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Tux of Borg

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Everything posted by Tux of Borg

  1. All I have to say is Lee Evans better be some sort of secret weapon for opening day.
  2. I still get chills when I think about that hit! Wow.... And don't forget about the "game of the year" when the Yanks beat the redsocks in extra innings.
  3. They really like to stick it to the fans. MLB.TV is just as bad. I live 6 hours away from NYC and am considered in the "blackout zone".
  4. This thing is a life saver. No more clicking through 150 channels trying to find the game I want to see. TV Schedule
  5. Platinum pack includes... 8x10 Signed Photo Personal letter from Vida Guerra Access to Exclusive Photo Gallery not seen on the WEB Signed Poster Behind the scene video Access to send/receive personal emails from Vida Guerra
  6. He can ride the kiddie rides with Travis Henry's girlfriend.
  7. He's the starting QB on my fantasy team as well. He might be overrated, but i have high hopes with him putting up some killer fantasy numbers!
  8. I'd use your final payment to rent a billboard on a local highway.
  9. She ranks up there with my girl Anna Kournikova.
  10. Holy stevestojan.... 7000 posts in one year! No wonder why we need a new server.
  11. This is a huge game for both teams. Chris Rix was quoted as saying, "I was perfect all week long for nothing... I was ontime for all my exams and didn't park in any handicap spaces".
  12. I'd give it 24 hours and see what the hurricane is doing then. I use to live in Myrtle Beach and I remember how fast a hurricane can change course. Just keep an eye on the news and if its coming for you.... run like hell.
  13. When did it become all right for "freedom fighters" to threaten to kill innocent children. If chechen rebels want to fight for independents... fine by me. But this stevestojan goes too far.
  14. When I was a sophomore in highschool someone set off an M80 in the bathroom. The following week a smoker put his cigarette out a toilet seat, causing it to catch fire. After that the administration boarded up all the boys bathrooms in the school.
  15. I support the Jamaican bobsledding team.
  16. As a fair word of warning... Adelphia is now shutting customers off who are downloading copyrighted movies. Before they were only shutting off the people who were sharing. This is a good article about getting mp3s from IRC. Downloading MP3s
  17. A teenage boy that is interested in explosives... what a surprise. Remember a few months ago when stevetojan posted about that kid who made a flame thrower. Flame Thrower Kids, especially boys are going to do stupid things. And now they have the Internet to give them step by step instructions.
  18. The Yankees should have never let Andy Pettitte and David Wells go. But the Yankees go through this slump every year. George Steinbrenner will get upset and exchange words with Torre. And while the media is busy covering that, the Yankees always come out of the slump.
  19. Ok.. now in this scenario, do the Tennis players still become super models?
  20. There was an article up on CNN.com about philly being interested.
  21. "Freedom of speech doesn't protect the speech you like, it protects the speech you hate." - Larry Flynt I never heard this quote until Ron Jeremy repeated it. Point being... there are always going to be Internet trolls. People that will say anything to get a rise out of you. Ignore it and it will go away.
  22. http://www.vikings.com/news_detail_OBJECTN...moves83004.html There goes the theory that anybody can play football.
  23. I would rather him say... we're brining in some O-line players to take a look at. Other then a Michael Vick, there really isn't any QB in the league that will play well behind our line. As for a backup... I'm hoping for a Rick Mirer.
  24. Only $3,600... the guy should be sentenced to a year in jail at a Syrian prison.
  25. Point 7. He won't cause a QB controversy like a Flutie would bring.
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