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Tux of Borg

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Everything posted by Tux of Borg

  1. I don't know how they do things now days. I have a buddy who was a recruiter in the early 90's. He said he received a printout of all eligible seniors, and he had to go down the list and call them one by one. The list was supposed to list all seniors and even had unlisted phone numbers on it.
  2. Why is the NFL the only sport that has its stevestojan together? They have a reasonable salary cap, and every team has the ability to be competitive. They couldn't ask for a better minor league system then the NCAA. The NCAA trains, develops and promotes these prospects for free. Then you have MLB, where teams in smaller markets are going bankrupt. The NHL is going to be locked out for a long time. And then their is the NBA, which has turned into a street ball joke.
  3. In the work pool I choose Arizona over New England. The cardinals cannot lose on Pat Tilman day!
  4. The article wasn't very specific. But lets say the Broncos knowing bent the rules for 3 years straight. They're punished by losing a 3rd rounder and a small tax write off to charity? Hell, the NCAA would take away all draft picks for 3 years. Limit them to one player off of wavier per year. And ban them from all post season play for the next 5 years.
  5. Vick put up crappy fantasy numbers last week. I benched him and am starting Vinny.
  6. We still sell out our games... even if we know we aren't going to make the playoffs. I have to agree with not having the most knowledgeable fans. In my section we had chicks making out, guys going on beer runs at key moments in the game. Most of the people through Henry was still running the ball in the 4th quarter.
  7. I'd like to see one of these things in person. But it does have the word scam written all over it.
  8. I was wondering how long before someone posted about tonight's game. Go Yanks.
  9. At that point I don't think he was being charged with a crime. At the start of the transcripts Kobe didn't know why he was there. I think the police just called him in for some routine questions. The Miranda warning doesn't have to be given until the person admits guilt or is being arrested. In that case, this would be a custodial interview and he would have the right to a layer.
  10. Kobe is a sleezeball that committed adultery on his wife. I don't think he raped that girl. There are just too many groupies out there begging to have sex with him. Who knows... I guess its our own fault for promting thug role modeles.
  11. If your boss asks... truth or dare. Choose dare!
  12. God Bless!
  13. I've always been a fan of the bad news bears.
  14. I'm cutting back on college football this weekend. Ohio State at North Carolina State ABC 3:30 p.m. I'll be flipping back and forth through these games. UAB at Florida State ESPN2 6:30 p.m. Notre Dame at Michigan State ESPN 7:00 p.m. Florida at Tennessee CBS 8:00 p.m. USC at BYU ESPN 10:00 p.m. I grew up a Noter Dame fan and when i migrated down to Raleigh, i became an NC State fan. This week i'm looking for an BUY upset of USC.
  15. Quick... someone call Geraldo Rivera.
  16. I think at this point in time, Shaud Williams is our 2nd best running back. Not like that matters... if Travis is hurt, Willis will be the one choosen to carry the work load.
  17. Easy tiger... despite being a losing team, the bills continue to sell out games.
  18. I took two computer classes just so i can post on TBD during class. That my friend, is called multi-tasking.
  19. If I knew you guys had a wall, I would have came over and signed it.
  20. I'm pissed off that the Jihad is now being fought over in Iraq and not on US soil. I'm pissed off because we now have an invading force near Sudan and Iran I'm pissed off because my kids won't have to deal with Saddam when they get older.
  21. I think Ty is on the bubble this year and needs to show he can win with this team. It might take a winning season and a return to the top 25 for him to keep his job. They play a very beatable team in Michigan State (7pm ESPN). A win against them might bump the Irish back into the top 25.
  22. The Cincinnati Bengal Cheerleaders.
  23. According to some of the posters here at TBD... Bush's national guard unit had the supercomputer WOPR (aka joshua). At the time it could have easily created the memo in question. "Care to play a game Dr. Falken."
  24. To put it in a military term... use the chain of command. Go in and talk to the teacher about it first. If that doesn't resolve the issue then go higher. If you go straight to the board of education, chances are you will piss off the principal and teacher.
  25. "Your kid spent the night at Michael Jackson's neverland ranch, and all he got for it was Tom Brady's pink panties."
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