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Tux of Borg

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Everything posted by Tux of Borg

  1. No wonder why the refs were making such bad calls and picking up flags.
  2. When I was on active duty I took the AFAST (Army Flight Aptitude Screening Test) and came close to reenlisting to be a helicopter pilot. However, I fell in love with a pre-med student going to duke. I couldn't handle the thought of going to Korea for a year, then state side for a year. Doing that back and forth for the next 8 years. So I got out and dated the girl. Now I wish I stayed in.
  3. There is plenty of blame to go around. What we are seeing now is the team collapsing on itself. The finger pointing has begun and will continue for the rest of the season. McGahee - Our RB averaged 3.7 yards a carry today. Most were from McGahee bouncing to the outside and stiff arming a defender. Bledsoe - Tried to force the ball and ended up with 4 interceptions. O-Line - Didn't open up any holes and it seemed like someone was always getting beat. However, it appears like they are giving Bledsoe more time to throw the ball. Not a ton, but enough for him to throw it down field. Coaching - The play calling was terrible. The screen pass wasn't there the first 3 times we tried it. Why were we trying it for a 4th time? Reed - He makes a great catch and then goes back to his usual self. Defense - Other then Fletcher's stupid personal foul penalty, they didn't play horrible.
  4. What did Bledsoe end up with, 4 interceptions? Two were tipped and the others were thrown into double/tripple coverage. Our QB of the future is coming off an injury, why rush him? With the way our O-line plays, JP will break his other leg and be out the rest of the season. I agree, time to bite the bullet and let the rookies play. I much rather watch Evans and McGahee play and get excited about our future. However, I can't justify putting in JP until he is 100%.
  5. I was able to login there... frez was in there.
  6. Top Gun came out when I was in 3rd grade. My parents said I couldn't see it because I wasn't old enough. I bugged the stevestojan out of them for an entire year. Finally they gave in and rented it for my birthday, although they did fast forward through some parts. After that my childhood was all top gun. They bought me this top gun jacket and we even took a family vacation to the Naval Academy in Annapolis. My mom was a radio news reporter and I got to know the local congressmen pretty well. They were all for trying to get me in. You can imagine my heartbreak when I was told I needed glasses. (this was before laser eye surgery) I was crushed!
  7. Is it scarier than the Paris Hilton video?
  8. Only if you count interceptions.
  9. Damn... we are at the bottom of the list! Lets go people.
  10. Right now I'm listening to Intergalactic off of hello nasty. Although i have all their albums on CD and/or cassette.
  11. A Miami RB running over a Florida State DB. Never seen that before....
  12. I love import tuner girl Nikki Zeno! Nikki Zeno
  13. This isn't a porno... I can't just walk up to her and say,"hey baby, they call me Muhammad al smurf... hung like a smurf, sting like a bee". We're lab partners and I've been working the friend angle on her. She's not stuck up and will say hi to me when she passes in the hallway. This is one of those girls that you have to do your research on. Don't you worry... I'll get the digits!
  14. Honestly I don't know. I was busy doing the lab for her. I think she was more/less window shopping. I saw her in the computer lab after class but chickened out and didn't sit by her.
  15. I've been after this girl since day one... she's got an Anna Kournikova thing going on. Imagine my surprise to see her shopping for some battery operated toys in the middle of class. I love college!
  16. (kicking himself) The name is on the tip of my tongue and I can't think of it. There is a place in Atlanta that was called Buffalo something. The inside was filled with Bills, Sabers and Bison apparel. Ask around, they are known for their hot wings.
  17. I was just about ready to say the same thing. For all you deprived people out there... yesterday in my Java programing class, the girl next to me was shopping for adult novelty items online. Now back to weather...
  18. My old roommate in the army went to highschool with Britney. He didn't care for her and called her a stuck up B word, always too good to talk to you.
  19. We barely beat the worst team in the NFL and you guys think we are a .500 team. Granted the Jets are overrated and anything can happen on any given Sunday, but we are not going to beat the jets. Why, because our offense still hasn't shown any consistency. Whereas the Jets have been able to go on long sustained drives all season long.
  20. I'm having trouble breathing....
  21. The two teams with highest payroll met in the ALCS. Big surprise... i'm all for a salery cap.
  22. I can’t pull myself to vote for Kerry. The guy starts off every sentence with, “I have a plan”, and then never gives you any specific details. Maybe he is coached to say that, but to me he comes off as just another politician saying anything to get a vote. How exactly do you cut middle class taxes, balance the budget, fix social security, medicare and all the other wonderful things he has promised. The simple answer is he can’t. His 20 year record in congress speaks for itself. As far as national security goes, his plan of getting other countries like France to come to Iraq is a joke. I don’t know how he can tell those stories about soldiers not having body armor when he voted against the bill that will supply it to them. Bush may be a terrible president, but this guy is much worse.
  23. Then you have bums like me who make $0 and contribute nothing to society.
  24. Guess George will be able to recover from his tennis elbow after all.
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