalism, violates the separation between church and state with the phrase "under God," and is irrelevant to the business of student government. He cited a 2002 San Francisco federal appeals court ruling — later dismissed by the Supreme Court on a technicality — that the pledge is unconstitutional when recited in public schools. Sophomore Chris Belanger, one of several students who attended the meeting to support keeping the pledge, waved an American flag and accused the board of "radical views and anti-Americanism." Coast Community College District spokeswoman Martha Parham said the decision was up to the students. "They run their own show, so to speak," she said.
  7. Let's not forget about the man who put Buffalo on the map Representing Buffalo in the pro football hall of fame!
  8. Ed, I'm sorry if I'm not a criminal rights advocate like yourself. If a robber has a gun and is threatening to kill me, I want the right to defend myself. FYI: The police had to use lethal force when apprehending the guy who robbed us.
  9. Recorded in 1977 and released in Feb of '78.
  10. What should be the official symbol for the city of Buffalo? It can be anything, a person, place, food.
  11. You're right, i'm sure I don't have as many gay friends as you.
  12. What do you think will happen to Iraq if we just pull the troops out? If it becomes a terrorist safe haven, we'll have to go back to finish the job. It's cool, let's just pass that problem onto our kids to worry about.
  13. It's 49% to 51% with votes still being counted. http://www.cnn.com/ELECTION/2006/pages/res...allot.measures/
  14. Youngbloodz talks about the shooting. http://boards.atlantafalcons.com/index.php?showtopic=198211
  15. Rachel Sterling!
  16. Nobody wants a piece of the Bad News Bills!
  17. Damn union workers.
  18. Rough year for the canes.
  19. Tara Warrens!
  20. I stood in line and listened to the “greatest generation” complain about how there was no instructions on how to vote.
  21. I voted to lower taxes and ban gay marriages.
  22. Do they still play Never Scared by Bone Crusher?
  23. I think you and JP-Era could have some really deep conversations.
  24. Hey Payton, need a commercial break?
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