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Tux of Borg

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Everything posted by Tux of Borg

  1. Tommy used to work on the docks
  2. I'm in the same boat. I had Sunday Ticket through my PS3 2 years ago and had Sunday Ticket through Madden 25 last year.
  3. I'm still kicking myself in the ass for not re-upping to go to Fort Rucker. Freakin' women!
  4. It is being reported that ISIS now has taken Al Muthanna chem complex.
  5. I'm on season 3 right now. Please tell me they kill off Kim Bauer.
  6. The George Lucus classic, Howard the Duck!
  7. HR 218 allows law enforcement officers to carry anywhere in the United States. There are some exceptions, mainly federal buildings, but most have lock boxes to secure your firearm in. A lot of these guys knew someone that died. God knows what they were exposed to when digging through the pile at ground zero. Let them carry their weapon inside the museum.
  8. Meanwhile the police officers that responded on 9/11 are being told they can't carry their firearm inside the museum.
  9. The supreme court ruling is California v. Ciraolo.
  10. The original law from 1926 was poorly worded and needed to be updated. The exception was made so vice officers could respond to a verbal offer from a suspected prostitute. This does not mean officers are allowed to engage in sexual penetration.
  11. There is an identify theft file in NCIC that law enforcement can add your name into. If law enforcement is dealing with someone using your name and DOB, it will alert them to possible identify theft.
  12. Why not go to a cash only / no insurance system for your routine doctor visits and operations. And carry a catastrophic policy for heart attacks, cancer and car accidents.
  13. According to nostradamus, this next pope will see us to the end of time.
  14. I forget what it is for him to find the tenant, do a background check, and have them sign the lease. I think it was a couple hundred which he takes out of the first months rent. After that he gets 10% of each months rent. Most months he collects rent, takes out his percent, and cuts me a check. But he does walk through of the properties, handles evictions and handles all the problems. Last summer one of my tenants had their AC go out on them. He got a guy out there right away to figure out what the problem was. When I got the call it was to inform me of the issue and to ok for the guy to fix it.
  15. Every few months I do a bulk order from Walmart.com. Free home shipping with orders over $45.
  16. I have rental property and have a property manager that takes care of them for me. He conducts background checks of tenants, does a walk through of a property every 6 months, as well as fixes property issues the same day the tenant calls and reports them. Our philosophy is the same, I rather rent for less money and get a quality tenant in there, rather than rent for more money and have a tenant that will tear the place up. Knock on wood, I haven't had any major tenant issues.
  18. We had a large number of illegal aliens leave our area too. I'm not sure if it was from the tough and somewhat Jim Crowish laws that were passed, if it was the economy, or perhaps a mixture of both which caused them to leave.
  19. It costs us $50 a day to house a person in county jail. The national average is closer to $100 a day. We offer a deal of 3 days counted for every 1 served if you are on the work detail and have good behavior. So a 3 week sentence could be shortened to week if you sign up.
  20. http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/topic/152982-simon-you-suck/ "Just want to get kicked off here for good! The Bills are dead and that Simon guy is so lame, I really believe he is a 40 year old virgin! Kiss my ass Simon!!" - Buffalo 66
  21. Right now the homeless, the poor, and illegal immigrants get free health care in America. Why not tax it and let them contriubte something instead of the cost shifting that goes on now.
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